Rallis Apartments - Rallis Apartments

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rallis Apartments

Address :

Naousa 844 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 844
Website : http://rallisapartments.com/
Categories :

Naousa 844 00, Greece
MartaBelmonte on Google

la posizione è buona, il centro è facilmente raggiungibile a piedi poiché basta seguire la strada principale. La pecca è la ripida salita che bisogna affrontare anche se si può passare per delle scale(comunque faticose). Il Rallis inoltre è situato in un punto alto di Naoussa e la sera/notte tira davvero tanto vento e fa freddo tanto che non si può stare sul terrazzo anche perchè la zona è piuttosto isolata. Altro punto a sfavore è che l'appartamento è praticamente sfornito di utensili da cucina, giusto il minimo minimo indispensabile, neanche le forbici o un tagliere! Manca un tavolo da cucina e bisogna accontentarsi dei tavolini del terrazzo molto piccoli. pulizia soddisfacente e anche la connessione wifi è molto buona.
the location is good, the center is easily reachable on foot as you just need to follow the main road. The flaw is the steep climb that must be faced even if you can pass by stairs (however strenuous). The Rallis is also located in a high point of Naoussa and in the evening / night it really pulls a lot of wind and it's cold so much so that you can't stay on the terrace also because the area is rather isolated. Another downside is that the apartment is practically empty of kitchen utensils, just the bare minimum, not even scissors or a cutting board! Missing a kitchen table and you have to settle for very small terrace tables. satisfactory cleanliness and also the wifi connection is very good.
Fede Z on Google

L'appartamento non é molto grande, ma per due persone é perfetto, in tre si inizia a essere stretti. É un po' vecchiotto ma c'è tutto quel che serve, vengono fatte pulizie giornaliere dal personale che é estremamente gentile e disponibile. Nel bagno non c'è phon e non ti forniscono bagnoschiuma o saponette. Vengono dati gli asciugamani e le lenzuola che vengono cambiati ogni giorno. Si trova sopra una salita (ci sono Delle scale per arrivarci o una salitina)a 5/10 minuti a piedi dal centro. Tutti gli appartamenti dispongono di un piccolo portico. Il piano cottura della cucina é assai spartano (Delle piastre elettriche portatili). C'è l'aria condizionata!
The apartment is not very big, but for two people it is perfect, in three it starts to be cramped. It is a bit old but there is everything you need, daily cleaning is done by the staff who are extremely kind and helpful. There is no hairdryer in the bathroom and they do not provide you with shower gel or soap. Towels and sheets are given which are changed every day. It is located on a slope (there are some stairs to get there or a little climb) 5/10 minutes walk from the center. All apartments have a small porch. The hob in the kitchen is very basic (portable electric plates). There is air conditioning!
Βικτώρια Μαυράκη on Google

Να διευκρινίσω πως και το ένα αστέρι το έβαλα για να σχολιάσω. Από που να αρχίσω ; Το προσωπικό όπως και ο ιδιοκτήτης εντελώς απαράδεκτοι και αγενής. Πρώτα από όλα, είχαμε κλείσει δωμάτια delux, και όταν ήρθε η ημερομηνία διαμονής , το δωμάτιο που μας έβαλε να μείνουμε ήταν το λιγότερο τρώγλη . Υπήρχε πλυντήριο πιάτων στο οποίο βρισκόταν άπλυτα πιάτα εντός , ένας Θεός ξέρει από πότε. Σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό , μπαίνουμε να κάνουμε μπάνιο , και το νέρο έπεφτε με το σταγονόμετρο. Έπειτα , μετά από μια καταστροφική συζήτηση με τον ιδιοκτήτη , μεταφερθήκαμε σε διαφορετικό δωμάτιο το οποίο ήταν χειρότερο . Η κουρτίνα του μπάνιου είχε το λιγότερο γλίτσα, το κλιματιστικό δεν δούλευε καν κατακαλόκαιρο, απευθυνθήκαμε στον ιδιοκτήτη ο οποίος δεν απαντούσε καν στα τηλέφωνα . Άφαντη και η ρεσεψιόν και το προσωπικό της. Ακομα , την ημέρα που ήταν να μεταφερθούμε , κοιμόμασταν και απλά σαν να μη συμβαίνει τίποτα , σαν να ήταν η μάνα μου και ο πατέρας μου , άνοιξαν με τα κλειδιά και μπήκαν στο δωμάτιο μας και μας βρήκαν να κοιμόμασταν . Εφόσον έχουν γίνει όλα αυτά , είχε την απαίτηση να του δώσουμε 320€ για δυο βραδια. Τέλος , ειπωθηκε πως δεν αξίζει να δώσουμε τόσα λεφτά μετά από όλα όσα είχαν γίνει , και αφού είχε λάβει την προκαταβολή των 180€ μας είπε ότι αν δεν μας αρέσει μπορούμε να φύγουμε . ΑΠΑΡΑΔΕΚΤΟΙ!!!!! ΜΗΝ το προτιμήσετε σε καμία περίπτωση .
Let me make clear that even one star I put it to comment. Where to start from ; The staff as well as the owner totally unacceptable and rude. First of all, we had delux rooms closed, and when the date of stay came, the room that left us to stay was the least bit of trouble. There was a dishwasher in which dishes were washed in, a God knows when. As if that were not enough, we went swimming, and the water dropped with the dropper. Then, after a disastrous conversation with the owner, we moved to a different room that was worse. The bathroom curtain had the slightest slop, the air conditioner did not work even for a while, we turned to the owner who did not even answer the phones. Revealed and her reception and staff. Still, the day we were transported, we slept and just as if nothing happened, like my mother and my father, they opened with the keys and entered our room and they found us sleeping. Once all this has been done, he had the requirement to give him 320 € for two nights. Finally, it was said that it is not worth giving as much money after everything that had happened, and having received the 180 € deposit, told us that if we do not like we can leave. NOT AVAILABLE !!!!! DO NOT prefer this in any way.
Steve Teo on Google

2 αστέρια μόνο για την καθαριότητα και τη θέα του δωματίου. Για τα υπόλοιπα, αρκεί να αναφέρω ότι ο ένας ιδιοκτήτης κατηγορεί τον άλλον ότι αλλάζει συνεχώς δωμάτιο στους πελάτες χωρίς λόγο (έγινε απόπειρα και σε εμάς αλλά δεν δεχτήκαμε) λέγοντας αυτολεξή «ο συνεργάτης μου θέλει να σας αλλάξει δωμάτιο και να σας πάει σε μια τρώγλη που δεν θέλει κανείς». ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ όποιο δωμάτιο κλείσετε, επικυρώστε το εγγράφως και μην δεχτείτε καμία αλλαγή, διαβάστε τι προβλέπει ο ΕΟΤ για να είστε καλυμμένοι.
2 stars only for cleanliness and room view. For the rest, suffice it to say that one owner accuses the other of constantly changing rooms with customers for no reason (an attempt was made on us but we did not accept) by saying, "My partner wants to change your room and take you to a slum that nobody wants. " WARNING whichever room you book, validate it in writing and do not accept any changes, read what EOT provides for you to be covered.
Nicholas Lazidis on Google

Μειναμε στα Rallis Apartments για 4 μερες. Μια εμπειρια τραγικη αφου οι ανθρωποι ειναι ο ορισμος των αντιεπαγγελματιων. Φτανοντας αργα το βραδυ στο κατάλυμα δεν υπηρχε κανενας εκπροσωπος να μας δειξει τα δωματια και να μας παραδωσει τα κλειδια.(Εν μερη λογικο, δεδομενης της ωρας προσέλευσης). Το πρωτο πρωινο ο υπευθυνος του ξενοδοχείου μας ξυπνησε χτυπώντας επιθετικα τη πορτα του δωματιου και μιλωντας με το χειροτερο τροπο. Η αιτια ηταν οτι ειχαμε απλωσει τα ρουχα μας στη λαθος απλωστρα οπου ανηκε στο διπλανο δωματιο καθως δεν ειχαμε καμια υποδειξη για το αν ηταν κοινοχρηστη η υπηρχε παροχη ατομικης. Εν συνεχεια μας ειπε οτι το δωματιο διαθετει μπαλκονι και οτι θα επρεπε να τα ειχαμε απλωσει εκει. Επιπλεον, η πιεση του νερου ηταν ανεπαρκης για να πλυνει καποιος τα δοντια του, ποσο μαλλον για να κανει μπανιο. Οντας ιδιοκτητης τουριστικης επιχειρησης θελω να αποτρεψω τον μελλοντικο επισκεπτη να μεινει σε αυτο το κατάλυμα και να εμπειστευτει τετοιους ανθρωπους. Πληρης αγνοια και εξευτελισμος της Ελληνικής φιλοξενίας. Πραγματικη ντροπη που σπιλωνουν τη φημη ενος ομορφου Ελληνικου νησιου.
We stayed at Rallis Apartments for 4 days. A tragic experience since people are the definition of unprofessional. Arriving late at night at the accommodation there was no representative to show us the rooms and hand us the keys. (Partly logical, given the arrival time). The first morning the manager of our hotel woke up knocking on the door of the room and talking in the worst way. The reason was that we had spread our clothes on the wrong rack where it belonged to the next room as we had no indication as to whether it was shared or there was an individual supply. He then told us that the room had a balcony and that we should have spread them out there. In addition, the pressure of the water was insufficient to brush one's teeth, let alone to take a bath. Being the owner of a tourist business I want to prevent the future visitor to stay in this accommodation and to trust such people. Complete ignorance and humiliation of Greek hospitality. A real shame that tarnish the reputation of a beautiful Greek island.
Simos Pappas on Google

Helpful staff and excellent service, very clean and absolutely great views. The room was very nice and comfy.
Panagiotis Nikolopoulos on Google

if you want anything more than a nice view (which to be realistic any hotel at this plase has) expect to be dissapointed
Andromachi Metheniti on Google

The room I had booked last year was a triple with 100€ per night in mid July. The prices are not necessarily high however they do not correspond with the quality of the room. The bathroom is nothing like it shows on pictures and it’s quite old. The way it was structured all the water from the shower was getting out.The cleaning service was more than unacceptable as the room was maybe cleaned twice in my 7 day stay. The sheets were not changed rather than reused as the sand from the previous days was still on the bed. The towels were not changed neither was the garbage can from the bathroom. The owner was rude and blamed us for the room not being changed however my friend and I only slept in the room and left every morning until late in the afternoon. In the booking website, it claims that the center of Naousa is 300m away which is untrue as it is about 750-800m away, a 10 minute walk with hills (check on maps). Additionally, as there is no supermarket close by we asked the owner to bring us a bottle of water which we would pay for later which he never did. Lastly the last day after we checked out he did not allow us to leave our luggages at the reception as out boat was leaving in the evening neither did he help us carry them

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