Maya Apartments - Αργυραινα

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Maya Apartments

Address :

Αργυραινα, 846 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +8978889
Postal code : 846
Website :
Categories :

Αργυραινα, 846 00, Greece
Diana Vallejo on Google

Sitio no muy limpio. Mal horario para el check in, teniendo que llamar al dueño sin previo aviso para que venga a abrirte. No hay recepción ni consigna. No repetiremos.
Site not very clean. Bad hours for check-in, having to call the owner without prior notice to come open. There is no reception or left luggage office. We will not repeat.
sandra Montesinos on Google

Nos costó mucho conseguir contactar con el dueño para q nos abriese la habitación, ponía que podíamos entrar antes si estaba la habitación vacía y no es real. La habitación, son dos camas, una tele, una nevera y el baño. Suficiente para ir a dormir estando de vacaciones. Estaba la bandeja de los jabones de dentro de la ducha super sucio, y el agua caliente se acaba cuando eres el segundo en ducharte. Si vuelvo a mykonos, no repetiré
We had a hard time getting contact with the owner to open the room for us, he said that we could enter before if the room was empty and it is not real. The room is two beds, a TV, a refrigerator and the bathroom. Enough to go to sleep while on vacation. The soap tray inside the shower was super dirty, and the hot water runs out when you are the second to shower. If I go back to mykonos, I will not repeat
Agnieszka O on Google

Dobra cena za duży apartament jak na Mykonos. Ręczniki kosmetyki w cenie wynajmu. Daleko od hałaśliwej ulicy. Gdyby nie startujące samoloty byłoby super ale bliskość lotniska ma też swoje wady.
Good price for a large apartment for Mykonos. Cosmetics towels included in the rental price. Far from a noisy street. If not for the planes taking off, it would be great, but the proximity to the airport also has its disadvantages.
Rosy Perez on Google

Il proprietario è un ragazzo giovane d'una disponibilità ed gentilezza formidabile, ci siamo trovati molto bene... se ci dovesse tornare qui di certo non sceglierei un'altro posto.
Manuel Cardamone on Google

Lascio 5 stelle per il rapporto qualità/prezzo. Se siete PIGRI e RICCHI allora cercate altrove. Se non avete paura di camminare 10 minuti (in salita) e volete risparmiare qualcosa questo posto è adatto a voi. Stanze grandi, pulite e bagno perfetto a differenza di quello che diceva qualche altra recensione. Piccola cucina con tutto incluso e set bagno incluso. Quando arrivate agli appartamenti chiamate il loro numero e arriveranno ad aprirvi, non troverete nessuno lì davanti. Ottima esperienza.
I leave 5 stars for the quality / price ratio. If you are Lazy and RICH then look elsewhere. If you are not afraid to walk 10 minutes (uphill) and you want to save some money this place is for you. Large, clean rooms and perfect bathroom unlike what some other reviewers said. Small kitchen with everything included and bathroom set included. When you arrive at the apartments call their number and they will come to open you, you will not find anyone there. Great experience.
Akis M on Google

The best Apartments in Mykonos
ga xperi on Google

Nice apartments in Mykonos Island with free WiFi and free Parking.
Kushagra Nagar on Google

Nice place for a short stay. Good location.

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