Epariston - Nikolaou Zervou 61

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Contact Epariston

Address :

Nikolaou Zervou 61, Athina 176 75, Greece

Phone : 📞 +997
Postal code : 176
Website : http://www.epariston.com/
Categories :

Nikolaou Zervou 61, Athina 176 75, Greece
Matteo Malak on Google

Le soluzioni offerte da Epariston guidano a risultati proficui sotto diversi aspetti. L’organizzazione crea e sostiene una cultura di continuo miglioramento che spazia dall’incremento delle prestazioni a livello produttivo, al riconoscimento delle necessità del consumatore, tradotte poi in dati funzionali per il design del prodotto o del servizio. La professionalità ed il ventaglio di sevizi impatta diversi aspetti dell’azienda e del business in modo efficace e sostenibile nel tempo perché creati su misura del cliente. A differenza di altri enti di consulenza, Epariston punta ad insegnare come migliorare le prestazioni e a prendere decisioni proficue basate su dati estrapolati dal business stesso. “Limitarsi a risolvere il problema per poi andarsene crea solo un’altra opportunità di arricchirsi in futuro per molti consulenti. Noi preferiamo insegnarvi a pescare una volta per tutte, invece che portarvi del pesce in cambio di danaro ogni giorno.” Cit. Evangelos Kitsos
The solutions offered by Epariston lead to profitable results in several respects. The organization creates and supports a culture of continuous improvement that ranges from increasing production performance to recognizing consumer needs, which are then translated into functional data for the design of the product or service. The professionalism and range of services impacts various aspects of the company and the business in an effective and sustainable way over time because they are tailored to the customer. Unlike other consulting firms, Epariston aims to teach how to improve performance and make profitable decisions based on data extracted from the business itself. "Simply solving the problem and then leaving creates just another opportunity to get rich in the future for many consultants. We prefer to teach you to fish once and for all, instead of bringing you fish for money every day. " Cit. Evangelos Kitsos
azzam ayoub on Google

The Support of Epariston has changed my perspective towards decisions and numbers. It helped me embrace a new mindset of excellence that helped improving customer experience and profits in our company.
Georgia Souvalioti on Google

It’s rare that you come across with a person so passionate and enthusiastic about process excellence as Vangelis (Epariston). I had the pleasure to attend his classes when I was studying at Warwick, and what impressed me the most about him was not only his attention to details and how well he communicated his ideas to the audience but also his adhesion to data and statistics before making critical decisions. An amazing person and a brilliant mind!
David Suarez on Google

Epariston’s services have indeed helped my business grow and implement six sigma techniques in innovative ways. Thanks to their expertise we learned that six sigma goes beyond quality and provides a great framework for decision making in our organisation.
Andreas on Google

What I admire about Epariston is the ability to take complex data analysis procedures and tools and simplifying them, to address everyday business problems. The use of science to promote decision making, free from biases is something that got me excited, especially when I witnessed how it can be used, to make smarter day-to-day decisions. What I really admire though, is the ethos of the person behind the brand, who stays true to the values he represents, and is prepared to give the "hard truth" , in order to forget outadated practices, and embrace the adoption of proven methodologies that characterise the organisations of tomorrow.
Sneha Ramsohok on Google

The training and coaching offerred by Epariston has helped me develop an autonomous approach to drive continuous improvement in my organisation and most importantly understand how everything is interconnected in a system of profound knowledge. If there is one thing I have to say about Epariston is that it does surely know its way in driving business excellence and using data eficiently to drive oustanding business results!
alfred adusah on Google

After working closely with the personnel of Epariston (Evangelos Kitsos) for a little over a year. I can attest to the fact that the company approaches its activities with the highest level of professionalism, expertise and a deep concern for the success of its customers. Through this interaction I have been able to implement more data driven decision making processes in my company. I highly recommend the services of Epariston to any company that seeks to establish itself as the benchmark of excellence within its industry.
Kevin Yan on Google

As the CEO of a company, I am honored to have the support and cooperation of Epariston. They use statistics to assist our company's decision-making analysis. Next, we will begin to implement the Six Sigma principle and look forward to continuing to cooperate with it in the future.

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