Glaros - Nikis 20

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Glaros

Address :

Nikis 20, Paralia 601 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 601
Categories :

Nikis 20, Paralia 601 00, Greece
Pavol Pastorčák on Google

Anna Kapralova on Google

I recommend
stefanita kovacs on Google

Camere dotate cu de toate,servire ireproșabilă,amplasarea foarte buna
Rooms equipped with everything, impeccable service, very good location
Daito-kun on Google

Netul nu merge tot timpul, camera are găuri pe pereti și sunt foarte murdari
The net does not go all the time, the room has holes on the walls and is very dirty
Ján Krasnan on Google

Príjemné ubytovanie nie ďaleko od pláže jediný problém bola pleseň v kúpeľni ktorú tam bolo dosť cítiť.
Pleasant accommodation not far from the beach the only problem was the mold in the bathroom there was enough to feel.
Jan Capcik on Google

Dobrý hotel, príjemný domáci vždy mal úsmev na tvári.Aj izby boli útulné a čisté.
Good hotel, friendly home always had a smile on his face.And the rooms were cozy and clean.
Siuuu Siuuu on Google

V hoteli sme boli pred pár rokmi. Ubytovanie sme mali bez stravy. Ubytovanie bolo čisté a zodpovedalo ponuke cestovnej kancelárie. Zariadenie je situované na jednej z hlavných dopravných tepien turistického mestečka, a bolo hlučné - najmä majitelia motoriek rušili dovolenkárov rýchlou a hlučnou jazdou. Výhodou naopak bolo situovanie pár minút od miestnych pláží. Turistické centrum Paralia je vhodné najmä pre turistov vyhľadávajúcich rušnejšie turistické miesta. V stredisku je veľa obchodov a reštaurácií. Tým, ktorí hľadajú pokojné miesto na dovolenku veľmi neodporúčam. Boli sme v Paralii 2x. Prvý krát (júl) boli pláže aj more čisté, dovolenka pokojná, počasie ukážkové letné. Druhý krát o dva roky neskôr (august/september) sa zvýšil hluk na cestách, pláže boli znečistené riasami, ani počasie nevyšlo - pár dní bolo pekne ale začiatkom septembra veterno a aj spŕchlo. Neviem či by som si túto destináciu vybrala aj tretí krát.
We were at the hotel a few years ago. We had accommodation without food. The accommodation was clean and matched to the travel agency's offer. The property is situated on one of the main thoroughfares of the tourist town, and was noisy - especially motorbike owners disrupted holidaymakers with a fast and noisy ride. The advantage, on the other hand, was a few minutes from the local beaches. Paralia Tourist Center is especially suitable for tourists looking for busier tourist places. There are many shops and restaurants in the resort. I do not highly recommend those looking for a quiet holiday. We were in Paralia 2x. For the first time (July) the beaches and the sea were clean, the holidays peaceful, the weather showcasing summer. The second time two years later (August / September) the noise on the roads increased, the beaches were contaminated with algae, and the weather did not work out - a few days was nice but it was windy at the beginning of September. I do not know if I would choose this destination for the third time.

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