Consulate of Romania - Theagenous Charisi 78

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Consulate of Romania

Address :

Theagenous Charisi 78, Thessaloniki 546 39, Greece

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 546
Website :
Categories :

Theagenous Charisi 78, Thessaloniki 546 39, Greece
Dobre Catalin on Google

Telefon de informare, foarte cooperanti. Recomand sa sunati sau sa intrati pe pagina de Facebook a consulatului.
Information phone, very cooperative. I recommend calling or logging on to the consulate's Facebook page.
andreea miri on Google

Foarte draguti si amabili.
Very nice and kind.
Diana Iancu on Google

Mulțumiri doamnei Consul pentru sprijinul acordat și pentru promptitudine! Am avut accident in Salonic și dansa ne-a ajutat cu toate informațiile de care aveam nevoie imediat. Diana Totan
Thanks to Mrs. Consul for your support and promptitude! We had an accident in Thessaloniki and the dance helped us with all the information I needed right away. Diana Totan
Braica Marius on Google

Încă o dovadă că statul romanesc își bate joc de cetățenii lui!!! Incompetență și rea voință pe banii noștri.
Another proof that the Romanian state makes fun of its citizens !!! Incompetence and bad will on our money.
Georgiana Mo on Google

Comportament telefonic inacceptabil, dar lucrurile de aproape au fost exact la fel .. Îmi pare rău de comportamentul doamnei de la ghiseu. Sunt an acest loc ca sa ne ajute, nu sa vorbeasca asa autoritar ca sa scape mai repede de noi. Mai multă politețe și mai puțini nervi ar trebui sa fie obligatorii.
Unacceptable phone behavior, but things up close were exactly the same. I'm sorry about the lady's behavior at the counter. I am in this place to help us, not to speak so authoritatively as to get rid of us faster. More politeness and fewer nerves should be required.
Claudio Culiano Culea on Google

Μηδενική εξυπηρέτηση... Παραπομπή σε σελίδα για υπηρεσίες οι ο οποίες είναι δεδαλωδες και μη λειτουργικές. Δεν γίνετε όλος ο κόσμος να είναι ηλεκτρονικά ενγραμματος. Η μεγάλη ηλικία δεν έχει πρόσβαση και γνώση στο διαδίκτυο. Τα ραντεβού δια ζώσης για ποιο λόγο καταργήθηκαν έστω και τηλεφωνικώς να κλείνονται για θέματα που δεν λυνονται δικτυακά
Zero service ... Refer to a page for services that are labile and non-functional. You do not want everyone to be literate electronically. Old age does not have access to and knowledge of the internet. Why live appointments have been canceled, even by phone, for issues that are not resolved online
Egw Esy on Google

Bătaie de joc față de cetaţenii români. Tare aș dori să apuc ziua īn care vom avea cu adevărat frați români care să ne reprezinte cu cinste și să ne fie spre ajutor. (Nu ar merita nici măcar o stea īnsă din păcate nu există altă variantă)
Mocking of Romanian citizens. I would very much like to take the day when we will really have Romanian brothers who will represent us with honor and help us. (It wouldn't even deserve a star, but unfortunately there is no other option)
Andrei Ioan Tescula on Google

Appointment on schedule. Helpful and assisting personnel.

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