Blue Hotel - Skala Prinou

4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Blue Hotel

Address :

Skala Prinou, Skala Prinos, Greece

Phone : 📞 +99
Categories :
City : Skala Prinos

Skala Prinou, Skala Prinos, Greece
βαγγελης πετειναρακης on Google

Gabriel Spatariu on Google

Roberta Bedners on Google

Ancuta Suciu on Google

Marius Andrei on Google

Todoran Daniel on Google

O cazare cam slăbuță, mic dejun foarte sărac și același în fiecare zi, cina a fost bună, dimineața te întreabă ce vrei să mănânci seara, ai 2 variante. Prosoapele schimbate sunt aduse neuscate, adică ude. Apa de la duș are presiune foarte mică atunci când folosește mai multă lume dușul din hotel, baia este foarte mică, dușul este fix lângă wc, wifi slăbuț. Parcarea este foarte departe, lângă Hotel Europa, la aproximativ 350 m. Patul este rău, se simt toate arcurile din el. Nu se poate numi hotel, mai degrabă pensiune cu 2 margarete. Hotelul este la 15 m de mare, are AC, frigider și cam atât.
A rather poor accommodation, very poor breakfast and the same every day, dinner was good, in the morning he asks you what you want to eat in the evening, you have 2 options. Changed towels are brought dry, ie wet. The shower water has very low pressure when more people use the shower in the hotel, the bathroom is very small, the shower is fixed next to the toilet, poor wifi. Parking is very far, next to Hotel Europa, about 350 m. The bed is bad, you can feel all the arches in it. Can not be called hotel, rather boarding house with 2 daisies. The hotel is 15 m from the sea, has AC, refrigerator and so on.
A. Anca on Google

Localizare perfecta, cu un barulet simpatic si sezlonguri in fata, pe nisip, iar personalul excelent. Toate camerele sunt dispuse cu A/C, frigider si balcon, singura problema majora a fost ca mai scade presiunea la dus, dar se poate trece peste. Micul dejun destul de simplu, dar suficient cat sa iti bei cafeaua si sa pui un dop se dimineata. Cina este ok, mancarea nu exceleaza dar de pe masa nu lipseste salata proaspata, painea, si ai de ales in fiecare seara dintre doua feluri de mancare. Nu recomand sa platiti sejururi scumpe care sa va cazeze aici, pentru ca veti fi dezamagiti! (P.s. preturile sunt facute de AGENTII, nu de proprietari). Noi am platit putin si am primit exact cat ne-am asteptat. Parcarea este la vreo 200 de metri, in parcarea unui alt hotel, iar cine sa plange de asta este doar nascut lenes. Oricum, oamenii sunt extraordinari, ne-am facut amici si ne-am simtit foarte bine. RECOAMNDAM din toata inima si cu tot dragul restaurantul de langa, Costas Zorbas. ❤
Perfect location, with a nice bar and sunbeds in front, on the sand, and excellent staff. All rooms have A / C, refrigerator and balcony, the only major problem was that the shower pressure decreases, but you can get over it. Breakfast quite simple, but enough to drink your coffee and put a stopper in the morning. Dinner is ok, the food does not excel but the table does not lack fresh salad, bread, and you have a choice every night between two dishes. I do not recommend paying for expensive stays to stay here, because you will be disappointed! (P.s. prices are made by AGENTS, not owners). We paid a little and received exactly what we expected. The parking lot is about 200 meters away, in the parking lot of another hotel, and whoever complains about it is just born lazy. Anyway, the people are great, we became friends and we felt really good. WE RECOMMEND with all our hearts and with all our heart the restaurant next door, Costas Zorbas. ❤

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