SIM Travel Group - SIM Travel Group

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Chaniotis 630 85, Greece

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Chaniotis 630 85, Greece
Calota Doru on Google

Gogoseanu Catalin on Google

1. Dupa ce am platit 7 bilete pentru Cursa de Toroneos si sm fost asigurati ca avem locuri a doua zi , atunci cand ne-am imbarcat a doua zi am fost dati jos de catre capitan pentru ca pentru romani nu mai are locuri . 2. A doua zi ne-am trezit iarasi la ora 6 ca sa ajungem la ora 8.30 la Pefcochori pentru a ne imbarca si am urcat pe vasul Sfantul Nicolae cu care am plecat de aceasta data.Apoi am descoperit ca ghidul in limba romana lipseste ( desi in reclama asa scrie ) . Se parea ca avem locuri , dar la urmatoarea oprire la Toroneos am constatat ca locurile noastre au fost ocupate de o familie numeroasa de sarbi pe motiv ca nu am lasat bagaje pe locuri ca sa aratam ca sunt ocupate( puteau sa spuna acest lucru : ca trebuie sa caram bagaje dupa noi ca sa le punem pe scaune ). Deci am mancat asa zisa gustare 4 mici care faceau cat unul normal si 3 boabe orez IN PICIOARE CA NAVETISTII . Degeaba i-am cerut capitanului sa ne asigure locurile pentru ca el a incarcat vasul peste capacitatea numarului de locuri si nu l-a interesat ( doar suntem romani ) . 3. Concluzie : platesti o excursie pe mare fara ghid in limba romana , echipajul vorbeste o engleza de balta , platesti un loc pe care trebuie sa il pazesti ca nu fii nevoit sa stai cu fundul direct pe puntea vasului vreo 5 ore pana iti intepeneste fundul si coloana . NU VA RECOMAND !
1. After paying 7 tickets for the Toroneos Race and we were assured that we have seats the next day, when we boarded the next day we were taken down by the captain because he has no seats for the Romanians. 2. The next day we woke up again at 6 o'clock to arrive at 8.30 in Pefcochori to embark and boarded the Saint Nicholas ship with which we left this time. Then I discovered that the guide in Romanian is missing ( although in the advertisement as it writes). It seemed we had places, but at the next stop in Toroneos we found that our places were occupied by a large family of Serbs because we did not leave luggage in places to show that they are occupied (they could say this: that they must carry luggage after us to put them on chairs). So I ate so called 4 small snacks that made as a normal one and 3 rice grains STANDING AS CHRISTMAS. In vain we asked the captain to secure our places because he loaded the ship over the capacity of the number of places and did not interest him (we are only Romanian). 3. Conclusion: you pay a sea trip without a guide in Romanian, the crew speaks English, you pay a place to be guarded so that you do not have to sit with your ass directly on the deck for about 5 hours until you reach your bottom and column. I WILL NOT RECOMMEND!

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