ILIOHOOS-The School of Simple Living - ARGALASTI 1

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ILIOHOOS-The School of Simple Living

Address :

ARGALASTI 1, Kalamos 370 06, Greece

Phone : 📞 +97878
Postal code : 370
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ARGALASTI 1, Kalamos 370 06, Greece
Silvana Lucchini on Google

Ich kann mich wohl nur wiederholen, was andere schon angemerkt haben. Es ist ein wundervoller Platz, um ganz bei sich anzukommen. Von Jorgos, dem Qi Gong Lehrer Unterweisung zu erhalten ist vom Feinsten! Die holzige Übungsplattformen mitten im Olivenhain, unter riesigen Platanen ist an sich schon einfach zauberhaft. Das ganze Rahmenprogramm, was Lina und Jorgos auf die Beine stellen, mit den Wanderungen und der "Kräuterfrau" Eleni, ihre Bemühungen um das Wohl aller ist sehr herzlich und fein! Die Kombi von Qi Gong, Meditation, leckerem griechischen Essen, einem Platz direkt am Meer, das Wandern und die freien Nachmittage sind einfach optimalst! Ich danke euch allen, dass ihr uns/mir so einen Ort und dieses Wissen zur Verfügung stellt! Allerherzlichste Grüsse, Silvana
I can only repeat what others have already said. It is a wonderful place to fully relax. Receiving instruction from Jorgos, the Qi Gong teacher is top notch! The woody exercise platform in the middle of the olive grove, under huge plane trees, is simply magical in itself. The whole supporting program, which Lina and Jorgos put together, with the hikes and the "herb woman" Eleni, their efforts for the well-being of everyone is very warm and nice! The combination of Qi Gong, meditation, delicious Greek food, a place right by the sea, hiking and the free afternoons are simply optimal! I thank you all for making such a place and this knowledge available to us / me! Warmest regards, Silvana
Franz Feldmann on Google

Ein kleines rundum-Wohlfühl Paradies für Menschen mit spiritueller Ader. Sehr familiäre Atmosphäre beim Qi Gong/Meditationskurs mit Jorgos, seiner Frau und Dimitri. Eine wundervolle Landschaft abseits grosser Touristenzentren die sehr gut zum Programmangebot passt. Traumhafte Strände sämtlich fussläufig vom Hotel. Der Kurs mit Jorgos zählt zum Besten was ich in meinen 10 Jahren Qi Gong erleben und lernen durfte. Sehr angenehme Kursatmosphäre, sehr angenehmer, zugänglicher und sehr gebildeter Lehrer.
A small, all-round wellness paradise for people with a spiritual streak. Very familiar atmosphere during the Qi Gong / meditation course with Jorgos, his wife and Dimitri. A wonderful landscape away from major tourist centers that fits very well with the program. Fantastic beaches all within walking distance of the hotel. The course with Jorgos is one of the best that I have been able to experience and learn Qi Gong in my 10 years. Very pleasant course atmosphere, very pleasant, approachable and very educated teacher.
bigs on Google

Ein grossartiger, besonderer Ort der Ruhe und Entspannung. Alles ist sehr freilassend, was super angenehm ist. Alle dort sind sehr bemüht, dass es an nichts fehlt, danke Dimitri, Lina, Jorgos und danke allen anderen. Qi Gong mit Jorgos war einfach großartig. Durch seine Erfahrung, seine Weisheit und innere Ruhe wurden diese Stunden zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis. Auch dir lieben Dank Lina für deinen Vertretungstag, es war total schön und bereichernd mit dir zu üben. Das Essen am Abend war lecker , Frühstück direkt am Meer, es war so schön. Nicht zu vergessen, die super Thai -und Fußreflexzonen-Massage. Der perfekte Urlaub um sich gutes zu tun und bei sich anzukommen.
A great, special place of rest and relaxation. Everything is very free, which is super pleasant. Everyone there tries very hard to ensure that nothing is missing, thank you Dimitri, Lina, Jorgos and thank everyone else. Qi Gong with Jorgos was just great. Through his experience, his wisdom and inner peace, these hours became a very special experience. Thank you, too, Lina for your substitution day, it was really nice and enriching to practice with you. The food in the evening was delicious, breakfast right by the sea, it was so nice. Not to forget the super Thai and foot reflexology massage. The perfect vacation to do something good for yourself and to feel at home.
Hara Theofilou on Google

Best place to relax and enjoy your vacation time!!!!!!
Vijaya Yogis on Google

We went for our retreat last year and we really liked it!
Svilen Genchev on Google

Very unpleasant waiter, didn't offer a menu but "welcomed" us with "what do you want?!". Frankly the food was ok, BUT the very same waiter just came at some point and took our half-full plates and utensils without even saying a word. We had to bargain to leave some food. We will never go back to this place. I suggest going to Symmetron restaurant for very nice food and service instead.
L L on Google

Well earned stopover during a walking holiday opted for freshly squeezed orange juice, which although slightly watered down none the less refreshing. Not a lot around area but nice views over ocean, with cool breeze while you drank. Area very quiet and calm and the facilities were clean.
Silke Janz on Google

A great destination -> greek atmosphere room (clean and spacy). Good restaurant. Nice breakfast. Very nice and helpful people. The small village is a special destination. Absolutely recommendable!

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