Fregada Studios - Fregada Studios

4.3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Fregada Studios

Address :

Limenas Thassos 640 04, Greece

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 640
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Categories :

Limenas Thassos 640 04, Greece
londrezosioannis on Google

andrei carlescu on Google

Alexia Rosu on Google

Sa va aduc aminte de minciuna spusa cu turiștii din Ilfov ? Care au venit pe data de 08.07 și noua , am venit pe 09.07 ,ne-ati spus ca si-au prelungit șederea pana pe 15.07 ? Întâmplător, domnul din Ilfov a ascultat conversatia și a părut deranjat de ceea ce ați spus . 88 euro este ceea ce ati cerut și am achitat . Mai ieftin ... da , exista la maxim 50 metri mai jos de dvs : apartament cu 95 euro ....
Remember the lie told to the tourists from Ilfov? Who came on 08.07 and we, we came on 09.07, did you tell us that they extended their stay until 15.07? Coincidentally, the gentleman from Ilfov listened to the conversation and seemed disturbed by what you said. 88 euros is what you asked for and I paid. Cheaper ... yes, there is a maximum of 50 meters below you: apartment with 95 euros ....
Dragos Marinescu on Google

New villa, well positioned, everything is new and modern, large room, perfect fit for a familly with kids.

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