Όλγα Θεανώ Ανδρίτσου - Mpoukouvala 8

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Όλγα Θεανώ Ανδρίτσου

Address :

Mpoukouvala 8, Athina 114 71, Greece

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 114
Categories :

Mpoukouvala 8, Athina 114 71, Greece
Stathis Mavrommatis on Google

thodo andr on Google

Leonidas Maroulis on Google

Zafiria Detoraki on Google

Είναι η πιο γλυκιά, η πιο αποτελεσματική και η πιο διαβασμενη δικηγόρος που ξέρω.....
She is the sweetest, most effective and most read lawyer I know .....
Πάνος Σιμιτός on Google

Συνέπεια, επαγγελματισμός, γνώσεις, διαρκής προσωπική μέριμνα για κάθε υπόθεση.
Consistency, professionalism, knowledge, constant personal care for each case.
Maria Paschalidi on Google

Η Επιστημοσύνη ,οξυδέρκεια ,ειλικρίνεια σε συνδυασμό με την φερέγγυα νομικη γνώση της κας Ανδρίτσου σε οδηγεί με ασφάλεια στο καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα !!!
Science, perspicacity, honesty in combination with the credible legal knowledge of Mrs. Andritsou leads you safely to the best result !!!
Marcella Curuni on Google

La mia famiglia e io abbiamo avuto bisogno di un avvocato in Grecia e ci siamo rivolti a lei ci siamo trovati molto bene, Olga è una persona competente, sempre attenta a tutto anche ai dettagli, parla perfettamente italiano e ci ha risolto ogni problema che le abbiamo sottoposto. Un vero piacere averla incontrata e una sicurezza nella vita di ogni giorno
My family and I needed a lawyer in Greece and we turned to her, we had a great time, Olga is a competent person, always attentive to everything, even to details, she speaks perfectly Italian and has solved every problem that we subjected. A real pleasure to have met her and a certainty in everyday life

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