Ammouliani Island - Αμμουλιανή - Δήμος Αριστοτέλη Αμμουλιανή Χαλκιδικής

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ammouliani Island - Αμμουλιανή

Address :

Δήμος Αριστοτέλη Αμμουλιανή Χαλκιδικής, Ammouliani 630 75, Greece

Postal code : 630
Website :
Categories :

Δήμος Αριστοτέλη Αμμουλιανή Χαλκιδικής, Ammouliani 630 75, Greece
Suncica Jovic on Google

Još uvek nedovoljno uređeno, more kristalno čisto, pogodno za decu.
Still insufficiently arranged, the sea is crystal clear, suitable for children.
Miroslav Micic on Google

Prelepo ostrvo, sa mnoštvom plaža koje su pogodne za malu decu. Voda na svim plažama je čista, tako da je ronjenje na njima pravo uživanje. Putevi do plaža nisu baš najbolji.
A beautiful island, with many beaches that are suitable for small children. The water on all the beaches is clean, so diving on them is a real pleasure. The roads to the beaches are not the best.
Сергей Сербезов on Google

Чудесният Αμμουλιανή! Бистра вода, прекрасни гледки (и Атон, който се вижда почти отвсякъде), любезни хора. Като гледам, застрояването нараства постепенно. Цените за настаняване са малко по-високи от континента, но явно такава е островната специфика...
Wonderful Αμμουλιανή! Clear water, beautiful views (and Mount Athos seen almost everywhere), kind people. As we look, the development is gradually increasing. Accommodation prices are a bit higher than the continent, but this is clearly the island specificity ...
Marius M on Google

O insulă micuță, destul de aglomerată, care în afară de plaje nu are foarte multe lucruri de oferit. Este perfectă pentru familiile cu copii care nu vor decât să facă plajă.
A small island, quite crowded, which apart from the beaches does not have much to offer. It is perfect for families with children who just want to sunbathe.
Vasil Tsonev on Google

Great place on earth!
stefano andreani on Google

Nice little island clean water!
Jovan Atanasov on Google

Great island
Raya on Google

So calm and so beautiful. We had such a great holiday on this tiny island, no need to go anywhere else.

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