Esphigmenou Monastery - Esphigmenou Monastery

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Contact Esphigmenou Monastery

Address :

Moni Esfigmenou 630 86, Greece

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 630
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Description : Grand, centuries-old monastery by the sea, with 19th-century chapels, frescoes & a library.

Moni Esfigmenou 630 86, Greece
Ivica Veličković on Google

Nick Van Konst on Google

The last Castle of Hellenism and the Orthodox ideas, with megatons of knowllege inside.
Антонио Бакалски on Google

djapeyu pedja on Google

Esphigmenou Monastery (Gr. Μονη Εσφιγμενου) - the monastery on Mount Athos, which is in the hierarchy of Mt. Athos monastery in the 18th place. Located in the eastern part of the peninsula Atonskog. Founded in X - XI century. Cathedral of the (beginning of XIX century) is dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord. Anthony of Kiev became a monk here. From 1821 to 1832, did not exist as a monastery, because the Ottoman authorities occupied the monastery buildings and used them for their own purposes during the Greek uprising for independence. In 1974 the brotherhood of the monastery refused to mention the name of the patriarch of Constantinople, accusing him of ecumenism, primarily due to meeting with the Pope. 2005 was established canonically recognized communities of the monastery, which has the right to possession of the monastery. The library of the monastery contains 372 original manuscripts (75 in parchment) and 8,000 printed books. Monastery since 1988, along with other nineteen svetogorskih monastery, is on UNESCO's World Heritage List as part of the monuments of the Middle Ages unified under a protected whole Mount Athos.
Med Ved on Google

I visited this monastery a few years ago with my father. We travelled from Serbia and visited 3 monasteries on Mt Athos.. Hilandar, Esfigmenou and Vatopedi. We made arrangements with Hilandar and Vatopedi for the diamonitrion (pilgrim visa) which allows you to stay max 3 nights on the island, but were unable to contact the brethren of Esfigmenou to make arrangements with them. We prayed and left it in God's hands. When we arrived at the monastery unannounced we were greeted by an older monk sitting next to the front gate with a smile on his face and he said to us that we were more than welcome to stay the night. The experience at Esfigmenou was amazing. The monks were very warm and welcoming. They even had a few monks from Serbia. They are very religious but you can see they are financially not in a great position. Vatopedi for example has an elevator to take you to a different floor while Esfigmenou doesn't have electricity. This didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves in prayer and conversation. The monks of Esfigmenou have a special and deep devotion to defending the Orthodox Christian faith. They are sometimes critical of certain people who act against the orthodox faith such as the ecumenical patriarch who is a proponent of the heresy of ecumenism (uniting the orthodox faith with the papists). These monks remind me of Saint Mark of Ephesus the defender of Orthodoxy, who was the only bishop not willing to sign a union with the papists when other orthodox bishops were willing to do so. May God grant them peace, good health, love and resilience. IC XC NIKA
Maniaouri on Google

The power of God has given to the monks the strength and courage for resisting the dark forces of the NWO who are trying to eliminate them. They are saying ''NO'' to the evil plans of the NWO. This is why your support is of utmost importance for protecting the courageous monks and the beautiful Esfigmenou monastery with its long historical and religious values.
Miodrag Zizovic on Google

For all pilgrims that come to Athos for faith reasons this is the must visit place. Mix of fear that I felt in front of monastery icons and joy that comes from monastic brotherhood creates an feeling that cant be explained by words.
Majnd Master on Google

I was in this beautyfull Monastery in 2018. Brotherhood is great... This was really great expirience, something i will remember for life.

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