Προξενείο Αλβανίας - Vasileos Irakleiou 38

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Προξενείο Αλβανίας

Address :

Vasileos Irakleiou 38, Thessaloniki 546 23, Greece

Phone : 📞 +798
Postal code : 546
Website : https://albanians.gr/geniko-proxenio-tis-alvanias-stin-thessaloniki.html
Categories :

Vasileos Irakleiou 38, Thessaloniki 546 23, Greece
Papadopoulos Kostas on Google

Να γραψω καποια πραγματα για να διευκολυνω μερικους σχετικα με την ανανεωση διαβατηριου... Καταρχας δεν χρειαζεται να κλεισει ραντεβου. Αλλα χρειαζεται να εχεις πληρωσει πριν πας 142€ (130€ +12€) στην τραπεζα και να τους πας τις αποδειξεις. Δεν σηκωνουνε ποτε το τηλεφωνο. Μηχανη με χαρτακι δεν υπαρχει, αυτοι σου δινουνε ενα χειρογραφο... Αφου τους δειξεις τα χαρτια, πρεπει μετα να κανεις την αιτηση online ή πληρωνεις 10€ και σε ενα αλλο γραφειο στην κανουνε αυτοι. Ξαναπας εκει και ξαναπεριμενεις... Οταν τελειωσεις, (Υπολογισε κανα 3-5 ώρες) πας σε κανα 4-6 εβδομαδες για να σου βγαλουνε αυτοι φωτογραφιες για το διαβατηριο. Μεγαλη ταλαιπωρια. Συμβουλη. Πριν πατε στειλτε τους mail για το τι χρειαζεται.
Let me write some things to help some about the renewal of a passport ... At first it does not need to close an appointment. But you need to get paid before you go 142 € (130 € + 12 €) to the bank and get them the proofs. The phone does not pick up. Machine with a paperless card does not exist, they give you a handwriting ... Once you have the cards, you have to make the application online or pay 10 € and to another office to do it. Come back and come back ... When you're done, (Calculate 3-5 hours) you go to a 4-6 week to get you pictures of the passport. Great suffering. Advice. Before you go send the mail for what it takes.
Μελίνα Jaho on Google

Δν ξέρετε τι σας γίνετε εκι μέσα δουλεβετε τον κοζμο ανίκανοι λέτε να στείλουμε τα κουπόνια με acs κ δν τα δέχεστε κ ολας βοβες θέλετε εκι μεσε κάθεστε κ τα ξινετε δν φτεεσι αυτί που σας βαλαν εκι μέσα φτενε ξεφτιλιζμενι
You do not know what is happening to you in there, you work the world, you are incapable, you say to send the coupons with acs and you do not accept them, you want all the bombs you want to sit in there
Dini Sidrit on Google

Φιλική προς τους πελάτες παρά πολύ καλή δουλειά κάνουν η κοπέλες που εργάζονται σε εσάς και είναι πάντα χαμογελαστές
Customer friendly, the girls who work for you do a very good job and are always smiling
bana kumllaku on Google

Stafi shum I mir dhe I respektueshem! Ne pritje ishte nje Zonje e sjellshme dhe e respektueshme me te gjithe njerezit qe po prisnim ne rralle! Me pak fjale dhe koleget e saj benin sherbim te shkelqyer dhe te shpejte !! Ju lumte vazhdoni keshtu! Respekte
Very good and respectable staff! Awaited was a polite and respectful Lady with all the people we were rarely expecting! In short, her colleagues did an excellent and fast service !! You happily continue like this! respects
amarildo dida on Google

Shërbim mjaft i kulturuar dhe i shpejt. Një ndryshim rrënjësor që nga hera e fundit para disa vitesh që kisha marrë shërbim. Diçka për ata shqipëtare që janë mbi 30 vjeçare por edhe më të reja .. NËSE NUK FLISNI GJUHEN E NENES NUK JENI AS TE DENJË EDHE AS NUK DUHET TE KERKONI PASAPORTA SHQIPTARE APO DOKUMENTE! JENI TURPI I VETES!! E them se isha i pranishëm në dy raste brenda 5 minutave që qëndrova atje!
Quite cultured and fast service. A radical change since the last time a few years ago I had received service. Something for those Albanians who are over 30 years old but also younger .. IF YOU DO NOT SPEAK MY MOTHER TONGUE, YOU ARE NOT EVEN DIGNIFIED OR YOU SHOULD NOT SEEK ALBANIAN PASSPORTS OR DOCUMENTS! YOU ARE SHAME ON YOURSELF !! I say I was present on two occasions within the 5 minutes I was there!

Sapo mbaron së ngjituri katin, ku është e vendosur gruppuna e Konsullatës Shqipëtare në Selanik, ndjen se atmosfera të ngroh: sytë, cilitdo vizitor, me rregullin, pastërtinë, elegancën e të zbukuruarit të çdo cepi të zyrave dhe zemrën neve, me pritjen plot përzemërsi dhe edukatë të një për një punonjësi/seje. Unë u mrekullova. Shqip e saktë, u ndjeva si në shtëpinë time. Do t'u shkoj sërish, jo për të marrë shërbime, por për t'i përshëndetur dhe përgëzuar edhe më! ????❤?
As soon as he finishes climbing the floor, where the group of the Albanian Consulate in Thessaloniki is located, he feels that the atmosphere warms: the eyes, every visitor, with the order, cleanliness, elegance of decorating every corner of the offices and our hearts, with the warm welcome and one-on-one education. I was amazed. Accurate Albanian, I felt at home. I will go to them again, not to receive services, but to greet and congratulate them even more! ????❤?
Ντορινα Μπαρδοση on Google

Πήγα σήμερα για να παραλάβω το διαβατηρίο μου κ μπερδεύτηκα κ ανέβηκα έναν όροφο πιο πάνω και καθώς κατεβαίνω βλέπω μια ουρά 30 άτομα. Ήταν δύο κοπέλες εκεί κ εγώ για κακία μου τύχη έπεσα σε βλαμμένη. Την ρωτάω με πολύ όμορφο τρόπο ότι ήρθα για να παραλάβω το διαβατήριο περιμένω στην ουρά μέχρι να φωνάξετε τα ονόματα η περιμένω κάπου αλλού; και αρχίζει κ φωνάζει μόνη της κ να μιλάει με άσχημο τρόπο την λέω με όμορφο τρόπο να χαμηλώσει την φωνή της γτ απλώς την έκανα μια πολύ απλή ερώτηση κ γυρνάει κ λέει βρε από που έχετε κατέβει εσείς; Και εφοσων δεν καταλαβαίνεις αλβανικά το δουλειά έχεις να πάρεις αλβανικό διαβατήριο κ χίλια δύό. Εγώ έχω μείνει κόκκαλο σε φάση, σε μένα μιλάει η κουκουβάγια; και χίλιες άλλες άσχημες κουβέντες ε και μετά άνοιξα κ εγώ το στόμα μου κ έγινε το Έλα να δεις. Μετά φυσικά το βούλωσε.Και πήγε μέσα κ δεν ξανά βγήκε Νομίζουν επειδή δουλεύουν εκεί σε ένα γραφείο ότι είναι ανώτερες από τον κόσμο που πηγαίνει εκεί κ τους εξυπηρετεί. Όλες οι άλλες κοπέλες σε φυσιολογικά πλαίσια κ αρκετά ευγενικές κ εξυπηρετικές η άλλη όμως πολύ χαμηλό iq. Και ειλικρινά μακάρι να βλέπουν οι αρμόδιοι τα σχόλια και να πάρει παπούτσι από εκεί. Τον κόσμο πρέπει να τον σέβονται είτε της αρέσει η φάτσα τους είτε όχι γτ από αυτούς που υποτιμαει από αυτούς δλδ απ όλους εμάς πληρώνεται. Αυτά αίσχος. Α και το τηλέφωνο εδώ και δέκα μέρες κατεβασμένο το ακουστικό. Καθημερινά έπαιρνα τηλ κ δεν έπιανε γραμμή κ όποτε έπιανε δεν τον σηκωναν.
I went today to pick up my passport and I got confused and went up one floor and as I go down I see a line of 30 people. There were two girls there and I unfortunately got hurt. I ask her in a very nice way that I came to pick up my passport, am I waiting in line until you shout the names or am I waiting somewhere else? and she starts shouting on her own and talking in a bad way I tell her in a beautiful way to lower her voice because I just asked her a very simple question and she comes back and says find where did you come from? And if you do not understand Albanian, you have to get an Albanian passport and a thousand and two. I'm stuck in a phase, is the owl talking to me? and a thousand other bad conversations and then I opened my mouth and it became Come to see. Then of course he got stuck. And he went in and never went out again. They think because they work there in an office that they are superior to the people who go there and serve them. All the other girls in a normal context and quite polite and helpful but the other very low iq. And I sincerely hope that those in charge see the comments and get a shoe from there. People should respect him whether he likes their face or not because he is underestimated by those who are paid by all of us. These are disgrace. And the phone has been down for ten days now. Every day I called and he did not pick up a line and whenever he did he was not picked up.
Eluert Mukja on Google

Worst services ever, they don't work at all. Keep calling them more than 50+ times and they don't answer the phone like there is no one working there we are paying for them to do their jobs and they are not doing it properly. Unfortunately this is why everyone gets angry with them because people don't get answers to their questions. Don't recommend them at all the worst one ever!! Had 3 times the same experience never changed same thing every time really bad bettee go make your passport in Albania rather than here.

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