Hotel Appartments Alexander - Maria Kassas 16

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hotel Appartments Alexander

Address :

Maria Kassas 16, Paralia 601 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 601
Categories :

Maria Kassas 16, Paralia 601 00, Greece
Tudor Pelin on Google

Foate placut confortabil si curat
Very pleasantly comfortable and clean
Adelaida Rosu on Google

Îmi place foarte mult. Plaja este aproape, camerele sunt curate, patronul om de treabă , este aproape de centru orasului. Doar cu soarele sunt probleme "arde foarte tare".
I really like. The beach is close, the rooms are clean, the owner is nice, it is close to the city center. Only with the sun are problems "burns very hard".
Cornelia Tudor on Google

Proprietarul foarte amabil,curat şi multă linişte. Cei nemulţumiţi sunt cârcotaşi,au ştiut de la început ce servicii se oferă în rezervare. La noi pe litoral sunt condiţi mai proaste şi personal nepoliticos. Am să revin şi voi recomanda locaţia. Mulţumim Alexander!
Very friendly, clean and very quiet owner. The dissatisfied ones are grumpy, they knew from the beginning what services are offered in the reservation. In our seaside there are worse conditions and rude staff. I'll be back and recommend the location. Thanks Alexander!
Mr & Mrs M on Google

Administrator zgârcit, la sosire toate bune și frumoase, la plecare nu-ti oferă condiții de odihna. La 9 trebuie sa eliberezi camera și pâna la ora 14:00, nu te lasă la recepție sa stai. Nu recomand decât în condiții necesare! In camera mirosul este de statut, de țigare, nu este aerisit suficient!
Stingy administrator, on arrival all good and beautiful, on departure does not offer you rest conditions. At 9 o'clock you must vacate the room and until 14:00, do not let you stay at the reception. I only recommend under the necessary conditions! In the room the smell is of status, of cigarettes, it is not ventilated enough!
Cristian Cristian on Google

Acum 5 ani era ok...Domnul Alexander era foarte amabil si serviabil...sper ca nu s-a schimbat intre timp!
5 years ago it was ok ... Mr. Alexander was very kind and helpful ... I hope it hasn't changed in the meantime!
Mirela Leone on Google

Citind toate recensiunile negative despre acest hotel si despre proprietarul sau, am venit foarte neincrezatoare. C'è sa va spun? Am ramas surprinsa de toata curatenia care este in jur si de disponibilitatea dl. Alexander. Nu luati in seama tot c'è se scrie sunt toate niste aberatii. Referitor la reguli e adevarat. Acest hotel este ptr. oameni civilizati care stiu sa aprecieze c'è este in jur. O sa revin cu Placer e si anul viitor. Multumesc din suflet dl. Alexander ptr tot
Reading all the negative reviews about this hotel and its owner, I came in very distrustful. What can I tell you? I was surprised by all the cleanliness that is around and the availability of Mr. Alexander. Ignore everything that is written, they are all aberrations. As for the rules, it's true. This hotel is for civilized people who know how to appreciate what's around. I'll be back with Placer next year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mr. Alexander for everything
Ewa Unruh on Google

The owner is not kind for people.
Viorel Ianasi on Google

I like this place as I like Mr. Alexander, too. Nice man!

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