Kassiopi Travel Service & Kassiopi Cars - Kassiopi Bay

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kassiopi Travel Service & Kassiopi Cars

Address :

Κασσιόπη, Kassiopi Bay, Kassiopi 490 81, Greece

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 490
Website : http://www.visit-kassiopi.com/
Categories :

Κασσιόπη, Kassiopi Bay, Kassiopi 490 81, Greece
Massimo Guido on Google

Assolutamente NO! ESPERIENZA NEGATIVISSIMA! consiglio vivamente a tutti gli italiani di non metterci piede! Noi italiani vengono trattati in maniera differente rispetto ad altre nazionalità
Absolutely not! VERY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE! I highly recommend to all Italians not to set foot there! We Italians are treated differently than other nationalities
Piotr Bałdych on Google

Absolutnie nie polecam tej agencji!!! Wykupiłem całodzienny pobyt w Aqualand Corfu wraz z dowozem z miejscowości Kassiopi dla 4 osób ( w tym 1 dziecko i 1 nieletni 17 lat) za sumę 127€. Wyjazd w dniu 15.08. o godz. 10:00. Punkt odbioru przy Yannis Rent Cars w Kassiopi. Oczywiście dzieci zadowolone, już nastawione na dobrą zabawę, zwłaszcza po tygodniu plażowania. W ustalonym dniu wyjazdu meldujemy się w punkcie odbioru 15 minut przed czasem, o godz. 9:45. No i tak sobie czekamy do godz. 10:25. Oczywiście nikt nie przyjeżdża. Ponoszą mnie nerwy i wykonujemy telefon do agencji, po czym pani z agencji prosi o 5 minut na wyjaśnienie sprawy. Oddzwania i prosi o stawienie się w agencji, gdzie na miejscu okazuje się, że... poprostu o nas zapomnieli. Pani informuje nas, że bus przejechał, nie zatrzymując się, gdyż o nas zapomnieli. To jakaś farsa i ponury żart. Dziwne, że czekajac od 9:45 w tym czasie nie zauważyliśmy żadnego busa, chyba że dostawczy. W tym czasie przejechał również tylko 1 autobus. A mi się wydaje, że żadnego busa w tym dniu poprostu nie było z uwagi na brak chętnych i zostaliśmy totalnie przez firmę zlani. Zresztą pani w biurze, a zwłaszcza towarzyszący jej mężczyzna nie wydawali się specjalnie tą sytuacją przejęci. W sumie co się stało? Tylko was nie zabrali. A to, że komuś popsuto cały zaplanowany dzień? Kogo to interesuje. Totalny brak szacunku do klienta. Po pierwszych słowach pani, z których to wynikało, że w zasadzie tylko o nas zapomnieli, myślałem ze będą jeszcze problemy z odzyskaniem pieniędzy, że będzie wymyślanie że nie tam staliśmy gdzie powinniśmy itp., ale całe szczęście nie było tu żadnego problemu. Reasumujac, totalnie odradzam tą agencję, gdyż może okazać się, że fajnie zaplanowany dzień spędzicie jednak po raz kolejny w apartamencie, bo ktoś o was zapomni. Także to wy zapomnijcie lepiej o tej agencji. I absolutely do not recommend this agency !!! I bought a full day stay in Aqualand Corfu with delivery from Kassiopi for 4 people (including 1 child and 1 minor 17 years old) for the sum of 127 €. Departure on August 15. at. 10:00. Pickup point at Yannis Rent Cars in Kassiopi. Of course, the children are happy and ready to have fun, especially after a week of sunbathing. On the agreed day of departure, we check in at the pickup point 15 minutes before the time, at 9:45. And so we wait until 10:25. Of course, no one is coming. My nerves get on my nerves and we make a phone call to the agency, and then the lady from the agency asks for 5 minutes to clarify the matter. He calls back and asks to report to the agency, where it turns out that ... they just forgot about us. The lady informs us that the bus passed without stopping because they forgot about us.This is a farce and a gloomy joke. It is strange that, waiting from 9:45 am at that time, we did not notice any bus, except for a delivery bus. Only 1 bus passed at that time. And it seems to me that there was simply no bus on that day due to the lack of volunteers and we were totally entrenched by the company. Besides, the lady in the office, and especially the man accompanying her, did not seem particularly concerned about this situation. What happened? They just didn't take you. And the fact that someone has spoiled the entire planned day? Who is it interested in. Total lack of respect for the client. After the lady's first words that they had basically only forgotten about us, I thought that there would still be problems with recovering the money, that there would be making up that we were not standing where we should be, etc., but fortunately there was no problem here. To sum up, I totally advise against this agency, because it may turn out that you will spend a nice day in the apartment again, because someone will forget about you. You too should forget about this agency.
I absolutely do not recommend this agency !!! I bought a full day stay in Aqualand Corfu with delivery from Kassiopi for 4 people (including 1 child and 1 minor 17 years old) for the sum of 127 €. Departure on August 15. at. 10:00. Pickup point at Yannis Rent Cars in Kassiopi. Of course, the children are happy and ready to have fun, especially after a week of sunbathing. On the agreed day of departure, we check in at the pickup point 15 minutes before the time, at 9:45. And so we wait until 10:25. Of course, no one is coming. My nerves get on my nerves and we make a phone call to the agency, and then the lady from the agency asks for 5 minutes to clarify the matter. He calls back and asks to report to the agency, where it turns out that ... they just forgot about us. The lady informs us that the bus passed without stopping because they forgot about us. This is a farce and a gloomy joke. It is strange that, waiting from 9:45 am at that time, we did not notice any bus, except for a delivery bus. Only 1 bus passed at that time. And it seems to me that there was simply no bus on that day due to the lack of volunteers and we were totally entrenched by the company. Anyway, the lady in the office, and especially the man accompanying her, did not seem particularly concerned about this situation. What happened? They just didn't take you. And the fact that someone has spoiled the entire planned day? Who is it interested in. Total lack of respect for the client. After the first words of the lady that they had basically only forgotten about us, I thought that there would still be problems with recovering the money, that there would be making up that we were not standing where we should be, etc., but fortunately there was no problem here. To sum up, I totally advise against this agency, because it may turn out that you will spend a nice day in the apartment again, because someone will forget about you. You too should forget about this agency. I absolutely do not recommend this agency !!! I bought a full day stay in Aqualand Corfu with delivery from Kassiopi for 4 people (including 1 child and 1 minor 17 years old) for the sum of € 127. Departure on August 15. at. 10:00. Pickup point at Yannis Rent Cars in Kassiopi. Of course, the children are happy and ready to have fun, especially after a week of sunbathing. On the agreed day of departure, we check in at the pickup point 15 minutes before the time, at 9:45. And so we wait until 10:25. Of course, no one is coming. My nerves get on my nerves and we make a phone call to the agency, and then the lady from the agency asks for 5 minutes to clarify the matter. He calls back and asks to report to the agency, where it turns out that ... they just forgot about us. The lady informs us that the bus passed without stopping because they forgot about us.This is a farce and a gloomy joke. It is strange that, waiting from 9:45 am at that time, we did not notice any bus, except for a delivery bus. Only 1 bus passed at that time. And it seems to me that there was simply no bus on that day due to the lack of volunteers and we were totally entrenched by the company. Besides, the lady in the office, and especially the man accompanying her, did not seem particularly concerned about this situation. What happened? They just didn't take you. And the fact that someone has spoiled the entire planned day? Who is it interested in. Total lack of respect for the client. After the lady's first words that they had basically only forgotten about us, I thought that there would still be problems with recovering the money, that there would be making up that we were not standing where we should be, etc., but fortunately there was no problem here. To sum up, I totally advise against this agency, because it may turn out that you will spend a nice day in the apartment again, because someone will forget about you. You too should forget about this agency.
Tomasz Gajewski on Google

Wykupiona wycieczka do Paleo. Podróż miała trwać 1H a było to 2H do i 3H powrót przez przystanki i odbieranie ludzi z różnych miejscowości. Niestety gdybym wiedział że mam spędzić 5 godzin w busie a 3 na miejscu to bym tego nie kupił. O szczegóły wycieczki dopytalem i też zostałem oszukany. Na plus miasta jest to że jest to jedyny czarny punkt na ich mapie. Edit Answer: the problem is i asked the worker for "how long the bus will ride" and the answer was 1 hour! and "will bus stop on the top of the mountain with church" and also answer was "Yes" now i know is impossible but then i don't knowed. So still my problem is the lie because in other travel company sayed me the true and i didn't choose that journey.
Trip to Paleo purchased. The journey was supposed to last 1H and it was 2H to and 3H return by stops and picking up people from different places. Unfortunately, if I had known that I had to spend 5 hours on the bus and 3 hours on the spot, I would not buy it. I asked about the details of the trip and I was also deceived. The advantage of the city is that it is the only black spot on their map. Edit Answer: the problem is i asked the worker for "how long the bus will ride" and the answer was 1 hour! and "will bus stop on the top of the mountain with church" and also answer was "Yes" now i know is impossible but then i don't knowed. So still my problem is the lie because in other travel company sayed me the true and i didn't choose that journey.
Healthy Choise on Google

First nice place good food Price and quality =expectation. Portion quite big !!! So enjoy relax and have a nice time!!!
Mike H on Google

To be honest I thought we were ripped off on car hire at 300 euro for one week! If I had done my homework I could have got 150 euro from the airport and that would have saved 120 euro in taxi fares as well! It will never happen again.
Michael Lowe on Google

I love it when people go the extra mile and that was our experience. Not only where the staff happy to print off some documents for us they also delivered them directly to our apartment to safe us going into the office!!
Chris B on Google

Excellent and friendly service. Reasonably price car hire. Car was delivered efficiently to our accomodation and communication could not be faulted. I would not hesitate to use this company again.
Jane Maycon on Google

Beautiful Place! 3rd time there and we will be back soon!! Everything was arranged by Kassiopi Travel, transfer, Car rental, Accommodation.

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