Cemeteries "Resurrection of the Lord" - St.Kazantzidi 28

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cemeteries "Resurrection of the Lord"

Address :

St.Kazantzidi 28, Pilea Chortiatis 555 35, Greece

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 555
Categories :

St.Kazantzidi 28, Pilea Chortiatis 555 35, Greece
Δαμιανός on Google

Ένα μέρος πολύ ιδιαίτερο για την πιο ιδιαίτερη στιγμή ενός ανθρώπου. Ας ευχηθούμε "καλό παράδεισο" σε όλους αυτούς τους συνανθρώπους μας που αποχώρησαν από αυτή την ζωή.
A place very special for a person's most special moment. Let us wish "good paradise" to all our fellow humans who have left this life.
Κατερίνα Μαστορίδου on Google

Κι εγώ έγραψα άσχημη κριτική κυρίως για το ότι δεν σηκώνουν τα τηλέφωνα. Όμως μια ευγενέστατη κυρία επικοινώνησε μαζί μου και συνεννοηθήκαμε.Με ενημέρωσε ότι τα τηλέφωνα...292,293,294 κλπ. απαντούν μετά τις 10.00 γιατί εξυπηρετούν στα γκισέ και δεν μπορούν.Το γράφω μήπως έτσι δεν σπάσουν τα νεύρα κάποιων.
I also wrote a bad review, mainly for not picking up the phones. But a very kind lady contacted me and we agreed. She informed me that the phones ... 292,293,294 etc. answer after 10.00 because they serve at the counters and they can not.
krik0s krik0s on Google

Όσο καλό μπορεί να είναι ένα νεκροταφείο.. Πόσο δε μάλλον, όταν πας εκεί για δικό σου άνθρωπο..
As good as a cemetery can be .. Especially when you go there for your own man ..

Ευγενική η κυρία που απαντά στο τηλ. που λήγει σε 293 κατατοπιστικη, στα άλλα νούμερα απλα χάος δημοσιουπαλληλιστικο και αδιαφορια.
Polite the lady who answers the phone call that ends at 293 informative, in the other numbers just chaotic civil service and indifference.
Mavros Gatos on Google

Άθλια κοιμητήρια, γεμάτα χώματα ανάμικτα με κουρέλια και κομμάτια από φέρετρα, ενίοτε και οστά, πετάμενα παντού. Οι περισσότεροι τάφοι παρατημένοι, τα δέντρα ελάχιστα. Αποφύγετε αν μπορείτε να φέρετε εδώ τους αγαπημένους σας, είναι αρκετός ο πόνος της απώλειας, δεν σάς χρειάζεται και το θρίλλερ αυτών των «κοιμητηρίων».
Poor cemeteries, full of soil mixed with rags and pieces of coffins, sometimes bones, thrown everywhere. Most tombs abandoned, few trees. Avoid if you can bring your loved ones here, the pain of loss is enough, you do not need the thriller of these "cemeteries".
Laura Davideanu on Google

Lacrimile și întristările nu dau nici un folos morților, nici nu pot să-i întoarcă din viața cea veșnică, nici să-i scoată din gropi. Pentru aceasta au dat lege dumnezeieștii apostoli, să nu ne pierdem mintea plângând pe morți, ci să-i pomenim la înfricoșatele taine și să facem milostenie în numele lor. Firea este aducătoare de lacrimi, dar credința oprește izvoarele lacrimilor. Nu a murit fratele nostru, ci doarme. Moartea cea adevărată este moartea sufletului. Se închide mormântul pentru trupul lui, dar se deschide cerul pentru sufletul lui.
Tears and sorrows do no good to the dead, nor can they bring them back from eternal life, nor bring them out of their graves. For this reason the divine apostles gave the law, that we should not lose our minds in weeping over the dead, but that we should remember them in the fearful mysteries, and give alms in their name. The flesh brings tears, but faith stops the fountains of tears. Our brother is not dead, he is sleeping. True death is the death of the soul. The tomb is closed for his body, but the sky is opened for his soul.
George Sidiras on Google

Nicu Juganaru on Google

Sunset from the cemeteries "Resurrection of the Lord", Thessaloniki.

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