Feldenkrais Method® Αθήνα Ελλάδα (Μεθοδος Feldenkrais - Massimo Galli) - Navarchou Votsi 2

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Feldenkrais Method® Αθήνα Ελλάδα (Μεθοδος Feldenkrais - Massimo Galli)

Address :

Navarchou Votsi 2, Athina 152 31, Greece

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 152
Website : https://www.feldenkrais.edu.gr/
Categories :

Navarchou Votsi 2, Athina 152 31, Greece
Alexandra Koumatou on Google

kostas kritikos on Google

Konstantinos A. Despotakis on Google

Η σπονδυλική μου στήλη περί τον αυχένα έχει πλήθος από οστεόφυτα ('άλατα' στην καθομιλουμένη) και επί πλέον εργάζομαι ώρες σε υπολογιστή, με αποτέλεσμα να έχω έντονους πόνους. Έχω επίσης έναν συμπιεσμένο δίσκο στη μέση, πηγή πρόσθετου πόνου, και γενικά ευαισθησία σε αρθρώσεις, κυρίως στα γόνατα (έχω κάνει 4 εγχειρήσεις μηνίσκου). Από τότε που άρχισα συνεδρίες με το Massimo οι ενοχλήσεις μου παρουσίασαν σταδιακή βελτίωση με αποτέλεσμα τώρα να πονώ αισθητά λιγότερο. Έχει επίσης βελτιωθεί η ποιότητα το ύπνου μου καθώς ξυπνώ χωρίς να πονώ, με 'ελαφρύ' κεφάλι. Όσο για τον ίδιο το Massimo, πέρα από την εξαιρετική τεχνική του διαθέτει μια προσωπικότητα που έχει 'θεραπευτική' λειτουργία κατά τη διάρκεια των συνεδριών.
My spine around my neck has a lot of osteophytes ('salts' in the colloquial) and in addition I work hours on a computer, resulting in severe pain. I also have a compressed disc in the waist, a source of additional pain, and generally joint tenderness, mainly in the knees (I have had 4 meniscus surgeries). Ever since I started sessions with Massimo, my discomfort has gradually improved so that now I feel significantly less pain. The quality of my sleep has also improved as I wake up without pain, with a 'light' head. As for Massimo himself, in addition to his excellent technique, he has a personality that has a 'therapeutic' function during the sessions.
Aggeliki Giannouli on Google

Σημαντική βελτίωση, στο προβλημα μου. Απέκτησα, εμφανώς, ευελιξία, στις κινήσεις μου. Τό συνιστώ, ανεπιφύλακτα!
Significant improvement in my problem. I gained, obviously, flexibility in my movements. I highly recommend it!
maria takou on Google

Very friendly environment. Easy access by metro, bus or car ( easy parking ). Mr Galli is a true professional, a worthy representative of the Feldenkrais method in my opinion. I highly recommend him for anyone who is interested in experiencing Feldenkrais.
Jan Rouschop on Google

Mr. Galli is an excellent Feldenkrais therapist. Due to his treatments I am able to move better again. But we were forced to come to the conclusion that even Feldenkrais therapy is not able to completely 'cure' all old age and accident related limitations. Starting the therapy when one is 70 is a bit late in life. The therapy increased my mobility so far that I was able to pick up several physical activities again. Thank you Massimo.
Massimo Galli on Google

Feldenkrais Method® aims to reduce pain or limitations in movement, to improve physical function, and to promote general wellbeing by increasing students' awareness of themselves and by expanding students' movement repertoire.
Tasos Nakis on Google

I would suggest the Feldenkrais Method to anyone who wants to: -Explore, experience and refine embodied awareness. -Improve kinetic intelligence and performance, in a very advanced way. -Eliminate tensions. -Move through life, with a more open and free perception. Whether you are an elite athlete, a dancer, a performer, a therapist, a businessman, or a lay person, if any of the above is your interest, you might want to invest in some of these sessions. I found Massimo kind, open-minded, passionate with, and well versed in the philosophy of Feldenkrais. I highly recommend his services.

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