Μνημείο Πιέρ ντε Κουμπερτέν - Μνημείο Πιέρ ντε Κουμπερτέν

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Contact Μνημείο Πιέρ ντε Κουμπερτέν

Address :

Archea Olimpia 270 65, Greece

Postal code : 270
Categories :

Archea Olimpia 270 65, Greece
Kitsos Leventis on Google

Αυτοί που πρέπει να αγαπήσουν την Ελλάδα δεν την αγαπούν τόσο όσο την αγαπούν οι ξένοι. Η καρδιά του ανθρώπου που αναβιώσε τους σύγχρονους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες ενθαδε κείται. ..στις 2 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1937, ο Βαρόνος Γάλλος Πιερ ντε Κουμπερτέν απεβίωσε στην Ελβετία....τελευταία του επιθυμία ήταν η καρδιά του να θαφτεί στην  Αρχαία Ολυμπία, γεγονός που πραγματοποιήθηκε επτά μήνες μετά το θάνατό του....
Those who have to love Greece do not love it as much as foreigners like it. The heart of the man who revived the modern Olympic Games is in place. ... on September 2, 1937, the Baron of France, Pierre de Coubertin, died in Switzerland .... his last wish was for his heart to be buried in Ancient Olympia, which took place seven months after his death.
Beatriz Gonzalez on Google

Lugar muy tranquilo al que no va casi nadie. Vale la pena el paseo si se tiene tiempo. Según consta en el pequeño monumento, allí está enterrado el corazón del Barón de Coubertin, el promotor de los Juegos Olímpicos de la era moderna que tuvieron lugar por primera vez en 1896 en Atenas.
Very quiet place where almost nobody goes. It is worth the walk if you have time. As stated in the small monument, the heart of Baron de Coubertin, the promoter of the modern era Olympic Games that took place for the first time in 1896 in Athens, is buried there.
Giuseppe Ciaramella on Google

In questo luogo è sepolto il cuore imbalsamato del barone De Coubertin. Qui viene portata qui la torcia, che, accesa, verrà portata presso la nazione ospitante le Olimpiadi. Qui inoltre vengono issate quattro bandiere: quella greca, quella tedesca (i tedeschi hanno in gestione il sito archeologico di Olimpia), quella con i cinque cerchi rappresentanti i continenti, ed infine quella del paese in cui si tengono le Olimpiadi.
In this place the embalmed heart of Baron De Coubertin is buried. Here the torch is brought here, which, when lit, will be taken to the host nation of the Olympics. Four flags are also raised here: the Greek one, the German one (the Germans manage the archaeological site of Olympia), the one with the five circles representing the continents, and finally that of the country where the Olympics are held.
PLPH A on Google

Certainement un très beau monument rendant hommage à notre compatriote, il est simplement dommage de se retrouver face à une grille fermée à l’aide d’un verrou après plusieurs centaines de mètres de marche à pied…
Certainly a very beautiful monument paying homage to our compatriot, it is simply a shame to find yourself facing a gate closed with a lock after walking several hundred meters ...
Delphine Hassan on Google

Un bel hommage des Grecs à notre compatriote, qui avait bien compris l'esprit des jeux olympiques antiques, et qui est à l'origine des JO modernes. Un beau site, à proximité des ruines d'Olympie, dont je recommande la visite. Et celle du musée de sculpture aussi, bien sûr. Sans oublier le musée des JO anciens, très bien fait.
A beautiful tribute from the Greeks to our compatriot, who had understood the spirit of the ancient Olympic Games, and who is at the origin of the modern Olympics. A beautiful site, near the ruins of Olympia, which I recommend visiting. And that of the sculpture museum too, of course. Not to mention the museum of the old Olympics, very well done.
Gema Quijano on Google

It's a magical place!
Stratos Safioleas on Google

Here is where the heart of Baron Pierre de Coubertin is buried!
Y.H. on Google

Exciting memorial site for Charles Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, a French educator and historian, and founder of the International Olympic Committee, and its second President. He is considered one of the fathers of the modern Olympic Games.

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