Hotel Grand EVA - Hotel Grand EVA

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

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Agios Georgios 570 21, Greece

Postal code : 570
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Agios Georgios 570 21, Greece
Ivana Bozic on Google

Pa sta da vam kazem kad se vracam svake godine ??????
So what can I tell you when I come back every year ??????
Branko Graovac on Google

Lepom zamišljeno, amaterski urađeno, mala kuhinjica bez trpezarijskog stola, jedi sa kolena. Dvorište izuzetno lepo i sređeno, roštilj, TV, dva bazena solidna.
Nicely thought out, amateurishly done, small kitchen without dining table, eat from the knees. The yard is very nice and tidy, barbecue, TV, two solid pools.
marijana arsenić on Google

Bili u julu i nikada više.Agencija prodaje vilu kao mirnu porodičnu a zapravo smo bili smesteni sa 80-ro dece uzrasta od 14-18 godina.Nocu nije moglo da se spava od buke.GRAND TOURS sa vama nikada više.
It was in July and never again. The agency sells the villa as a peaceful family and we were actually accommodated with 80 children of 14-18 years of age. Now, it was not possible to sleep from noise. GRAND TOURS with you never again.
Maria Z on Google

- Lociran u sred nerazvijenog sela - Smrad kanalizacije iz Wc-a koji se siri po ostalim sobama i taj problem nije resen za vreme naseg boravka. - Ne rade ringle - Pola posudja nedostaje - Tus ne radi i voda stalno curi jer ne moze da se zatvori - Bazen se ne moze koristiti od 2 do 5 zbog kucnog reda - Vrata sa terase se ne zakljucavaju - Po jedan peskir velicine 20x30cm za 10 dana. Uz -zahtev da se dobije jos koji obrazlozeno je da nema. - Peskiri i posteljina se peru rucno i suse po dvoristu - Sobe se ne ciste u toku boravka - Ne postoji sapun za ruke, niti tecnost za sudove - Budj na jastucima - Ne postoji nadkriveni parking kao sto je opisano niti igraliste za decu - TV je velicine tableta i sadrzi samo RTS satelit kanal i jako los prijem 2-3 grcka kanala - Wi-fi konekcija ne radi
- Located in the middle of an underdeveloped village - The stench of sewage from the toilet that spreads to other rooms and this problem was not solved during our stay. - They don't make hotplates - Half the dishes are missing - The shower does not work and the water is constantly leaking because it cannot be closed - The pool cannot be used from 2 to 5 due to house rules - The terrace door does not lock - One towel size 20x30cm for 10 days. With the request to get another one, it is explained that there is none. - Towels and bed linen are washed by hand and dried in the yard - Rooms are not cleaned during the stay - There is no hand soap or dishwashing liquid - Be on the pillows - There is no covered parking as described or a playground for children - The TV is the size of a tablet and contains only an RTS satellite channel and very poor reception of 2-3 Greek channels - Wi-fi connection not working
Miroslav Pap on Google

Čist smeštaj, nije daleko od plaže, hrana dobra, internet konecija nije sjajna, ali i to zavisi od kvaliteta telefona, tj. wi-fi antene. Bazeni za decu i odrasle su čisti, pločice nisu oštećene (nema oštrih ivica). Prodavnice su blizu. Sve u svemu, odličan smeštaj.
Clean accommodation is not far from the beach, good food, internet connection is not great, but also depends on the quality of the phone, i.e. wi-fi antenna. Pools for children and adults are clean, tiles are not damaged (no sharp edges). Shops are close. All in all, excellent accommodation.
Lalić Dušan on Google

OK hotelčić. Čisto i uredno, lep bazen prvenstveno za decu. Do mora ima oko 170 metara. Ispred hotela veliki plac za parking. To što sobe imaju TV ništa ne znači jer nema šta da se gleda. Ispravka: posle dana čekanja da mi reše problem, ja sam ga podesio. TV je bio na grčkom naravno, pa sam prebacio na engleski. Neko je namestio DVB-C, a treba DVB-T (iako dolazi kablom do hotela), posle je bilo lako. Ima 40 kanala, naravno grčkih. Može da posluži kao medija plejer ako ponesete USB sa filmovima. Ima i klima u sobama ali se posebno plaća.
OK hotel. Clean and tidy, beautiful pool primarily for children. The sea is about 170 meters. In front of the hotel is a large parking lot. The fact that the rooms have a TV does not mean anything because there is nothing to watch. Correction: after a day of waiting for me to solve the problem, I fixed it. The TV was in Greek of course, so I switched to English. Someone set up DVB-C, and need DVB-T (although it comes by cable to the hotel), then it was easy. There are 40 channels, of course Greek. It can serve as a media player if you bring USB with movies. There is also air conditioning in the rooms but it is paid separately.
Uma Manojlovic on Google

Divna lokacija, dvorište botaničja bašta, sobe za ljetnje žege odlične, ne treba klima ima roštilj, bazen, ljuljaške, kutak za djecu i...
Beautiful location, courtyard botanical garden, rooms for summer heat excellent, no need air conditioning has a barbecue, swimming pool, swings, children's corner and ...
Dušan (Jurke) on Google

Ovo je vila apartmenskog tipa koja ne zaostaje mnogo i za nekim hotelima nižeg nivoa. Osoblje predivno. Okolina mirna, čuje se pesma ptica, smeštaj prelep kao botanička bašta, u dvorištu ima oko 30 palmi, bazen, kamin, tuševi, stolovi, ljuljaške, ležaljke i mobilijar za decu. Kad je puno talasa na plaži vreme možete provesti u dvorištu vile. Plaža udaljena na oko jedva 5 minuta možda i manje (nekih 150 m) U apartmanima imate posuđe i kuhinjicu gde možete spremiti kafu, čaj ili obrok
This is an apartment-type villa that does not lag far behind some lower level hotels. The staff is wonderful. The surroundings are quiet, birdsong can be heard, the accommodation is as beautiful as a botanical garden, there are about 30 palm trees in the yard, a swimming pool, a fireplace, showers, tables, swings, deck chairs and furniture for children. When there are a lot of waves on the beach, you can spend time in the yard of the villa. The beach is about 5 minutes away maybe less (some 150 m) In the apartments you have dishes and a kitchenette where you can prepare coffee, tea or a meal

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