Pranic Healing Light - Aντα Αλεξάνδρα Μανωλά - Leof. Galatsiou 59

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About Pranic Healing Light - Aντα Αλεξάνδρα Μανωλά

I had this emotional pain for more than 7 years. I could not breath. Sometimes I was feeling that there is a huge rock inside my chest preventing me from live my life. I was angry, I was emotionally away from everybody, I was a living dead. I was a 30 years old woman waiting for death to come and relieve my being. And then, I discovered pranic healing. And Ada. She talked to me in such a way that she awake in me the love for life. She reminded me what is like to be a human and why we have to have fun in our life. It was so hard for me! So much guilt and anger for so many years. So difficult to embrace life when I had experience so much loss.... She promised me she will be there for me standing beside me all the time and after two weeks of meeting her I reluctantly did the first baby steps towards life. I still remember the days after the first session, when I realized that I no longer cry at nights. Oh! The feeling I had after each session with her cannot be described with words! She slowly smashed that huge rock, turning it into sand, a sand that I embraced, until I finally felt it like a sandy beach with a cool breeze in my heart. It took me almost two months to allow spring enter into my heart, and feel completely relieved from pain agony and guilt. The dark thoughts that were my nightmare disappeared and suddenly colorful thoughts entered my mind. The pain went away, and I felt again joy, will for live and laugh and love. And Ada was there in each session, usually silent but at the same time speaking the language of my heart so fluently... I came back into life because of pranic healing, and because of the unbelievable healing abilities and the amazing smile full of love and affection of Ada Alexandra Manola. Thank you Ada. Whenever you need a place to relax in my country, my home is yours! I can never thank you enough for the gift of life. Namaste Ada. #pranic_healing_light #pranicpsychotherapy #ada #relieffromgrief #MCKS #trust

Contact Pranic Healing Light - Aντα Αλεξάνδρα Μανωλά

Address :

Leof. Galatsiou 59, Athina 111 41, Greece

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Postal code : 111
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Leof. Galatsiou 59, Athina 111 41, Greece
Konstantina Liosatou on Google

Ένας πόλος φωτός, αγάπης, ενσυναίσθησης, μάθησης! Για κάθε νέο αλλά και νεοεισερχόμενο στον χώρο της πνευματικότητας και των ενεργειακών θεραπειών αποτελεί θεμέλιο λίθο για την εξέλιξή του. Αλλά και για τον αναζητητή, που έχει περάσει απο πολλά άλλα μονοπάτια, ο δρόμος της αρετής είναι και γοητευτικός και ενσταλάζει την γλυκιά ποιότητα πολλών αξιών. Ίσως ακούγονται υπερ- βολικά. Μα είναι. Υπερ, βολικά ως η βουλή της ψυχής να αγάλλεται. Και αυτο είναι μια βιωματική αλήθεια. Είμαι ευγνώμων, στο Θεικό Πατέρα, για όλα τα δώρα του , για τις συναντήσεις με συνοδοιπόρους που έχουν όραμα μια ανθρωπότητα σε ενότητα. Συστήνω λοιπον, το Pranic Healing Ligh, και την βασική δασκάλα του χώρου, Άντα Μανωλά.. Με χαρά, και τιμή!
A pole of light, love, empathy, learning! For every newcomer to the field of spirituality and energy therapies, it is a cornerstone for its development. But also for the seeker, who has passed through many other paths, the path of virtue is also charming and instills the sweet quality of many values. They may sound excessive. But it is. Pro, conveniently as the house of the soul rejoices. And this is an experiential truth. I am grateful, to the Divine Father, for all his gifts, for the meetings with companions who have a vision of a humanity in unity. So I recommend, Pranic Healing Ligh, and the basic teacher of the area, Anta Manola .. With joy, and honor!
Eirini Deligianni on Google

Πρόκειται για ένα υπέροχο , καθαρό , φωτεινό κέντρο πνευματικής ανάπτυξης . Διδάσκονται οι διδασκαλίες του GMCKS και η εφαρμογή τους στη ζωή μας. Όλοι μας λίγο πολύ βιώνουμε καθημερινά άγχος, στρες, θυμό, θλίψη, φόβο, αισθανόμαστε σε αδιέξοδο, έχουμε δύσκολες διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις , νιώθουμε ανασφαλείς για τον εαυτό μας , δεν έχουμε αυτοπεποίθηση και αυτοεκτίμηση , ταλαιπωρούμαστε από χρόνιες ή μη παθήσεις/ αρρώστιες κ.α . Για όλα λοιπόν τα παραπάνω αλλά και για πολλά περισσότερα το Pranic Healing Light υπό την αιγίδα της Εξαιρετικής Κυρίας Μανωλά, υπάρχει για να μας βοηθήσει να βρούμε μόνοι μας τις λύσεις , να εξαλείψουμε τις αρρώστιες και τα αρνητικά συναισθήματα που νιώθουμε για τον εαυτό μας και τους άλλους , να αφήσουμε ξανά το φως που κρύβουμε μέσα μας να λάμψει! Όλοι οι άνθρωποι έχουμε καλοσύνη μέσα μας κανείς δεν γεννιέται κακός. Μαθαίνουμε να παίρνουμε τον έλεγχο των καταστάσεων, να αγαπάμε τον εαυτό μας και να τον συγχωρούμε! Το μόνο που χρειάζεται είναι μια μόνο ΜΙΑ επίσκεψη στο κέντρο αυτό!
It is a wonderful, clean, bright center of spiritual development. GMCKS teachings are taught and applied in our lives. We all more or less experience daily anxiety, stress, anger, sadness, fear, we feel at a dead end, we have difficult interpersonal relationships, we feel insecure about ourselves, we do not have self-confidence and self-esteem, we suffer from chronic or non-chronic diseases / illnesses etc. For all the above but also for much more the Pranic Healing Light under the auspices of the Excellent Mrs. Manolas, exists to help us find the solutions ourselves, to eliminate the diseases and the negative feelings we feel for ourselves and them. others, let the light we hide inside us shine again! We all have goodness in us no one is born bad. We learn to take control of situations, to love ourselves and to forgive! All you need is a ONE visit to this center!
manos sagias on Google

Διδάχθηκα το 1ο επίπεδο (Basic) του Pranic Healing πριν από δύο χρόνια, έπειτα, ζήτησα και δέχθηκα ορισμένες θεραπείες από την Δασκάλα μας, την Άντα και τότε πείστικα για τα τρομερά αποτελέσματα, που έχει αυτή η θεραπευτική τεχνική και πως μπορεί να βοηθήσει και κυρίως να βελτιώσει την καθημερινότητα μου. Πλέον, έχω φτάσει στο 3ο επίπεδο (Pranic Psychotherapy). Όσον αφορά τον χώρο, μπαίνεις μέσα και νομίζεις ότι βρίσκεσαι εκτός πόλης ... Τα αισθήματα της Γαλήνης, της Ηρεμίας, το Χαμόγελο και η Γλυκήτητα των ανθρώπων είναι Μοναδικά ...
I was taught the 1st level (Basic) of Pranic Healing two years ago, then I asked for and received some treatments from our Teacher, Anta and then convincingly about the terrible results that this healing technique has and how it can help and most importantly to improve my daily life. Now, I have reached the 3rd level (Pranic Psychotherapy). As for the space, you go in and think that you are out of town ... The feelings of Serenity, Calmness, Smile and Sweetness of people are Unique ...
Anastasia Katsiki on Google

Roula Nikolopoulou on Google

Ada made me love pranic healing again!
F Ssss on Google

Totally recommended holistic centre to attend meditation and participate in pranic healing sessions and workshops.
Georgios Sagias on Google

I learnt the know-how to improve my life. I have experienced an incredible positive change since then. People are super friendly and nice. I totally recomend it!
Terry Manti on Google

Indeed deeply grateful to PHL. Life changing and immense healing experienced on issues and traumas that were worked through with patience, care, loving attention and selfless service. Were it not for Ms Ada Manola's Friday sessions and my most caring therapist's S.Z's healing, my further development spiritually and emotionally would not have progressed. Also, did the Basic course of PH in Thessaloniki with Dimitri - another step i found helpful to self-healing and appreciating our energy bodies. Thank you!

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