All About Computers - Thessalonikis 26

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Thessalonikis 26, Nea Moudania 632 00, Greece

Εξαιρετικός γνωστης. Άψογη εξυπηρέτηση, ταχύτατη παράδοση και πολύ καλές τιμές. Τους συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα!!!!
Excellent acquaintance. Flawless service, fast delivery and very good prices. I highly recommend them !!!!
Georgi Pavlov on Google

Изключителни професионалисти! Много надежден сервиз! Highly specialized professionals! Reliable service. I highly recommend it. Преди три години за първи път се обърнах към тях- имах лаптоп Дел с проблем в дънната платка. В София , в официалния сервиз ми дадоха оферта за 400 евро. В сервиза All about computer, Неа Муданя, ремонтираха дънната платка за 120 евро и до ден днешен работи… Винаги с удоволствие се обръщам към този сервиз, вкл. за техническа подръжка и на мобилни телефони.
Exceptional professionals! Very reliable service! Highly specialized professionals! Reliable service. I highly recommend it. Three years ago, I first turned to them - I had a Dell laptop with a problem with the motherboard. In Sofia, the official service gave me an offer for 400 euros. The All about computer service, Nea Moudania, repaired the motherboard for 120 euros and it still works to this day… I am always happy to turn to this service, incl. for technical support and mobile phones.
Papa Kilo on Google

Εξαιρετικός συνεργάτης, συνεπής, γνώστης του αντικειμένου του με εξαιρετικές τιμές σε όλα του τα αναλώσιμα και μη.Συστήνεται ανεπιφύλακτα!
Excellent partner, consistent, knowledgeable of its subject with exceptional prices on all its consumables and non-recommended. Highly recommended!
Giannis Boletis on Google

Χρειάστηκε να πάω τον υπολογιστή μου καθώς δεν δούλευαν τα γραφικά. Παρόλο που χρειάστηκε να πάω δύο φορές τον υπολογιστή το κατάστημα δεν με χρέωσε τίποτα παρόλο που χρειάστηκε αρκετός χρόνος τους, για να διαγνωσθεί τελικά ότι έφταιγε η μητρική. Οπότε όντως δεν χρεώνουν την διάγνωση και έδειξαν αρκετή υπομονή και ασχολήθηκαν με το πρόβλημα μου χωρίς να με χρεώσουν ευρώ. Μπράβο στα παιδιά!
I had to go to my computer as the graphics were not working. Although I had to go to the computer twice, the store did not charge me anything, although it took them a long time to finally diagnose that the motherboard was to blame. So they really do not charge the diagnosis and they showed enough patience and dealt with my problem without charging me euros. Well done to the children!
Axilleas Xaralampidis on Google

Πήγα το κινητό μου για φτιάξιμο πλακέτας, αρχικά μου είπαν ότι ο έλεγχος είναι δωρεάν (απλά πατάνε το power) και μετά μου λένε 20€ για να προχωρήσουμε οκ λέω μετά από μερικές μέρες και μια αλλαγή κονεκτορα που μου είπαν μου λένε δεν φτιάχνετε το περνώ πίσω και μετά από λίγο καιρό ενώ το είχα αγγελία για πούλημα ο αγοραστής ήθελε φωτογραφια από την πλακέτα η οποία είναι στην φωτογραφία που ανέβασα και λείπουν τα προατατευτικα από τα τσιπάκια, τους λέω τι έγινε και μου λένε ότι δεν τα έχουν τους είπα ότι πρέπει να τα αντικαταστήσετε και με γράψανε κανονικά και δεν πούλησα και το κινητό. Με λίγα λόγια μην πάτε ΠΟΤΕ σε αυτό το μαγαζί μακριά!!
I went to my cell phone to make a board, first they told me that the test is free (they just press the power) and then they tell me 20 € to proceed ok I say after a few days and a change of connector they told me they do not fix it I pass back and after a while while I had an ad for sale the buyer wanted a photo from the board which is in the photo I uploaded and the protectors are missing from the chips, I tell them what happened and they tell me that they do not have them I told them to replace them and they wrote me normally and I did not sell the cell phone. In short, NEVER go to this store away !!
Steve anastasiadis on Google

High quality services!!
Strοngylis Dionysios on Google

Good service. Fixed my phone that wasn't charging relatively quick and for a good price. A lit bit problematic in communicating. Recommended
Eric Mörth on Google

My FPV drone had two loose cables. Brought it to All About Computers, amazing service, very confident and exoerienced staff, decent price and the best, the drone worked again afterwards! Thumbs Up!

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