Ιερός Ναός Κοιμησεως της Θεοτόκου - Ιερός Ναός Κοιμησεως της Θεοτόκου

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Contact Ιερός Ναός Κοιμησεως της Θεοτόκου

Address :

Panagia 640 04, Greece

Postal code : 640
Categories :

Panagia 640 04, Greece
György Antal on Google

Nagyon szép templom.
Very nice church.
Mary Vasile on Google

In data de 15 august aici icoana Sfintei Maria este scoasa din biserica.Este un ritual minunat care trebuie urmarit.
On August 15, the icon of St. Mary is removed from the church. It is a wonderful ritual to be followed.
Πέτρος Ρίζος on Google

Οι αγιογραφίες εντός του ναού σε άθλια κατάσταση ( διαβρωμενες από την υγρασία και μαυρισμενες) ενώ ο περίβολος εντελώς παρατημένος στην τύχη τού.
The paintings inside the temple are in a miserable condition (eroded by moisture and blackened) while the precinct is completely abandoned to its fate.
Δαμιανός on Google

Εντυπωσιακός ναός σε ένα πολύ όμορφο χωριό την Παναγιά Θάσου. Αφιερωμένος ναός στην Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου. Πολυ παλιός με όμορφη διακόσμηση από περίτεχνα γύψινα σχέδια που κοσμούν τους κίονες τις πλευρές και την οροφή του Ναού.
Impressive temple in a very beautiful village of Panagia Thassos. Dedication to the Assumption of the Virgin. Very old and beautifully decorated with elaborate plaster designs adorning the columns on the sides and ceiling of the Temple.
Jumping Jack on Google

A wonderful place, both spiritual and cultural. Who has the opportunity to be in the area around August 14th they can attend the procession of the Assumption, with musical groups and youngsters in uniforms. And in the church, in a glass raft, you can see something impressive: the flag carried by Richard the Lion Heart in the Third Crusade. On the occasion of the great feast, you can also see some of the island's police officers (although a very rare picture), guided by the crowded traffic at those times. Un locaș minunat, atât spiritual, cât și cultural. Cine are ocazia să se afle în zonă în jurul datei de 15 august poate să asiste la procesiunea de Adormirea Maicii Domnului, cu formații muzicale și tineri în uniforme. Iar în biserică, într-o raclă cu pereți de sticlă, puteți vedea ceva impresionant: steagul purtat de Richard Inimă de Leu în cea de a III-a cruciadă. Cu ocazia marii sărbători aveți posibilitatea să vedeți și câțiva dintre polițiștii insulei (de altfel, o imagine foarte rară), puși să dirijeze circulația foarte aglomerată în acele momente.
A wonderful place, both spiritual and cultural. Whoever has the opportunity to be in the area around August 14th they can attend the procession of the Assumption, with musical groups and youngsters in uniforms. And in the church, in a glass raft, you can see something impressive: the flag carried by Richard the Lion Heart in the Third Crusade. On the occasion of the great feast, you can also see some of the island's police officers (though a very rare picture), guided by the crowded traffic at those times. A wonderful place, both spiritual and cultural. Whoever has the opportunity to be in the area around August 15th can attend the procession of the Assumption, with musical groups and youngsters in uniforms. And in the church, in a glass raft, you can see something impressive: the flag carried by Richard the Lion in the Third Crusade. On the occasion of the great feast, you can also see some of the island's policemen (a very rare picture), set to drive the crowded traffic at those times.
Мирослав Пантелић on Google

Црква посвећена Успењу Пресвете Богородице из 19. века,мало место,а црква огромна,лепо осликана,интересантно,имају у понуди рукотворине из Ивирона на продају.
The church dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin from the 19th century, a small place, and the church is huge, beautifully painted, interestingly, they offer handicrafts from Iviron for sale.
Mădălina Nicolae on Google

Is there any possibility to officiate a baptism? We are from Romania.
Mihaela Stefanescu on Google

Beautiful church, the oldest on the island. The priest is very kind. The village is beautiful

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