Nidri Star I II III - Nidri Star I II III

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Nidri 311 00, Greece

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Nidri 311 00, Greece
Valentyn Dumi on Google

Nu recomand. Un fel de club max de la costinesti
I do not recommend. A kind of club max from costinesti
Μανώλης Ρούσσος on Google

Δεν μας πηγαν σε καμια παραλια απο αυτες που μας ειπαν...κριμα να υπαρχουν στο χωρο του τουρισμου τετοιες ψευτικες υπηρεσιες και να τους πληρωνουμε αδρα εμεις σαν ελληνες αλλα και οι τουριστες
They did not take us to any of the beaches from those who told us ... it is a pity that there are such fake services in the field of tourism and that we, as Greeks, but also the tourists, pay them generously
Gaga 1 on Google

Krenuli smo iz Parge na obilazak Jonskih ostrva u organizaciji Argusa.U programu je stajala plaza Egremni I Porto Kasiki zbog kojih sam se odlucila za ovaj izlet.Krenuli smo iz Parge rano ujutru u sedam a u pola deset je brod krenuo.Vreme lepo ,suncano,doduse malo slabog vetra .Kapetan odlucuje da zaobidje ove dve plaze I vozi nas u Fiskardo.Nekoliko ljudi se bunilo ali on kaze da je to zbog nase bezbednosti.Vreme je bilo super I nikome nije bila logicna njegova odluka.Vozi nas na kupanje na ostrvo Itaka neka divlja kamenita plaza.Trebalo je da stane na plazu Dzeki Kenedi ali je tamo vec bio parkiran nedan kruzer pa je I ovu plazu preskocio.Sledeca stanica je bila neka plaza gde se skakalo sa platforme I nije bas bilo pogodno za decu pa smo preskocili ovo kupanje.Sve se svelo na voznju brodom ali smo videli Armanijevu vilu I Onazisovo ostrvo.Pravo razocarenje od putovanja I bacen novac.Veci utisak je na nas ostavio izlet na Paxos I Antipaxos.
We left Parga for a tour of the Ionian Islands organized by Argus. There was an Egremni and Porto Kasiki beach in the program which made me decide on this trip. We left Parga early in the morning at seven and at half past ten. The captain decides to bypass these two beaches and drives us to Fiskardo.A few people are complaining, but he says it's for our safety.The weather was great and no one made a logical decision.Take us to swim to the island There was a wild rocky beach, anyway. It was supposed to stop at Jackie Kennedy's beach, but there was already a cruiser parked there, so he skipped this beach as well. this bathing. It all came down to a boat ride but we saw the Armani villa and the Onazis island. A real disappointment from the trip and the money thrown away.
Duve Madness on Google

Uzas, na Porto Katsiki i Egremni nismo ni isli, kao zbog talasa... A to je u stvari fora i svima pricaju istu pricu... Valjda nemaju dozvolu. Na "Itaku" smo otisli na neku malu plazu (ko zna koje je to mesto bilo)... Brod prepun, nema mesta za suncanje... Moj savet je da birate manje brodove, deluju mnogo bolje!!! Videli smo da neki imaju i lezaljke!
Uzas, at Porto Katsiki and Egremni we did not even leave, as a result of the waves ... And that's actually a good one and everyone is talking the same story ... They probably do not have a permit. We went to "Itaku" on a small beach (who knows what place it was) ... Boat full, there's no sunbathing area ... My advice is to choose smaller ships, they work much better !!! We saw that some of them have clutches!
Sofia Siokou on Google

Κάποιοι θεωρούν σωστό κ μαγκιά να κοροϊδεύουν τον κόσμο! Ούτε εκεί που έλεγαν μας πήγαν κ ζητούσαν κ νταβατζιλικι λεφτά για πάρκινγκ!όσο για τον καπετάνιο καλό θα ήταν την επόμενη φορά να βάλει τα δικά του παιδιά μέσα να τα πάει κ να λέει για allou fun park την θαλασσοταραχή!αλλά τα λεφτά σε κάνουν κ καπετάνιο προφανώς.
Some people think it is right and wrong to make fun of people! Not even where they said they went to us and asked for extra money for parking! captain obviously.
Smaragda Oroklou on Google

ΤαξιδέψαμεΜε έξι φίλους Εχτές.Η πιο κουραστική εμπειρία.Απαράδεκτη σε πολλά πράγματα.Το εισιτήριο σε άλλους κάνει 35 ευρώ σε άλλους 30 ευρώ και σε άλλους25 ευρώ.Το φαΐ σε μία ξένη είδα ότι το χρέωναν 10 ευρώ για δύο σουβλάκια και δύο φέτες ψωμί.Τα μέτρα του κορονοιου δεν τηρούσαν καθόλου Ήμασταν ο ένας δίπλα στον άλλον και είχε απαιτήσει κάποιος κύριος του πληρώματος Να καθίσουμε δίπλα δίπλα και με άλλους Κανένας δεν φορούσε μάσκα από το πλήρωμα.Μας είπαν κιόλας ότι Έτσι είναι τα πράγματα και ότι αν δεν Θέλαμε να μην ερχόμασταν.Ένα ζευγάρι προλαβε κ βγηκε εξω κ ζητησε τα χρηματα του.το μπαρ χρεωνε ενα ευρω το μπουκαλακι με νερο και 4 ευρω τον καφε.μυριζε σουβλακια απο τις 8 το πρωι μεχρι ν φτασουμε.και το μεσιμερι μυριζε ψαροβοθρυλα κ ο κοσμος εβαινε εξω ν κανει εμετο.απαραδεκτοι σε ολα δεν υπαρχει τιποτα καλο να πω.δεν θα ξαναερθουμε ποτε.
We traveled with six friends yesterday. The most tedious experience. Unacceptable in many things. The ticket to others costs 35 euros to others 30 euros and to others 25 euros. The coronary measures were not observed at all We were next to each other and one of the owners of the crew had demanded that we sit next to each other and with the others. No one from the crew was wearing a mask. We did not want to come. A couple caught up and went out and asked for their money. The bar charged one euro for a bottle of water and 4 euros for coffee. It smelled of skewers from 8 in the morning until we arrived. people were going out to vomit. unacceptable in everything there is nothing good to say. we will never come again.
Nikolaos Berberis on Google

Πολύ καλή κρουαζιέρα... μπράβο στον καπετάνιο σου ανεβάζει την διάθεση....βλέπεις αρκετά πράγματα αλλά λογικό που δεν κάθεσαι πολύ στις παραλίες...άποψη μου καλύτερα να μην είχε το Φισκάρδο και να καθοσουν πιο πολύ σε βουτιές...ο καπετάνιος τιμόνι από τα λίγα....
Very good cruise ... goodbye to your captain it raises the mood .... you see a lot of things but it makes sense that you are not sitting very much on the beaches ... my point would be better if Fiscardo didn't have more to dive in ... captain's wheel from the few ....
elena stoica on Google

We went on a cruise with them to see some of the most important islands near Lefkas. Was great and we have fun. Very good prices

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