Marathon Studios & Apartments - Limni Keri Limni Keriou

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Marathon Studios & Apartments

Address :

Limni Keri Limni Keriou, 290 92, Greece

Phone : 📞 +98887
Postal code : 290
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Limni Keri Limni Keriou, 290 92, Greece
Catelynn on Google

5 gwiazdek to za mało, by ocenić. Wygodny, dobrze wyposażony apartament, czyściutko, hotel tuż przy plaży ( w zasadzie na plaży ), cicho spokojnie, no i przede wszystkim przemiła, bardzo gościnna gospodyni, pani Katerina:) Szczerze polecam!
5 stars is not enough to rate. Comfortable, well-equipped apartment, cleanly, hotel right next to the beach (basically on the beach), quiet, peaceful, and above all, a nice, very hospitable hostess, Mrs. Katerina :) I sincerely recommend!
Massimo Bergonzi on Google

· Appartamenti bellissimi, ben arredati e nuovi. Locali ampi e ben tenuti. Le camere sono dotate di aria condizionata, una cucina con tutto ciò che potrebbe servire, ma difficilmente pranzerete o cenerete a casa. C'è un ampio terrazzo coperto con in dotazione tavolo e sedie, tutto in perfetto stato. Le pulizie sono quotidiane e il cambio completo biancheria e asciugamani avviene ogni due giorni. A mio avviso un studios davvero eccezionale, grazie anche a Katerina e famiglia che si sono dimostrati fin da subito cordiali e disponibili a dare consigli e suggerimenti. Siamo arrivati verso le 22 e ci stava aspettando, appena arrivati ci ha offerto subito acqua, birre e bibite e ci ha spiegato dove poter cenare, cosa visitare il giorno successivo e cosa evitare. Il pregio di una struttura non la fa la struttura stessa ma la capacità di chi gestisce. Brava Katerina! Gli studios sono a pochissimi metri dalla spiaggia di Keri e potete utilizzare i lettini gratuiti del Marathon, la posizione è tranquilla e di notte non si sente nulla ma in due minuti raggiungete a piedi il porto, zona centrale di Keri, che offre diversi locali e taverne dove pranzare o cenare se non avete voglia di prendere l'automobile. Al piano terra è disponibile un minimarket abbastanza fornito con annesso bar e tabacchi. Assolutamente consigliato.
· Beautiful apartments, well furnished and new. Spacious and well-kept rooms. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, a kitchen with everything you might need, but you will hardly have lunch or dinner at home. There is a large covered terrace equipped with table and chairs, all in perfect condition. Cleaning is daily and the complete change of linen and towels takes place every two days. In my opinion a truly exceptional studios, thanks also to Katerina and family who immediately proved to be friendly and willing to give advice and suggestions. We arrived at about 10pm and was waiting for us, as soon as we arrived he immediately offered us water, beer and soft drinks and explained where we could dine, what to visit the next day and what to avoid. The structure's value does not make the structure itself but the capacity of those who manage it. Brava Katerina! The studios are a few meters from the beach of Keri and you can use the free Marathon beds, the location is quiet and at night you don't hear anything but in two minutes you can walk to the port, central area of ​​Keri, which offers several clubs and taverns where you can have lunch or dinner if you don't feel like taking the car. On the ground floor there is a small supermarket fairly stocked with an adjoining bar and tobacconist. Absolutely recommended.
Simona Savino on Google

Appartamenti molti carini, curati e molto puliti. È bellissimo la mattina aprire le finestre e poter ammirare un mare stupendo a pochi passi da casa. Gentilissima e molto disponibile la proprietaria Caterina. ha soddisfatto ogni nostra richiesta e ci ha addirittura salutati con un piccolo regalo. Consigliatissimo!
Very nice, well-kept and very clean apartments. It is beautiful in the morning to open the windows and be able to admire a wonderful sea just a few steps from home. The owner Caterina is very kind and helpful. he satisfied our every request and even greeted us with a small gift. Highly recommended!
Mark Duda on Google

Perfect holiday location
Dave Langezaal on Google

Greal location near the beach. Fiendly owner.
Angelina Chuong on Google

Amazing location and right by the beach. All the restaurants and shops were 3 minutes walk away. Very nice clean rooms with a big balcony. Katerina is amazing and was very welcoming. She gave us advice on where to go on the island and what to do. She was very accommodating and anything you needed she was there to help. Also, there is a mini market located on the bottom which was very convenient. There was anything from fresh fruits to very good frappes and Freddos which I had everyday. I will definitely be back here when I visit the island again. Truly an amazing experience.
Michele Villani on Google

an enchanting place directly on the sea of ​​Limni Kery. Clean apartments and really equipped with every comfort. Immersed in a green and uncontaminated nature. Thanks to katerina, the owner who pampered us throughout our stay. Highly recommended !!!!
Francine Filiè on Google

Katerina and her family are the most welcoming host! The apartment is perfect, clean and furnished, and literally 10 steps away from Keri Beach! We loved our stay here and I would definitely recommend it!

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