4.7/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Geor. Papandreou 52, Iraklio 713 06, Greece

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 713
Website : http://kiriakipapadaki.gr/
Categories :

Geor. Papandreou 52, Iraklio 713 06, Greece
Anastasia Michelaki on Google

Εξαιρετική γιατρός και πολύ καλός άνθρωπος. Έκανα εξαγωγή έγκλειστου φρονιμήτη, τελείωσε πολύ γρήγορα η διαδικασία και δεν πονούσα καθόλου. Δεν χρειάστηκα ουτε ένα παυσίπονο. Την συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα!
Excellent doctor and very good man. I extracted an enclosed wisdom tooth, the procedure ended very quickly and I was not in pain at all. I did not need a single painkiller. I highly recommend it!
Apostolos Hatzisimeon on Google

Τα τελευταια χρονια αντιμετωπιζα μεγαλο προβλημα με τους φρονιμιτες μου. Ο φοβος μου και ισως η μη καταλληλη πληροφορηση που ειχα λογω της δυσκολης και ιδιαιτερης περιπτωσης μου με εκαναν να αναβαλλω συνεχως την εξαγωγη τους. Απογοητευμενος απο τους φριχτους και αφορητους πονους που βιωσα την τελευταια φορα απο τον κατω αριστερα εγκλειστο φρονιμιτη μου, μα και ταυτοχρονα αποφασισμενος οτι θα επρεπε πλεον να τον ξεφορτωθω, για καλη μου τυχη βρεθηκα στο ιατρειο της κας Παπαδακη Κυριακη. Απο την αρχη, με απολυτη σιγουρια δεν μου αφησε την παραμικρη πιθανοτητα οτι κατι μπορει να παει στραβα κατα την διαρκεια αλλα και μετα την επεμβαση, και σιγουρα αυτος ηταν ενας απο τους λογους που με εκανε να την εμπιστευτω ακολουθωντας βεβαια παντα πιστα τις οδηγιες της πριν και μετα την επεμβαση. Τελικα αποζημιωθηκα με την επιλογη μου ξεπερνωντας κατα πολυ τις προσδοκιες μου οταν απο την πρωτη κιολας μερα της επεμβασης (εξαγωγη ταυτοχρονα ανω και κατω εγκλειστου φρονιμιτη αριστερα) η οποια εγινε με τοπικη αναισθησια δεν ενιωσα πραγματικα καθολου πονο, δεν καταλαβα ποτε τελειωσαμε, δεν ειχα πρηξιμο, μιλουσα και μασουσα σχεδον κανονικα. Για το αριστο αυτο αποτελεσμα, ενιωσα υποχρεωση μου να καταθεσω με την σειρα μου τη δικη μου εμπειρια και να σας ευχαριστησω ειλικρινα απο καρδιας κα Παπαδακη Κυριακη καθως και την βοηθο σας Αγγελικη. Ειστε αψογες!
In recent years I have had a big problem with my wise men. My fear and perhaps the inappropriate information I had due to my difficult and special case made me constantly postpone their export. Frustrated by the horrible and unbearable pains that I experienced the last time from my lower left enclosed wisdom tooth, but at the same time determined that I should now get rid of it, for my good fortune I found myself in the office of Mrs. Papadaki Kyriaki. From the beginning, with absolute certainty she did not leave me the slightest possibility that something could go wrong during and after the operation, and surely that was one of the reasons that made me trust her, of course, always faithfully following her instructions before and after surgery. Eventually I was compensated with my choice far exceeding my expectations when from the very first day of the operation (extraction up and down of the incisor left at the same time) which was done under local anesthesia I did not really feel any pain, I did not understand , I was talking and chewing almost normally. For this excellent result, I felt obliged to submit my own experience in turn and to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart, Ms. Papadaki Kyriaki, as well as your assistant Angeliki. You are perfect!
Maria Psaraki on Google

Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ!!!! Δεν ξέρω βέβαια αν είναι αρκετό για να εκφράσω αυτό που νιώθω για την Ιατρό Κυρ. Κυριακή. Η περίπτωση μας ήταν δύσκολη γιατί είχε προηγηθεί ένας καρκίνος. Όμως η σωστή διάγνωση της γιατρού και η σωστή καθοδήγηση μας βοήθησε να φτιάξουμε το σωστό πλάνο για να ξεπεράσουμε την δοκιμασία μας. Την συστήνουμε σε όλους που θα την χρειαστούν.. Σας ευχαριστούμε και πάλι. Γιάννης- Μαρία
A big thank you!!!! Of course I do not know if it is enough to express how I feel about the Doctor Sun. Sunday. Our case was difficult because it had been preceded by cancer. But the right diagnosis of the doctor and the right guidance helped us to make the right plan to overcome our test. We recommend it to everyone who will need it .. Thank you again. Giannis- Maria
Stavroula Tzortzakaki on Google

Η κυρία είναι άσχετη..ασχολείται με ανατολική ιατρική και βελονισμό. Δεν βοηθάει ως γιατρός - αντίθετη με τον εμβολιασμό και όποιου είδους φάρμακα ως προς την βελτίωση της υγείας του ασθενούς.. δύο άτομα την επισκεφτήκαμε ( ο ένας από επέμβαση μετά το χτύπημα σε αγώνα μπάσκετ) η απάντηση μια...λέιζερ, μασκάκι και βελονισμό. Λογικότατο όταν αναρωτήθηκε η γραμματέας "που μας βρήκατε;;"και η απάντηση μου δυστυχως: "Στο internet" Ε και να το γνώριζα εκ των προτέρων.
The lady is irrelevant..he deals with eastern medicine and acupuncture. It does not help as a doctor - as opposed to vaccination and any kind of drugs to improve the patient's health .. two people visited her (one after surgery after hitting a basketball game) the answer a ... laser, mask and acupuncture . Very reasonable when the secretary asked "where did you find us ??" and my answer was unfortunately: "On the internet" Even if I knew it in advance.
Aggeliki Dimitrakopoulou on Google

Η Κα Παπαδάκη- Παπουτσάκη Κυριακή, είναι για μένα από τις καλύτερες γναθοχειρούρους γιατρούς στον τομέα της. Την επισκέφτηκα μαζί με την κόρη, μου, για αφαίρεση έγκλειστου φρενιμίτη, ο οποίος είχε όλος βγει εσωτερικά, όλος οριζόντια εντελώς. Ήδη ακουμπούσε το διπλανό δόντι και είχε ξεκινήσει να κάνει τερηδόνα. Δεν ξέρω πως αντιλαμβάνεται ο καθένας την εξαγωγή αυτή, αλλά τόσο εγώ όσο και η κόρη μου είχαμε πολύ άγχος και φόβο. Μας κέρδισε με την πρώτη επίσκεψη. Η γιατρός μας εξήγησε αναλυτικά τι συμβαίνει. Ένιωσα εγώ σαν μητέρα ότι η κόρη μου θα έχει την καλύτερη αντιμετώπιση στο πρόβλημα της. Έχει γραπτές προεγχειρητικές οδηγίες, που μας εξήγησε κιόλας, και μετεγχειρητικές!! Είναι αυτός ο επαγγελματισμός της, εκτός από το γλυκό της χαμόγελο και τις γνώσεις της, που σε κερδίζει αμέσως!!Επίσης για να μην έχει έντονο πρήξιμο μας εξήγησε ότι θα βοηθήσει το λέιζερ, πριν και μετά την εξαγωγή, καθώς και μια ένεση κορτιζόνης, την οποία αγοράσαμε από το φαρμακείο και της την έκανε 10' λεπτά πριν η αξιαγάπητη βοηθός της, η Κα Αγγελική. Η οποία φυσικά είναι αντάξια της γιατρού. Μας εξήγησε και εκείνη κάποια πράγματα, όπως έδειξε τόσο ενδιαφέρον . Μια ήρεμη και γλυκιά κοπέλα που ταιριάζει απόλυτα με την Κα Παπαδάκη. Της έβγαλε μέσα σε λιγότερο από ώρα, δύο φρονιμίτες. Τον κάτω δεξιά τον έγκλειστο, και τον πάνω, ο οποίος ήταν εντάξει, αλλά μας εξήγησε η γιατρός ότι θα δημιουργήσει αργότερα πρόβλημα και έπρεπε να βγει. Της έκανε τα ράμματα, και πλαστική μετά. Η κόρη μου δεν κατάλαβε πότε βγήκε ο έγκλειστος, και ο πάνω φρονιμίτης.Σε 7 ημέρες έβγαλε τα ράμματα. Η γιατρός την είδε την τρίτη ημέρα από την εξαγωγή για να δει αν επουλώνεται σωστά. Ακολουθώντας τις οδηγίες της από την προηγούμενη της εξαγωγής το πρήξιμο ήταν ελάχιστο! Ο πόνος αντιμετωπίστηκε με τα κατάλληλα παυσίπονα και τις υπόλοιπες ιατρικές οδηγίες. Πήγαν όλα παραπάνω από καλά! Σε δύο ημερες θα πάει πάλι να την δει. Αφότου δηλαδή έβγαλε τα ράμματα για να δει αν γίνονται όλα σωστά. Δεν έχω λόγια. Συγχαρητήρια για την δουλειά σας, τον επαγγελματισμό σας, την υπομονή σας. Την σιγουριά που λαμβάνει ο καθένας κοντά σας, μαζί με το γλυκό σας χαμόγελο. Θα το ξαναπώ γιατί αυτό έχω σαν εικόνα. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ Κα Παπαδάκη.
Ms. Papadaki-Papoutsaki Kyriaki, is for me one of the best orthodontists in her field. I visited it with my daughter, to remove an enclosed frenimite, which had all come out internally, all horizontally. He was already touching the next tooth and had started to decay. I do not know how everyone perceives this export, but both my daughter and I had a lot of anxiety and fear. He won us over with the first visit. The doctor explained to us in detail what was happening. I felt like a mother that my daughter would have the best treatment for her problem. He has written preoperative instructions, which he already explained to us, and postoperative ones !! It is her professionalism, apart from her sweet smile and her knowledge, that wins you over immediately !! Also, in order not to have intense swelling, she explained to us that the laser will help, before and after the extraction, as well as a cortisone injection, which we bought from the pharmacy and was made to her 10 'minutes before by her lovable assistant, Mrs. Angeliki. Which of course is worthy of the doctor. She also explained some things to us, as she showed so much interest. A calm and sweet girl who fits perfectly with Ms. Papadaki. In less than an hour, he took out two wisdom teeth. The lower right locked him up, and the upper one, which was fine, but the doctor explained to us that he would have a problem later and had to leave. He made the stitches, and then plastic. My daughter did not understand when the inmate came out, and the upper wisdom tooth. In 7 days she took out the stitches. The doctor saw her on the third day after the extraction to see if she was healing properly. Following her instructions from the previous export, the swelling was minimal! The pain was treated with appropriate painkillers and other medical instructions. Everything went more than well! In two days he will go to see her again. That is, after he took out the stitches to see if everything is done correctly. I have no words. Congratulations on your work, your professionalism, your patience. The confidence that everyone receives near you, along with your sweet smile. I will say it again because I have this as an image. Thank you very much Ms. Papadaki.
Liana Kafetzopoulou on Google

Excellent oral surgeon. I was pretty stressed before heading over to take all 4 of my wisdom teath out, she was so calm and lovely and explained every step with patience and professionalism. All done with local anesthetic and no need to go under general anesthesia, which was great! Didnt feel scared whilst she was operating as she was constantly talking to me and explaining everything making me feel secure. Highly recommend
Nikos Voula on Google

Surrender in her hands and you won't regret it.In a few seconds during the surgery she will give you the feeling that you can trust her and that she knows the perfect way what she is doing.Only one word for Mrs Kyriaki Papadaki:RESPECT. Voula Nipyraki
E. Lampraki on Google

Professional, courteous and made me feel like family. I would highly recommend to anyone! I was referred to Ms Papadaki by a local private dentist. Ms Papadaki treated me for a tooth extraction followed by the placement of an implant. I trust her work and advice completely, and all of her work has been outstanding. The surgical assistant Aggeliki has also been supportive and professional. Overall the clinic itself is very clean and hygienic. It is nicely decorated and there is classical music playing in the background. The clinic is located close to the city centre with easy access. Everything was on time and overall this is an extremely professionally run clinic. The treatment course was performed over several appointments - it took roughly 8 months. At the beginning, Ms Papadaki explained the entire procedure and spent time discussing some relevant case studies. I was given detailed instructions as well as the option to ask any questions before the surgery took place. She was most informative and very patient, I asked a lot of questions! The tooth extraction procedure was pain-free and I did not require any pain relief post-operatively. The gum started healing within a couple of days. There was some swelling, which peaked at 48 hours after the extraction took place and lasted for roughly four days. Six months later, I went back for the second phase of the treatment. The implant procedure was quite elaborate requiring sinus lift, bone grafting and finally the placement of the implant. Every step of the process was explained thoroughly and I had been asked to provided an X-ray and a CT scan to ensure my bone was strong enough to have the dental implant. Ms Papadaki made me feel at ease and gave time and space to calm before the operation started. The entire process lasted approximately three hours and it was completely painless. Ms Papadaki was checking in with me throughout. The recovery went well and I did not present any complications. I was given detailed post-operative instructions, including dieting restrictions as well as looking after surgically wounded area. Ms Papadaki was regularly checking in with me over the phone and I went back to her clinic multiple times for routine follow ups. As expected there was some swelling but I was able to go back to work on the same day. The swelling resolved within a few days and after 10 days elapsed I went back to have the stitches removed. Ms Papadaki is a very experienced surgeon, always calm and reassuring, giving the best advice, but above all treating you with great care. I cannot give high enough praise and would definitely recommend anyone who feels anxious about going to the dentist. Once again many thanks to Ms Papadaki and her team!


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