Hotel ATHANASIA - Limenas

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hotel ATHANASIA

Address :

Limenas, Limenas Thassos 640 04, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9878
Postal code : 640
Website :
Categories :

Limenas, Limenas Thassos 640 04, Greece
Danijel Kocic on Google

Првенствено Бабис, власник хотела је одличан домаћин, много добар и позитиван човек. Када смо стигли одвео нас је до собе и затим је сео са нама у двориште и бар пола сата нам са стрпљењем показивао на мапи шта је на острву вредно посете, најлепше плаже, најбоље ресторане итд. Апартман је био много чист, и ако желите соба вам се може чистити и сваки дан, исто тако се и пешкири и постељина мењају редовно. Исто тако, све је у апартману је квалитетно урађено, водило се рачуна о сваком детаљу. Локација самог смештаја је близу главног шеталишта (2 минута шетње). Када будемо опет долазили на Тасос, дефинитивно знамо у који ћемо смештај!
Primarily Babis, the owner of the hotel is a great host, a very good and positive man. When we arrived he took us to a room and then sat down with us in the yard and for at least half an hour patiently showed us on a map what is worth visiting on the island, the most beautiful beaches, the best restaurants, etc. The apartment was very clean, and if you want your room can be cleaned every day, as well as towels and bed linen are changed regularly. Also, everything in the apartment is well done, every detail was taken into account. The location of the accommodation itself is close to the main promenade (2 minutes walk). When we come to Thassos again, we definitely know what accommodation we will be in!
Ibram Hadjifeyzula on Google

The place is very nice
Alejandro L. (Lu) on Google

Very nice place for holiday ☺
Fethiye on Google

So hospitality owner and excellent location in Thassos
blanaru claudiu on Google

Great location and a very friendly host.
Tobias Nyberg on Google

Stayed one night. Clean and personal family hotel. Near the ferry when arriving and the city in the night. We’ll come back for sure.
Mihai Călin on Google

Durring the planning of our first visit to Thasos I looked for hotels all over the island. I'm more than glad I chosed Hotel Athanasia for this vacation. Our room was perfect, spatious & full of light, with comfortable bed and the balcony had a beautiful view of the mountains! The owner, Babis, is the perfect greek host & he'll recommend you the best villages, beaches and taverns in Thasos.
Dragana Mitrovic on Google

Very comfortable and clean room with everything you need. Great garden in front where you can enjoy your meal or just drink coffee. The host is the best, he gives you tips and recomendation for the best places to visit on the island! Absolutly great!

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