captain Nicks - captain Nicks

1.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact captain Nicks

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Thirassia 847 02, Greece

Postal code : 847
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théodoros pipas on Google

Fuyez a tout prix ce restaurant! C'est une vraie calamité!allez a côté où ca ressemble vraiment à qq chose a captain john. La patronne s'estcfait engueulée comme du poulpe grillé par son mari. Elle avait une vilaine blessure a la main et biensur pas de gant!hygiene 0!Ca a gache notre periple sur l'île.. Le vin maison a un goût vinaigré,infect... Le serveur avec 1 dent se depeche de prendre la commande avant qu'on ait le temps de se sauver. Puis on au moment de payer on le retrouve assoupi sur une caisse a cote de la caisse.. le patron une clope a la main, se gratte les parties et retourne les brochettes.. bref j'ai jamais vu ça! Et la bouffe? N'ayez pas faim car ici on sert les mini pouces avec de faibles quantités... meme ma fille de 3ans avait encore faim. Et le goût? Infect... Je ne comprends pas non plus comment cet imposteur peut encore etre ouvert sur cet île .. Le prix? Beaucoup trop élevé alors qu'ils se prétendent les moins chers
Avoid this restaurant at all costs! It's a real calamity! Go next door where it really looks like something to captain john. The boss was yelled at like octopus grilled by her husband. She had a nasty wound on her hand and of course no gloves! Hygiene 0! It spoiled our trip to the island .. The house wine tastes vinegar, foul ... The waiter with 1 tooth hurries to take the order before we have time to run away. Then when we pay we find him dozing on a cash register next to the cash register .. the boss, a cigarette in hand, scratches the parts and turns the skewers over .. in short, I've never seen that! What about the food? Do not be hungry because here we serve mini inches in small quantities ... even my 3 year old daughter was still hungry. And the taste? Infect ... I also don't understand how this impostor can still be opened on this island. The price? Much too high when they claim to be the cheapest
Darvina Adamo on Google

Ci sediamo pensando di essere al ristorante capitan John, ed invece ci rendiamo conto subito dopo aver ordinato le bevande che il ristorante che cercavamo era quello accanto. Cameriere odioso, che non aveva nemmeno scritto in maniera esatta il nostro ordine e quando glielo ho precisato si è anche risentito. Piatti miseri, senza sapore ... scappati con più fame di prima! Non andate mi raccomando!
We sit down thinking we are at Captain John's restaurant, and instead we realize immediately after ordering the drinks that the restaurant we were looking for was the one next door. Hateful waiter, who didn't even write our order exactly and when I told him he was also offended. Meager, tasteless dishes ... run away hungrier than before! Don't go I recommend!
Julie R on Google

Le plus affreux des restaurants. A vrai dire je n'ai jamais connu pire. Restaurant familial entre les parents et leurs deux gars... Acceuil médiocre, nourriture médiocre. À fuir ! comment ai je fais pour atterrir la, l'hygiène nest pas au rdv sur les chaises... Grosse scène de menage quand on a voulu payer par carte !!!! engueulade familiale et j en ai même ramassé sans comprendre leur langue! Je n'ai pas cédé au paiement par Carte et comme par magie apres avoir fait leur spectacle le tpe marchait. Également verifiez bien quils ne vous compte pas le pain 3€ sinon ils comptabilisent. Tout est dit bon vent !
The ugliest of restaurants. To tell the truth, I have never known worse. Family restaurant between the parents and their two guys ... Poor home, mediocre food. To flee ! how did I do to land, hygiene is not the appointment on the chairs ... Big house scene when we wanted to pay by card !!!! family shouting and I even picked up without understanding their language! I did not give in to card payment and magically after doing their show the tpe worked. Also check that they do not count the bread 3 € otherwise they count. All is said good wind!
T Hssler on Google

Oyé, Oyé matelots fuyez avant que Captain Nick ne saborde votre repas ! Cet établissement est une vraie arnaque et un sketch à lui seul. Nous voulions nous rendre au restaurant Captain John, conseillé par les membres d'équipage de notre bateau. Aussitôt arrivés au seuil de la terrasse un serveur nous guide vers une table. Une fois installés, nous remarquons un homme au milieu de la terrasse gesticulant et hurlant "Captain John is here. There are 2 different restaurants. This is not Captain John." Le serveur nous confirme que nous ne sommes pas au Captain John mais bien chez Captain Nick en nous tendant la carte des menus. Les deux terrasses sont en effet identiques, sans doute dans le but de mieux tromper le client. Trop polis nous n'osons quitter le restaurant, mal nous en a pris ! Nous commandons 4 plats différents et ce sont 4 catastrophes culinaires qui arrivent. La brochette de calamar et le poulpe grillé n'étaient pas grillés mais littéralement carbonisés, le goût et la couleur du charbon y étaient. Bon on est sur un volcan, mais faut pas charrier ! La spécialité locale à base de coquillettes était assez suspecte à l'aspect et au goût, mais n'ayant pas d'éléments de comparaison je ne ferai pas de commentaire. Et la moussaka était tout bonnement immangeable, 2 fourchettes bien difficiles à avaler. Je me demande encore aujourd'hui si ce n'était pas de la pâtée pour chien qui se trouvait à l'intérieur tellement la texture y ressemblait et le goût infect. Parlons du personnel et du restaurant. A part le serveur qui nous a installés qui était à peu près dans la norme, les autres sortaient tout droit d'une pièce de théâtre burlesque : un serveur édenté (toutes les incisives), une patronne habillé comme les Deschiens avec un tic lingual. Le présentoir frigorifique quant à lui n'était pas relié à l'électricité. C'est simple nous avons fini par croire qu'il s'agissait d'une caméra cachée. Mais non la réalité dépasse parfois la fiction ! Ce restaurant ne vit que sur la confusion avec son voisin, mais les autorités grecques devraient fermer cet établissement car c'est une vraie honte et il déshonore toute une profession. Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas mettre 0, car 1/5 est déjà trop bien noté.
Oyé, Oyé sailors flee before Captain Nick scuttles your meal! This establishment is a complete rip off and a skit on its own. We wanted to go to the Captain John restaurant, advised by our boat crew. As soon as we reach the threshold of the terrace, a waiter guides us to a table. Once installed, we notice a man in the middle of the terrace gesturing and shouting "Captain John is here. There are 2 different restaurants. This is not Captain John." The waiter confirms that we are not at Captain John but at Captain Nick's by handing us the menu card. The two terraces are indeed identical, undoubtedly in order to better deceive the customer. Too polite we do not dare to leave the restaurant, badly took us! We order 4 different dishes and 4 culinary disasters are happening. The squid skewer and the grilled octopus were not grilled but literally charred, the taste and color of charcoal was there. Well, we are on a volcano, but you shouldn't be shy! The local specialty made from shellfish was quite suspicious in appearance and taste, but having no comparison I will not comment. And the moussaka was simply inedible, 2 forks very difficult to swallow. I still wonder today if it was not dog food that was inside so much the texture looked like it and the terrible taste. Let's talk about the staff and the restaurant. Apart from the waiter who seated us who was more or less the norm, the others came straight out of a burlesque play: a toothless waiter (all incisors), a boss dressed like Deschiens with a lingual tic. The refrigerated display was not connected to electricity. It's simple we ended up believing that it was a hidden camera. But no reality sometimes exceeds fiction! This restaurant only lives on confusion with its neighbor, but the Greek authorities should close this establishment because it is a real shame and it dishonours a whole profession. Too bad we can't put 0, because 1/5 is already too well rated.
jluc jluc on Google

DE LA MERDE, SCAM O/5 Je le déconseille vivement, plat sans aucune saveur, service minable, restaurant minable, piège à touriste surtout à ne pas confondre avec captain john il se trouve juste avant, ils veulent que vous payer en liquide, une telle gargote ne devrait pas existait, pour 8 euro une pauvre brochette de poisson avec seulement 4 petits morceaux, et des carottes même pas cuites, et je ne vous parle pas du service !!!!! FUYEZ ou passez votre chemin... heureusement nous n'avons pas été malade mais avec le peu que nous avions dans nos assiette c'est compréhensible.
OF THE SHIT, SCAM O / 5 I highly recommend it, dish without any flavor, shabby service, shabby restaurant, tourist trap especially not to be confused with captain john it is right before they want you to pay cash, such a pantry should not exist, for 8 euro a poor skewer of fish with only 4 small pieces, and carrots not even cooked, and I'm not talking about service !!!!! FUYEZ or go your way ... luckily we were not sick but with the little we had on our plate it is understandable.
Dong PHAN on Google

le restaurant s'appelle maintenant Captain John. Peut être un changement de propriétaire. je le trouve pas si mal pour le prix. le service était bien et rapide. la friture de calamars était bonne
the restaurant is now called Captain John. Maybe a change of owner. I find it not so bad for the price. the service was good and quick. the squid fried was good
Breann Jew on Google

Terrible food
Sylwia Stochla on Google

Do not ever go there! It says "The lowest prices on island" - think yourself if €50 for four even more hungry people then before the meal is worth it. They serve literally one little piece of chicken with about not more than 5 or 6 fries on the plate. Food with no taste. I ordered a greek salad which was literally a tomato with loads of onion and that's it. If you think about ordering yourself a greek salad then better just get yourself an onion straight away, at least you'll save yourself some money and nerves. Hygiene? Think there's none. Staff? The lady who literally forced us to sit there was hurrying so much to bring us the drinks so we don't run away smashed the glass on our table, just in front of my friends face, shame that is. She didn't even apologise or anything, I think she wouldn't even care if she'd hurt somebody with that broken glass. I do not understand how is this place even working. Shameeee. 1/5 star is far too much unfortunatelly it's not possible to give less stars then that, because I'd give at least -10 out of 5. Never again. The worst place I have ever seen and have ever been in my entire life. And a big shame is when you go out of restaurant to go to a chip shop to get some proper food. Stay away from that place. ?

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