Body In Motion - Rehabilitation & Sports Training - Irodotou 5

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Contact Body In Motion - Rehabilitation & Sports Training

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Irodotou 5, Athina 106 74, Greece

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Postal code : 106
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Irodotou 5, Athina 106 74, Greece
Antigoni Chanteli on Google

Ο Δημήτρης είναι ένας εξαιρετικός επαγγελματίας με ουσιαστικές γνώσεις πάνω στο αντικείμενο του! Συνεργαστήκαμε εξ αποστάσεως, καθώς μένω στο εξωτερικό και ο στόχος ήταν η βελτίωση της στάσης του σώματος μου και παράλληλα να χάσω βάρος ενδυναμόνωντας παράλληλα το σώμα.Είδα εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα άμεσα καθώς ήμουν και εγω πολύ πειθαρχημένη στο πλάνο. Οι ώμοι μου σταμάτησαν να γέρνουν μπροστά,βελτιώθηκε αισθητά η κύφωση μου και παράλληλα έχασα βάρος. Αυτός ο συνδυασμός με βοήθησε να αλλάξει άμεσα το σώμα μου και να φαίνομαι εντελώς διαφορετικά. Σας συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα την μέθοδο του Body In Motion, έγω έμεινα παραπάνω από ευχαριστημένη! Όλο το team του Δημήτρη στο Body In Motion είναι πολύ καλά εκπαιδευμένο, θα τους επέλεγα ξανά και ξανά χωρίς αμφιβολία.
Dimitris is an excellent professional with essential knowledge on his subject! We worked remotely, as I live abroad and the goal was to improve my posture and at the same time to lose weight while strengthening the body. I saw excellent results immediately as I was also very disciplined in the plan. My shoulders stopped leaning forward, my kyphosis improved significantly and at the same time I lost weight. This combination helped me to instantly change my body and look completely different. I highly recommend the Body In Motion method, I was more than happy! The whole team of Dimitris in Body In Motion is very well trained, I would choose them again and again without a doubt.
Elena Tassopoulou on Google

Θα είστε τυχεροί αν βρεθείτε στον χώρο του Body in Motion και συνεργαστείτε με το Δημήτρη και την ομάδα του. Ξεκίνησα να γυμνάζομαι πριν από περίπου 8 μήνες και η διαφορά που έχω δει είναι θεαματική, τόσο στο σώμα όσο και στον τρόπο σκέψης μου. Στην πρώτη μας συνάντηση ο Δημήτρης μου τόνισε πως υπάρχει δανειστική βιβλιοθήκη στον χώρο, με βιβλία που αφορούν το well-being και προάγουν το θετικό τρόπο σκέψης, κάτι το οποίο με εξέπληξε ευχάριστα. Η ολιστική αντιμετώπιση αυτή διέπει τόσο την άσκηση όσο και την αποκατάσταση των τραυματισμών. Λόγω της καθιστικής δουλειάς μου έχει χρειαστεί αρκετές φορές να κάνω και θεραπείες, για να αντιμετωπίσω πόνους στην πλάτη, και η ανακούφιση ήταν άμεση. Τους συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
You will be lucky if you are in the field of Body in Motion and collaborate with Dimitris and his team. I started exercising about 8 months ago and the difference I have seen is spectacular, both in my body and in my way of thinking. In our first meeting, Dimitris stressed to me that there is a lending library in the area, with books that concern well-being and promote a positive way of thinking, something that pleasantly surprised me. This holistic approach governs both the exercise and the recovery of injuries. Due to my sedentary work I have had to do several treatments to treat back pain, and the relief was immediate. I highly recommend them.
Angela Derou on Google

Dimitri has put together a very professional team, keen on assisting, either with a variety of physical therapy techniques in order to resolve a situation and relieve pain or with targeted exercises in order to help ameliorate one's fitness level and achieve balance between strength and aesthetics. I very highly recommend Dimitri and his team.
O. M. H. on Google

I ve had several trainers and physiotherapists over the years. I ve finally found the most professional one. Dimitri is super supportive, uplifting and understands the needs of your body immediately. Having the right trainer by my side was the key to achieve my goals. Dimitri provides all the necessary knowledge, passion and equipment needed. His effort and quality of his work makes training with him exceptional. Highly recommended !
Revekka Palaiologou on Google

I have trained with many personal trainers and visited many physiotherapists over the years but I have never met anyone as knowledgeable, skilful and expert as Dimitris. Dimitris has the rate talent of actually understanding in depth human physiology and body movements. He not only understands your specific body needs and makes a tailor made program for you to target them but he changes the angles and the way your perform each exercise making it a complete new experience. Being a very athletic person myself, I was shocked when we started exercising together from the difference I saw in myself in a very short time. As I am suffering from back pains, I have been to different physiotherapists over the years with no major improvement, Dimitris was the only one who understood the root cause of the issue and helped me fight it with proper strengthening exercising and physio. Moreover, he is really a great guy, super energetic and always with a big smile on his face - even when he repeats the same things for the 100th time. The studio is fully equipped and the rest of the personnel is lovely. I can't recommend highly enough.
vassiliki davilla on Google

Dimitris and his team have profound knowlledge of recovery exercise and physio treatment. I highly recommend Body in Motion.
Angeliki Chanteli on Google

Dimitris and his team are exceptional professionals. My experience with them treating my adductor muscle strain was very positive. With a carefully designed plan of exercises I was able to overcome this issue and return into exercising safely. Highly recommend them!
Patrick Casey on Google

I have visited many physiotherapists over the years but I have never met anyone as knowledgeable and expert as Dimitris. He understands in depth human anatomy and body movements. As I am suffering from back pains, I have been to different physiotherapists over the years with no major improvement, Dimitris was the only one who understood the root cause of the issue and helped me fight it with proper strengthening exercising and physio. Moreover, his team are great with Giannis being the most recent addition to the team who is equally dedicated ,passionate and very professional in how he deals with clients .Everyone at Body and Motion cares about their clients providing the highest quality of service. I can’t recommend highly enough.

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