Minoikes Parassies - Epar.Od. Timpakiou-Kamilariou

4.3/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Minoikes Parassies

Address :

Epar.Od. Timpakiou-Kamilariou, Festos 702 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 702
Website : http://www.cretabuild.gr/
Categories :

Epar.Od. Timpakiou-Kamilariou, Festos 702 00, Greece
Mario Teetzen on Google

Guillaume on Google

Une nouvelle adresse dans le bas de Kamilari (à Metochi sur la petite route de la pizzeria). Tenue par Évangelia, l’endroit propose une cuisine locale et traditionnelle avec des plats qui changent chaque jour. On dîne dans un petit jardin autour d’un bel Olivier et à l’intérieur si l’endroit ouvre en hiver (ce que l’on espère). On parle français.
A new address in the lower part of Kamilari (in Metochi on the small road to the pizzeria). Run by Évangelia, the place offers local and traditional cuisine with dishes that change daily. We dine in a small garden around a beautiful olive tree and inside if the place opens in winter (which we hope). We speak French.
Karin Jodat on Google

Einfach nur herrlich! Nicht am Strand aber Familie pur, Evangelia kocht und hat ein großes Herz ❤
Simply gorgeous! Not on the beach but pure family, Evangelia cooks and has a big heart ❤
Nicola Mauro on Google

Cucina casalinga nel vero senso della parola. Assaggiate la mussaka vegetale e l agnello al forno. Vino della casa buono. Se mangiate quello che hanno preparato vi alzerete contenti. Rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente. Il locale è immerso in mezzo ad ulivi ultracentenari in una quiete assoluta. Il miglior locale per una serata di pace magica.
Home cooking in the true sense of the word. Taste the vegetable mussaka and the lamb in the oven. Good house wine. If you eat what they have prepared you will get up happy. Excellent value for money. The restaurant is immersed in the midst of centuries-old olive trees in absolute quiet. The best venue for an evening of magical peace.
Katharina Balgenorth on Google

Wir haben uns sofort in das Restaurant und die nette Familie, die es betreibt, verliebt. Das Essen ist köstlich, die Atmosphäre und der Garten sind super schön zum sitzen und man hat dort viel Spaß und kann kretische Leckereien in bester frischer Qualität genießen. Absolute Empfehlung! Wir werden auf jeden Fall wiederkommen.
We immediately fell in love with the restaurant and the lovely family that runs it. The food is delicious, the atmosphere and the garden are super nice to sit and have fun there and enjoy Cretan delicacies of the best fresh quality. Absolute recommendation! We will come back in any case.
Alexandros Kampourakis on Google

Excellent food! Great place with green terrace.Free parking. Street car access. Cretan Traditional Cuisine. Grill House and Seafood. WC for Handicap. English and French speakers. Children play space. Wood fire cooking.
Magdalena Hellequin on Google

Very friendly atmosphere, very nice garden with 800-year old olive tree and view on the hill of the picturesque village of Kamilari; Home-made traditional cretan food. We loved the goat cheese-cake with cinnamon. We will definitely be back again.

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