Ekklisia Agios Georgios - Ekklisia Agios Georgios

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Contact Ekklisia Agios Georgios

Address :

Lagkadas 570 02, Greece

Postal code : 570
Categories :

Lagkadas 570 02, Greece
Evaggelia Tsarouha on Google

Ο Προστάτης μας.!!!!! Βοήθεια μας.!!!! Καταπληκτική Εκκλησια.!!!!
Our Protector !!!!! Our assistance.!!!! Amazing Church. !!!!
Βασιλική Φειδοπούλου on Google

Πρόσβαση από χωμάτινο δρόμο με το αυτοκίνητο ή από μονοπάτι με τα πόδια (περίπου 2½ χλμ). Το μονοπάτι ξεκινάει σ' ένα πλάτωμα λίγο πιο πάνω από τη διασταύρωση του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Ιούλιο που πήγαμε εμείς, ήταν καθαρισμένο και καλά σηματοδοτημένο. Με αρκετά στενά περάσματα αλλά βατό.
Access by dirt road by car or by footpath (approximately 2 km). The path starts on a plateau just above the crossroads of Agios Spyridon. July we went to was clean and well signposted. With quite narrow passages but passable.
Алексей Васильев on Google

Дивный старинный храм недействующего монастыря. Храм открыт, и в нем бывают службы. Монастырь служил укрытием от турецких пиратов. Если пираты все же добирались до монастыря, то монахи умудрялись прятаться в нишах за иконами. Двор монастыря по-прежнему служит местом празднования и отдыха, стоят деревянные столы. Духовное и символическое место.
Marvelous ancient temple of an inactive monastery. The temple is open, and there are services. The monastery served as a shelter from Turkish pirates. If the pirates nevertheless got to the monastery, then the monks managed to hide in niches behind the icons. The courtyard of the monastery still serves as a place of celebration and relaxation, there are wooden tables. Spiritual and symbolic place.
Jovana Momcilovic on Google

Neverovatno lepa crkva u sred planine I sume.
Incredibly beautiful church in the middle of the mountain and the forest.
Да, конечно on Google

Дорога не для слабонервных, но оно того стоит. Храм был закрыт. Проехали от края до края, ни души!
The road is not for the faint of heart, but worth it. The temple was closed. We drove from edge to edge, not a soul!
Βασιλης Παπαδοπουλος on Google

Πολύ όμορφο κ ήρεμο μέρος!
Karel Fröhlich on Google

Hrozná cesta. Pěšky v tom vedru děs. Autem je to o zničení spodku, ale při hodně, hodně opatrené jízdě se dá dostat až ke kostelu Sv. Jiří, stáří asi 400 let - vyhořel. Otevírá se hřebíkem který je zde ukryt. Nachází se zde velmi osvěžující pramen. Před kostel je možné si i zazvonit a při dobré konstelaci hvězd se podíváte i přímo do kostela. Místní zde pořádají některé ze svých bohatých oslav - narození dítěte, oslavy svateb, křtiny atd. Je zde tedy i ohniště. Uzoučkou cestičkou se dostanete na výhlídku, ze které vidíte zátoku okolo Vrasny, Asprovalty atd. Krása naprostá.
Terrible road. On foot in the heat of terror. By car, it's about destroying the bottom, but with a very, very careful drive, you can get to the church of St. George, about 400 years old - burned down. It opens with a nail that is hidden here. There is a very refreshing spring. In front of the church it is possible to ring the bell and with a good constellation of stars you can also look directly at the church. The locals organize some of their rich celebrations here - the birth of a child, wedding celebrations, christenings, etc. So there is also a fireplace. A narrow path will take you to a viewpoint from which you can see the bay around Vrasna, Asprovalta, etc. Absolute beauty.
Vaso Lazovic on Google

On the way there i saw a turtle,fox,barking deer by the river,few horses by the highway,it was fun.Beware of falling rocks,best thing there is a natural spring there so dont need to bring water.Amazing views.Bring a hat,so many insects were attacking me all the time.

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