Panagiotis Kousoulis - ENT Clinic - Antonopoulou 4

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Contact Panagiotis Kousoulis - ENT Clinic

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Antonopoulou 4, Kalamata 241 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +789
Postal code : 241
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Antonopoulou 4, Kalamata 241 00, Greece
Γιώργος Ζαχαρόγιαννης on Google

Πολύ ευχαριστημένος και θα τον πρότεινα εννοείται ανεπιφύλακτα!!!
Very happy and I would recommend it is unreservedly understood !!!
Giannis Stylopoulos on Google

Αρκετά χρόνια είχα πρόβλημα με τη ρινική αναπνοή. Τα τελευταία χρόνια ο ύπνος μου είχε γίνει προβληματικός και είχα στραφεί σε κορτιζονούχο αποσυμφορητικό για να μπορώ να αναπνεύσω αποτελεσματικά. Το πρόβλημα διογκώθηκε και στη καθημερινότητα, κόγχες σε συνδυασμό με στραβό ρινικό διάφραγμα. Ζήτησα ιατρικές συμβουλές από ειδικούς και στράφηκα και στον κ. Κουσούλη όταν έμαθα ότι έλαβε εξειδίκευση στην ΩΡΛ χειρουργική, αφού τον γνώριζα ήδη αρκετά χρόνια από την εργασία μου. Μετά από μια εξέταση συμφωνήσαμε να κάνουμε την επέμβαση αφού ήτανε μονόδρομος. Θετικός, επεξηγηματικός και υπομονετικός σε κάθε απορία μου ή άγχος ο κ. Κουσούλης, αφού φοβόμουν να μπω στο χειρουργείο. Όταν ξύπνησα μετά την επέμβαση ανέπνεα ήδη καλύτερα από πριν. Η αποκατάσταση ήταν πολύ σύντομη, ενδεικτικά σε 3 ημέρες από την επέμβαση επέστρεψα στην καθημερινότητά μου, ενώ σε 12 ημέρες επέστρεψα στα πτητικά εργασιακά μου καθήκοντα. Θα πάρω το θάρρος να πω ότι δεν πόνεσα ποτέ, ούτε τις πρώτες ημέρες μετά το χειρουργείο, παρά μόνο ελάχιστες φορές που ενόχλησα κατά λάθος την μύτη μου ο ίδιος. Παρ' όλα αυτά υπήρχαν διαθέσιμα παυσίπονα τα οποία χρησιμοποιούσα με προπορεία οπότε ένιωθα φαγούρα στη μύτη. Ουσιαστικά όμως δεν υπήρξε πόνος ποτέ. Ήταν τρομερή η στιγμή όταν μου αφαιρέθηκαν κάτι ναρθηκάκια-σωληνάκια που είχα μετά την επέμβαση. Αντιλήφθηκα ότι ποτέ δεν ανέπνεα σωστά και ότι έπρεπε να είχα κάνει την επέμβαση στην εφηβεία μου και όχι στα 36. Ο κ. Κουσούλης ήταν πάντα στο τηλέφωνο για οποιαδήποτε απορία ή επεξήγηση, ενώ επόπτευσε την αποκατάσταση με επισκέψεις. Ενάμιση μήνα μετά έγινε επανέλεγχος και διαπιστώσαμε, με μετρήσεις, ότι η αναπνοή μου τώρα είναι καλύτερη από ότι πριν με την χρήση αποσυμφορητικού. Η όλη στάση του γιατρού ήτανε ενεργή, άμεση και υποστηρικτή, υπεράνω προσδοκίας τολμώ να αναφέρω. Επίσης μου εκάμψε οποιαδήποτε αναστολή είχα λόγω φοβιών μου, πράγμα το οποίο επιβεβαιώνω έμπρακτα πλέον. Δεν υπάρχει κανένας φόβος στη πράξη. Άρτια επέμβαση και καθόλου επίπονη. Συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα τον κ. Κουσούλη. Παναγιώτη ευχαριστώ! For several years I had a problem with nasal breathing. In the last few years my sleep had become problematic and I was turning to a cortisone decongestant to be able to breathe effectively. The problem got bigger also in everyday life, swollen turbinates combined with a deviated nasal septum. I asked for medical advice from experts and turned to Mr. Kousoulis when I learned that he had a specialization in ENT surgery, since I had known him for several years from my job. After an examination, we agreed to do the surgery since it was the only solution. Positiveness, explanatory and patience in any of my questions or anxiety by Mr. Kousoulis, since I was afraid to enter the surgery. When I woke up after surgery I was already breathing better than before. The restoration was very brief, within 3 days after surgery I returned to my daily routine, and within 12 days I returned to my flight duties. I will dare to say that I never felt pain, even in the early days after surgery, only a few times when I accidentally bothered my nose by myself. Other than that, there were available painkillers I used in advance, when I felt an itchy nose. Actually, there was no pain. It was a super-relieving sensation, when somekind of splint tubes that I had after the surgery, removed by the doctor. I realized that I had never breathed properly and that I had to have the surgery when I was a teenager and not in 36 years old. Mr. Kousoulis was always on the phone for any question or explanation, while he supervised the restoration with visits. One and a half months later, we re-tested and found, with measurements, that my breathing is now better than before using a decongestant. The doctor's whole attitude was active, immediate and supportive, above expectations I dare to mention. He also bent any inhibits I had because of my fears for the surgery, which I confirm in fact now. There is no fear actually as I see it now. Fine surgery and not at all painful. I strongly recommend Mr. Kousoulis. Panagiotis thank you!
I had a problem with nasal breathing for several years. In recent years my sleep had become problematic and I had switched to a cortisone decongestant so that I could breathe effectively. The problem swelled in everyday life, niches combined with a crooked nasal septum. I sought medical advice from specialists and turned to Mr. Kousoulis when I learned that he had specialized in ENT surgery, since I already knew him for several years from my work. After an examination we agreed to do the operation since it was one way. Mr. Kousoulis is positive, explanatory and patient in every question or anxiety, since I was afraid to enter the operating room. When I woke up after the operation I was already breathing better than before. The recovery was very short, indicatively in 3 days from the operation I returned to my daily routine, while in 12 days I returned to my flight work duties. I will take the courage to say that I was never in pain, not even in the first days after the surgery, except for the few times I accidentally bothered my nose myself. Nevertheless, there were painkillers available which I used in advance so I felt itchy nose. But in fact there was never any pain. It was a terrible moment when some splints-tubes that I had after the operation were removed. I realized that I was never breathing properly and that I should have had the operation in my adolescence and not at 36. Mr. Kousoulis was always on the phone for any question or explanation, while he supervised the rehabilitation with visits. A month and a half later I was re-examined and we found, with measurements, that my breathing is now better than before with the use of decongestant. The whole attitude of the doctor was active, immediate and supportive, beyond expectation I dare say. It also struck me any suspension I had due to my phobias, which I now confirm in practice. There is no fear in practice. Perfect operation and not at all painful. I highly recommend Mr. Kousoulis. Panagiotis, thank you! For several years I had a problem with nasal breathing. In the last few years my sleep had become problematic and I was turning to a cortisone decongestant to be able to breathe effectively. The problem got bigger also in everyday life, swollen turbinates combined with a deviated nasal septum. I asked for medical advice from experts and turned to Mr. Kousoulis when I learned that he had a specialization in ENT surgery, since I had known him for several years from my job. After an examination, we agreed to do the surgery since it was the only solution. Positiveness, explanatory and patience in any of my questions or anxiety by Mr. Kousoulis, since I was afraid to enter the surgery. When I woke up after surgery I was already breathing better than before. The restoration was very brief, within 3 days after surgery I returned to my daily routine, and within 12 days I returned to my flight duties. I will dare to say that I never felt pain, even in the early days after surgery, only a few times when I accidentally bothered my nose by myself. Other than that, there were available painkillers I used in advance, when I felt an itchy nose. Actually, there was no pain. It was a super-relieving sensation, when somekind of splint tubes that I had after surgery, removed by the doctor. I realized that I had never breathed properly and that I had to have the surgery when I was a teenager and not in 36 years old. Mr. Kousoulis was always on the phone for any question or explanation, while he supervised the restoration with visits. One and a half months later, we re-tested and found, with measurements, that my breathing is now better than before using a decongestant. The doctor's whole attitude was active, immediate and supportive, above expectations I dare to mention. He also bent any inhibits I had because of my fears for the surgery, which I confirm in fact now. There is no fear actually as I see it now. Fine surgery and not at all painful. I strongly recommend Mr. Kousoulis. Panagiotis thank you!
Lenia Anastasopoulou on Google

Εξαιρετικός ιατρός με διάθεση να λύσει κάθε απορία μας σχετικά με ζητήματα που αφορούν το βρέφος μας! Η συμπεριφορά του ιατρού απέναντι στο βρέφος ήταν άψογη, έτσι όπως κάθε μητέρα θέλει να συμπεριφέρονται σε ένα τόσο μικρό μωρό! Παρόλο που επισκεφθήκαμε το ιατρείο του εν μέσω πανδημίας, η καθαριότητα μας έκανε να νιώσουμε απόλυτα ασφαλείς.
An excellent doctor willing to solve any of our questions regarding issues concerning our baby! The doctor's attitude towards the baby was impeccable, just like any mother wants to be treated to such a small baby! Although we visited his office in the midst of a pandemic, the cleanliness made us feel completely safe.
Efi Ter on Google

Πήγα το μωρό μου δύο φορές και έμεινα πολύ ικανοποιημένη! Ο γιατρός πολύ καλός, είναι πάντα πρόθυμος να βοηθήσει και να λύσει απορίες και το ιατρείο καθαρό με πολύ ευχάριστο χώρο αναμονής! ?
I went with my baby twice and was very happy! The doctor is very good, he is always willing to help and solve questions and the doctor's office is clean with a very pleasant waiting area! ?
Fotis Aiolos on Google

Μόνο τα καλύτερα λόγια έχω να πω για τον γιατρό. Τον έχω επισκεφτεί εγώ, ο γιος μου, αλλά και δύο μου αδέρφια. Ειδικά ο ένας αδερφός μου χρειάστηκε και χειρουργική επέμβαση που πραγματοποίησε ο ίδιος ο κος Κουσούλης. Η επέμβαση ήταν άριστη και τα αποτελέσματα φάνηκαν από την πρώτη στιγμή. Ο πόνος ήταν σχεδόν ανύπαρκτος. Όλοι έχουμε μείνει πάρα πολύ ικανοποιημένοι. Αυτό φαίνεται και από το ότι είναι τελικά …οικογενειακή επιλογή!! Πρόκειται για άριστο επιστήμονα, ευγενικό επαγγελματία και ζεστό άνθρωπο με κατανόηση, ενδιαφέρον και σεβασμό για τον ασθενή του, διακατέχεται από μεγάλη υπομονή και ευαισθησία προς τους ασθενείς του και ιδιαίτερα με τα παιδιά. Είναι αρκετά επεξηγηματικός και πάντα πρόθυμος να βοηθήσει και να λύσει απορίες. Εκπέμπει αυτοπεποίθηση και σιγουριά προς τους ασθενείς αλλά και τους οικείους τους. Ως Ιατρός (με το «Ι» κεφαλαίο) ήταν πάντα στο τηλέφωνο για οποιαδήποτε ανησυχία, απορία ή επεξήγηση, ακόμα και σε μη εργάσιμες ώρες. Σημειώνω ότι το ιατρείο του λάμπει από καθαριότητα και έχει πολύ ευχάριστο χώρο αναμονής. Για όλα τα παραπάνω εννοείται ότι έχω συστήσει σε φίλους τον κ. Κουσούλη και συνεχίζω να τον συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα.
Only the best words I have to say about the doctor. I, my son, and two of my brothers have visited him. Especially one of my brothers needed surgery performed by Mr. Kousoulis himself. The operation was excellent and the results were visible from the first moment. The pain was almost non-existent. We are all very satisfied. This can be seen from the fact that it is, after all, a family choice !! He is an excellent scientist, a kind professional and a warm person with understanding, interest and respect for his patient, he is possessed by great patience and sensitivity towards his patients and especially with children. He is quite explanatory and always willing to help and solve questions. It radiates confidence and confidence towards patients and their relatives. As a Doctor (with "I" chapter) he was always on the phone for any concerns, questions or explanations, even during non-working hours. I note that his office shines with cleanliness and has a very pleasant waiting area. For all the above, it is understood that I have recommended Mr. Kousoulis to friends and I continue to highly recommend him.
Theofanis Athanasopoulos on Google

Εξαιρετικός επιστήμονας και άνθρωπος! Πολύ σχολαστικός στο επάγγελμά του, εξυπηρετικός και ευγενικός. Η επέμβαση στην οποία υποβλήθηκα είχε πλήρη επιτυχία και έμεινα απόλυτα ικανοποιημένος! Τον συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα!
An excellent scientist and man! Very meticulous in his profession, helpful and polite. The operation I underwent was a complete success and I was completely satisfied! I highly recommend it!
Parag Patel on Google

Panagiotis looked after us very well whilst we were on holiday at the Neilson Messini Beech resort. One of my group had an ear problem and he dealt with it quickly and easily. As an ENT surgeon he has my professional respect for his clinical ability. Thanks very much Mr Parag Patel FRCS (ORL-HNS) Consultant ENT and Skull Base Surgeon St George's Hospital, London
felipe herrero boton on Google

Dr Kousoulis operated me of a deviated septum and the whole experience was very satisfactory. He is very experienced and his care about the patient is fantastic so with him you are in good hands. Thank you very much again for your help!

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