Daskalio - little church of Zoodochou Pigi - Daskalio - little church of Zoodochou Pigi

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Contact Daskalio - little church of Zoodochou Pigi

Address :

Daskalio, Greece

Website : http://www.tolo.gr/Attractions/Argolida/Tolo/Daskalio___little_church_of_Zoodochou_Pigi-53
Categories :
City : Daskalio

Daskalio, Greece
zac iv on Google

Alaska Sunrise on Google

Asuna San on Google

Mehrere Stufen gibt es zu erklimmen um bis hierher zu kommen,... Die Aussicht ist toll, leider war die Kirche nicht geöffnet, daher nur 3* Aber wer schöne Bilder machen möchte, sollte den Aufstieg wagen, oben weht auch ein angenehmer Wind?
There are several steps to climb to get here, ... The view is great, unfortunately the church was not open, so only 3 * But if you want to take beautiful pictures, you should dare the ascent, blowing up a pleasant wind
Domenico Carbone on Google

Una piccola isola in un mare incantevole, sicuramente da raggiungere con una piccola imbarcazione da diversi punti della costa. Da visitare la piccola chiesa.
A small island in an enchanting sea, certainly to be reached by small boat from different points on the coast. The small church is worth visiting.
Detlef Krueger on Google

Wunderschöne kleine Insel, welche mit einem geliehendem Boot oder mit einer organisierten Bootstour leicht zu erreichen ist . Unbedingt Badebekleidung mitnehmen, das kristallklare Wasser ist noch wärmer als andere Strände wie z. B. in Tolo. Wir hatten für kleines Geld eine organisierte Tour von Tolo aus. Die Gastgeber waren eine Familie. Der Kapitän hat auf der Insel lecker Souvlaki gegrillt, es gab Wein und frischen Bauernsalat. Auf der Rückfahrt hat " Mamma " mit den Gästen Sirtaki getanzt. Ein gelungener Bootstrip mit einer schönen, unberührten Landschaft.
Wonderful little island, which is easy to reach with a rented boat or with an organized boat tour. Be sure to bring swimwear with you, the crystal clear water is even warmer than other beaches such as B. in Tolo. We had an organized tour from Tolo for little money. The hosts were family. The captain grilled delicious souvlaki on the island, there was wine and fresh farmer's salad. On the way back, "Mamma" has with the guests Danced sirtaki. A successful boat trip with a beautiful, untouched landscape.
Rádió Budapest Mobil on Google

Hidden School
Ferdinand Uittenbogaard on Google

Deserted island beach. Nice to hang if you have boat to take you there.
György Antal on Google

Daskalio- the little church of Zoodochou Pigi: (Life Giving Spring): It is a small church dating back from the year 1688 and is located on “Daskalio”, a tiny island hidden behind the island Romvi. It is said that during the period of the Turkish rule, there was a “secret school” – “kryfo scholeio” on the island. In that "secret school", priests tried to teach children in secret their language and their history in order to maintain their heritage. Today Daskalio remains untouched by humans, despite the many visitors who undertake a pilgrimage to the chapel, or just go to the island for a swim.

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