Express Service Σταθμός Μουδανιών - Express Service Σταθμός Μουδανιών

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Contact Express Service Σταθμός Μουδανιών

Address :

Moudania 632 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +788
Postal code : 632
Website :
Categories :

Moudania 632 00, Greece
Kyriaki P on Google

Dimitris Psemmas on Google

Οι ταχύτεροι στην Χαλκιδική!!
The fastest in Halkidiki !!
Ioannis Mitropoylos on Google

Απλά η καλύτερη οδική βοήθεια στην Ελλάδα
Just the best roadside assistance in Greece
Cristina Șandor on Google

Ajunși într-o zi de sâmbătă dinspre Salonic, unde nu am găsit niciun service deschis, am găsit aici niște oameni deosebiți, profesioniști și Oameni cu suflet mare. Ne-au ajutat testânt și verificând mașina in toate felurile, liniștindu-ne ca să ne putem continua călătoria. Din fericire era doar o tablă desprinsă, care nu reprezenta vreun pericol. Eram terifiată de acest zgomot, apărut din senin la mașina noastră, și îmi era imposibil să îmi revin din panica care mă cuprinsese. Călătoria noastră către Kallithea, unde mergeam in concediu, devenise un coșmar. Le mulțumesc din suflet pentru toată atenția, disponibilitatea, profesionalismul și mai ales omenia cu care ne-au tratat, cu toate că eram niște străini veniți in vacanță. La final nu au vrut să ne ia niciun ban, cu toate insistențele mele. De acum știm că ne putem baza pe Express Serice când vom mai reveni în Grecia pentru că sunt într-adevăr profesioniști. Din câte am văzut, au 99 de sucursale si dotări de excepție, de la rampe de tractare, până la elicopter, ambulanțe și mașini de stingere a incendiilor. Le mulțumesc din suflet!
Arriving on a Saturday from Thessaloniki, where I did not find any open service, I found here some special people, professionals and people with a big soul. They helped us test and check the car in every way, reassuring us so we could continue our journey. Fortunately, it was just a detached sheet, which posed no danger. I was terrified by this noise, which suddenly appeared in our car, and it was impossible for me to recover from the panic that had gripped me. Our trip to Kallithea, where we were on vacation, had become a nightmare. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for all the attention, availability, professionalism and especially the humanity with which they treated us, even though we were foreigners who came on vacation. In the end, they didn't want to take any money from me, despite my insistence. We now know that we can rely on Express Serice when we return to Greece because they are really professionals. From what I saw, they have 99 branches and exceptional equipment, from towing ramps to helicopters, ambulances and fire extinguishers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Fanis Noutsos on Google

Δεν υπαρχει δυνατοτητα πληρωμων με καρτα ( ουτε χρεωστικη ουτε πιστωτικη ) δεχονται μονο μετρητα. Επισης πρεπει να κατανοησουν οτι δεν επιτρεπεται το καπνισμα σε κλειστο χωρο. Και τα δυο ειναι υποχρεωτικα απο τη νομοθεσια.
There is no possibility of card payments (neither debit nor credit) they only accept cash. They also need to understand that smoking is not allowed indoors. Both are required by law.
Johnnys Notoudas on Google

Никола Янков on Google

not working in Sunday. It is NOT 24h opened
Dragos Dimancea on Google

If you ever have car problems go no place ekse than here.

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