Antonio's Guesthouse - Mpirmpili 37

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Antonio's Guesthouse

Address :

Mpirmpili 37, Athina 117 44, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9789
Postal code : 117
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Categories :

Mpirmpili 37, Athina 117 44, Greece
Anastasia Murphy on Google

Kristos Toska on Google

Super great place and nice people
E Mac on Google

Bed bugs. Also a slum house. Do not stay here
Marcel Wilnicki on Google

Well, this is the last resort place. Dirty, a lot of people but bed is a bed
Daria k on Google

This place îs terrible. Extremely Dirty and stinky. And full of bed bugs. Been there, I had to find another accommodation immediately as staying there was unbearable and I didn't get my money back în spite of my complaints.
NO BS on Google

Has bedbugs. Ask yourself; do I want to pay €12 for a slum-like stay and get bitten all night by bedbugs?? If so, this is the place for you. Had I known, I would've brought a sleeping bag and slept in a park instead. Ghetto place. The property owner is very nice, but that doesn't dismiss the facts...
Aliana Mai on Google

After a very long time of silence, I decided to leave the most honest and fair words down to the review of this place (that's why I am not afraid of "backfire"). And despite any "backfire" could happen here below my review, you can see more the reflection. Please, I would like you before booking the place, READ CAREFULLY the reviews of others as well as the reply from the owner in order to get the overall picture. You read; you say; you have conclusion. This is your part! My part: lemme tell you! The issue of BED BUGS in this place is 100% true. And for your further information, not only this place but other places may have this problem as well. It's sad but true! I honestly do not know why it happens like this in (almost) cheap and affordable guesthouses and accommodations in Athens. However, especially this place, I do know very well why this place has this issue but I do not want to provoke more troubles to its owner by saying frankly all the truths. If you want a cheap place to just stay while it doesn't matter what, ok, no problem. If you want a cheap place but "decent" at least, this is not the place!!! Absolutely not!!! "The least decent" doesn't apply for the place honestly. And lemme tell you about BED BUGS, they are unfortunately almost everywhere in Athens (how sad ?), there are not so many places work "properly" and "seriously" on BED BUGS FREE things here (and you know? Once it happens this to you, doesn't matter how hardcore you work to remove it, it remains still the risk. That's why if you hate someone, the worst is to wish this person has bed bugs in his/her home). This is the "least-pest-control" part in hospitality. I didn't say anything about the "least-hygiene" part in the same subject. Nothing here in this place can meet the least standards. SORRY. Easy money falling into someone's pocket! If you don't mind about it, so don't mind. If you do mind, consider carefully! Another thing about this annoying bugs that yeah you should think again. Bed bugs bite you at night while sleeping, however, only who has allergy with it will be irritated from the bites. So, if you have no allergy with the bites, you would sleep like a baby while I am 100% sure still, you are bitten. (When you got bitten, itchy, start scratching, you come to tell Antonio and I am also sure Antonio - the owner will lie to you that it is mosquito bites while trying his best to find the bug with the most "manual" and "inefficient" way). Check carefully also if you have allergy with bed bugs or any kind of bugs before entering the place, otherwise, you will scratch like hell, and, the wounds will be blacken and the dark spots stay there forever on your skin till you die (except if you are rich then you can do laser to remove). ‌I got bitten everywhere from head to toe honestly (my friend, I emphasize from HEAD TO TOE), and I had serious allergy with the bites. What happened to me is the dark spots appear and remain everywhere on my skin after this, I have tried many treatments and cream continuously for almost a year, yet, it doesn't go away, the only solution is to use laser to remove it. I have the photos here my right arm and left arm to show you how much and how many the dark spots I got (not yet my legs and my feet, hope you can see dark spots from the bug bites are everywhere). This fact and this damage violates my boundary honestly. Like after almost a year, I still look at it, get shocked and I cry: my skin ain't flawless anymore, dark spots are everywhere from the bites while staying in this place (and many more other damages to me that are too personal I do not want to mention here). It is like a forever many ugly marks in my memory and my life you know? Do you wanna try to be bitten like this? Should you pay so cheap and have bed bugs as your present when you leave back home? Should you make the pocket of this "irresponsible, "lying" and "covert" person heavier? ‌I said what I need to say, you decide. (And the photos of review below from Anastasia Murphy are exactly how does it look - honest shots) ‌Best regards.
Oğuzhan Duman on Google

Do not go to this place! It smells incredibly bad. When you offer to open the window because it smells bad, they treat you badly. When you want to change rooms, you can almost be beaten. Believe me, it's better to stay on the street and maybe never come to Greece than to sleep here! As soon as they realize that you are foreigners, they are constantly trying to extort money from you. Besides, all kinds of diseases are rife inside. This place should definitely be closed and legal action should be taken against it.

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