ALFA ROMEO Ν.ΜΠΕΝΑΒΕΛΗΣ & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε. - 26is Oktovriou 86

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Address :

26is Oktovriou 86, Thessaloniki 546 27, Greece

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Categories :

26is Oktovriou 86, Thessaloniki 546 27, Greece
Antonio Pittarello on Google

Sono Domenico e scrivo dall'Italia poiché ho acquistato un ricambio nuovo ed originale da questo Concessionario Alfa Romeo di Thessaloniki credendo di avere a che fare con delle persone per bene ma così purtroppo non é stato. In sintesi ho comprato al prezzo di € 95.00 un antivento trasparente di plastica per la mia Alfa 33 (ripeto prodotto nuovo ed originale) la Signora Evangelia (Evi) mi ha inviato il video del ricambio con una foto (fatti entrambi a debita distanza) dello stesso ma il tutto fatto in modo da riuscire a mascherare l'evidenza di questo graffio abbastanza marcato sul ricambio. Appena arrivato il ricambio, lo scarto e apprezzo tantissimo l'imballo a dir poco perfetto e professionale ma una volta aperto dal molteplice cellophan noto immediatamente il graffio e rimango sconcertato della cosa. A questo punto vado subito a rivedere il video della Signora che mi aveva inviato sul mio numero telefonico e vedo attentamente solo dopo aver visto da vicino e mantenuto in mano il ricambio che c'era questo difetto antiestetico e che non avrei potuto mai vedere in una foto ed in un semplice video entrambi fatti per non vedere il difetto. Ho immediatamente scritto alla Sig.ra che a suo modo ha cercato in tutti i modi di scusarsi ma si é capito benissimo che era tutto architettato a modo per mascherare il danno e soprattutto replicare che sul ricambio al momento della vendita non c'era nulla!!!!!! E' stata molto poco professionale e a dir poco bugiarda prima, durante e dopo l'acquisto. Ah Dimenticavo!!!! Si é fatta pagare con Pay Pal con l'invio del denaro ad un amico quindi a poco serve fare un reclamo. Non acquistate da questo ricambista poiché pur di vendere e far cassa é pronto a dire cose inverosimili. Saluti Domenico dall'Italia. Risposta: Gentile Venditore, se proprio vuoi il tuo pezzo di ricambio, io non te lo devo spedire ma ti impegni a farlo ritirare presso l'indirizzo di consegna e soprattutto mi contatti e mi chiedi di restituirlo a tue spese (non lo faccio poiché già so che mi addebiteresti sia il viaggio di andata e sia quello di ritorno). Non devi fare ancora giochetti ma dimostrare di essere serio e di tenerci alla tua azienda pertanto considerato il tuo senza dubbio errore ti assumi la responsabilità di risarcirmi per intero poiché il gioco di Evangelia é stato quello di farsi inviare i soldi subito e solo come amico già sapendo che stava per inviare una fregatura pertanto, non hai fatto nulla per rimediare né prima e né dopo. Sai benissimo che ho ragione ed ora provi ad arrampicarti sugli specchi. Ho scritto due mail al tuo indirizzo email e non mi hai mai risposto ufficialmente. La signora Evangelia aveva preparato un buono per un nuovo acquisto ma di questo non si è saputo più nulla che dire siete proprio deludenti ... a voi che leggete lasciate perdere con questa azienda ma se acquistate pretendete solo ed esclusivamente il pagamento Pay Pal da questi soggetti così almeno se qualcosa va storto potete riprendervi i vostri soldi poiché siete tutelati da chi tutela il consumatore.
My name is Domenico and I am writing from Italy because I bought a new and original spare part from this Alfa Romeo dealer in Thessaloniki, believing I was dealing with good people but unfortunately it was not. In summary I bought at the price of € 95.00 a transparent plastic windscreen for my Alfa 33 (I repeat new and original product) Mrs. Evangelia (Evi) sent me the video of the spare part with a photo (both made at a safe distance) of the same but all done in such a way as to be able to mask the evidence of this fairly marked scratch on the spare. As soon as the spare part arrives, I discard it and I really appreciate the perfect and professional packaging but once opened by the multiple cellophane I immediately notice the scratch and I am baffled by it. At this point I immediately go to review the video of the Lady who sent me on my telephone number and I see carefully only after having seen closely and holding the spare part that there was this unsightly defect and that I could never see in a photos and in a simple video both made so as not to see the defect. I immediately wrote to Mrs. that in her own way she tried in every way to apologize but it was understood very well that everything was designed in a way to mask the damage and above all to reply that there was nothing on the spare at the time of sale! !!!!! She was very unprofessional and nothing short of a liar before, during and after the purchase. Ah I forgot !!!! She got paid with Pay Pal by sending the money to a friend so it is of little use to make a complaint. Do not buy from this dealer because in order to sell and make money he is ready to say unlikely things. Greetings Domenico from Italy. Answer: Dear Seller, if you really want your spare part, I do not have to send it to you but you undertake to have it collected at the delivery address and above all you contact me and ask me to return it at your expense (I do not do it since I already I know you would charge me for both the outward and return journeys). You do not have to play games yet but show that you are serious and care about your company therefore considered your mistake without a doubt you assume the responsibility to compensate me in full since Evangelia's game was to get the money sent immediately and only as a friend already knowing he was going to send a rip off therefore, you didn't do anything to fix it either before or after. You know very well that I'm right and now you try to climb the mirrors. I wrote two emails to your email address and you never answered me officially. Ms. Evangelia had prepared a voucher for a new purchase but nothing more was known about this, you are really disappointing ... to you who read forget about this company but if you buy only and exclusively expect Pay Pal payment from them subjects so at least if something goes wrong you can get your money back because you are protected by those who protect the consumer.
Sofia Vesala on Google

Εξαιρετικοί μάστορες και γρήγορο σέρβις! Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα
Excellent carpenters and fast service! I highly recommend
Dimitris Michailidis on Google

Άψογη εξυπηρέτηση,χιλιάδες κωδικοί από μεταχειρισμένα και καινούργια ανταλλακτικά ,τους προτείνω ειδικά εάν έχεις ιταλικό αυτοκίνητο!
Flawless service, thousands of codes from used and new spare parts, I recommend them especially if you have an Italian car!
Mike “Iron Mike” Chatziasemidis on Google

Άμεση εξυπηρέτηση. Άρτια καταρτισμενο προσωπικό. Άριστη υλικο τεχνικη υποδομή. Επάρκεια ανταλλακτικών. Παρα πολύ καλές τιμές.
Immediate service. Well-trained staff. Excellent material technical infrastructure. Adequacy of spare parts. Very good prices.
Στελλα Μπαϊρακταρη on Google

Πολύ καλό σέρβις, σωστοί άνθρωποι εμπιστοσύνης γρήγορη εξυπηρέτηση έχουν πληθώρα ανταλλακτικών νέων και παλιών μοντέλων . Τους προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα!
Very good service, right people trust fast service have plenty of spare parts new and old models. I highly recommend them!
Δημήτρης Γρηγοριάδης on Google

Τα λόγια είναι περιττά το καλύτερο συνεργείο για Alfa Romeo και γενικότερα FCA group. Πριν αγοράσω το αυτοκίνητο μου (Giulietta 2016 Diesel) το πήγα στο συγκεκριμένο συνεργείο για έλεγχο και αργότερα αφού το αγόρασα για γενικό service. Απόλυτα ευχαριστημένος και για το αποτέλεσμα πάνω στο αυτοκίνητο μου αλλά κι από τον επαγγελματισμό τους και την γενικότερη συμπεριφορά. Σας το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα.
Needless to say, the best team for Alfa Romeo and FCA group in general. Before I bought my car (Giulietta 2016 Diesel) I took it to the specific workshop for inspection and later after I bought it for general service. Absolutely happy for the result on my car but also for their professionalism and general behavior. I highly recommend it.
wtf JIM on Google

The real alfa experience
Hinata Uzumaki on Google

Amazing service and easy to find! Would recommend to anyone especially with an Alfa Romeo!

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