Sivas Hill Bungalows

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sivas Hill Bungalows

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Unnamed Rd,, Sivas 702 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9799
Postal code : 702
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Unnamed Rd,, Sivas 702 00, Greece
Karin Jodat on Google

Super Gastgeber, sehr herzlich und tolle Häuser! Es fehlt an nichts und die Gegend ist herrlich!
Super hosts, very warm and great houses! Nothing is missing and the area is wonderful!
Nick P on Google

Heerlijk rustige plaats. Goed uitgeruste bungalows, met alle voorzieningen. Dichtbij winkels, restaurant, zee. Erg vriendelijke en behulpzame eigenaars, die je privacy respecteren. Ga het zuiden van Kreta ontdekken en verblijf op deze prachtige locatie!
Wonderfully quiet place. Well-equipped bungalows, with all amenities. Close to shops, restaurant, sea. Very friendly and helpful owners who respect your privacy. Explore the south of Crete and stay at this beautiful location!
Tommaso Malandruccolo on Google

Durante la nostra ricerca per il soggiorno a Creta avevamo letto delle ottime recensioni, ma la realtà ha superato le aspettative. La casa, che è improprio chiamare bungalow, è ubicata alla periferia di Sivas, un piccolo centro molto animato e pittoresco, ricco di taverne e negozietti di alimenti e souvenir. A circa 400 metri da Sivas sorge appunto il Sivas Hill Bungalow, che si raggiunge attraverso una stradina raggiungibile in auto. É posizionato sul pendio di una montagna e si affaccia sulla valle e sui suoi suggestivi ulivi. La casa è in stile minimalista, studiata dallo stesso Rik. Le cose che colpiscono sono molteplici. La posizione perfettamente in armonia con l’ambiente circostante, la piscina privata davanti l'ingresso, l'enorme vetrata scorrevole di accesso che si affaccia sulla piscina e sulla valle retrostante, che permette l'ingresso di una luce naturale veramente gradevole ed una vista spettacolare anche dall’interno. La cucina, così come tutta la casa, è nuovissima e moderna, se ne avverte ancora il classico odore. Gli arredi, i pavimenti e le pareti sono cromaticamente orientate su colori neutri come il bianco e il grigio, e qualche tonalità intermedia fra i due. È una combinazione che dà l'idea di ordine e pulizia, così come le linee degli interni. Tutto è ben studiato, ma accanto al design impeccabile, con riferimenti alla pop art, la casa è dotata di tutti i confort, una vera e propria abitazione hi-tech che solleverà gli ospiti da tante seccature. Tutto è estremamente moderno e in perfetta simbiosi con le istanze estetiche del design; lavatrice, lavastoviglie, forno combinato, un piano cottura ad induzione di ultima generazione, stereo Yamaha. La camera da letto è illuminata da due finestre rettangolari che corrono per tutta la parete, la cui luce può essere filtrata da delle veneziane, che ne regolano l’intensità e la foggia delle ombre che si stagliano nella stanza. Il bagno, nello stesso stile, ospita una doccia che si può usare in coppia. All’esterno, nei pressi della piscina, ci sono due sdraio con relativi appoggiapiedi e un tavolinetto. Sono presenti, inoltre, due lettini, un tavolino rotondo e tre sedie. Nella parte posteriore, all’ombra di un ulivo, c’è un’amaca, un tavolinetto e una sedia, per concedersi momenti di lettura e riflessione. Detto questo passiamo all’accoglienza. Che dire, anche qui non ci sono parole. Al nostro arrivo abbiamo parcheggiato sotto il grande ulivo che fa da guardiano alla casa, e siamo stati accolti da Rik e Sindi con un affetto e sorrisi veramente sinceri. Ci hanno accompagnato al bungalow e ce lo hanno mostrato con dovizia di particolari. Il frigorifero abbondava di quanto ci occorresse per i nostri aperitivi serali e per le nostre colazioni mattutine, nonché di tutto l’occorrente per cucinare. Birra, vino bianco, vino rosso (fantastico), miele, marmellate, nutella, burro, biscotti, torta di mele fatta in casa, patatine fritte, ecc.ecc., yogurt, succhi di frutta, tutti prodotti locali….insomma, da restare senza parole. La cortesia dei padroni di casa, sempre molto discreti, è stata davvero encomiabile; pensate che il penultimo giorno Sindi ci ha detto che il giorno successivo, avendo l’aereo molto tardi, saremmo potuti tranquillamente restare quanto volevamo, ovviando quindi al previsto check out delle 11. Al momento della partenza non sono mancati anche dei pensierini, che abbiamo gradito molto. Per chi non ci fosse ancora stato, Creta è una terra meravigliosa, che dona al suo visitatore spiagge così belle che sembrano soprannaturali. Tuttavia la casa era talmente magnifica, che ci siamo concessi due giorni senza uscire, godendocela tutta, anche in considerazione del fatto che è cullata dal sole per tutto il giorno, caratteristica che rende l’acqua della piscina particolarmente temperata, tanto che si può usufruirne anche di notte, quando si accendono delle luci strategicamente studiate da Rik per meglio esaltare l’alloggio a tutte le ore. Consigliato di cuore <3
During our search for the stay in Crete we had read some great reviews, but the reality exceeded expectations. The house, which is incorrect to call a bungalow, is located on the outskirts of Sivas, a very lively and picturesque small town, full of taverns and shops selling food and souvenirs. About 400 meters from Sivas stands the Sivas Hill Bungalow, which can be reached via a small road accessible by car. It is located on the slope of a mountain and overlooks the valley and its suggestive olive trees. The house is in a minimalist style, designed by Rik himself. The things that strike are many. The position perfectly in harmony with the surrounding environment, the private swimming pool in front of the entrance, the huge sliding access window that overlooks the pool and the valley behind, which allows the entry of a truly pleasant natural light and a view spectacular even from the inside. The kitchen, as well as the whole house, is brand new and modern, you can still smell the classic smell. The furnishings, floors and walls are chromatically oriented on neutral colors such as white and gray, and some intermediate shades between the two. It is a combination that gives the idea of ​​order and cleanliness, as well as the lines of the interior. Everything is well thought out, but alongside the impeccable design, with references to pop art, the house is equipped with all the comforts, a real hi-tech home that will relieve guests from many hassles. Everything is extremely modern and in perfect symbiosis with the aesthetic demands of design; washing machine, dishwasher, combi oven, latest generation induction hob, Yamaha stereo. The bedroom is lit by two rectangular windows that run along the entire wall, whose light can be filtered by Venetian blinds, which regulate the intensity and shape of the shadows that stand out in the room. The bathroom, in the same style, houses a shower that can be used as a couple. Outside, near the swimming pool, there are two deck chairs with relative footrests and a small table. There are also two sun loungers, a round table and three chairs. In the back, in the shade of an olive tree, there is a hammock, a small table and a chair, to enjoy moments of reading and reflection. Having said that, let's move on to the welcome. What can I say, even here there are no words. Upon our arrival we parked under the large olive tree that guards the house, and we were greeted by Rik and Sindi with truly sincere affection and smiles. They accompanied us to the bungalow and showed it to us in great detail. The refrigerator abounded with what we needed for our evening aperitifs and for our morning breakfasts, as well as everything we needed to cook. Beer, white wine, red wine (fantastic), honey, jams, nutella, butter, biscuits, homemade apple pie, french fries, etc., etc., yogurt, fruit juices, all local products ... in short, from remain speechless. The courtesy of the hosts, always very discreet, was truly commendable; just think that on the penultimate day Sindi told us that the next day, having the plane very late, we could easily stay as long as we wanted, thus avoiding the scheduled 11am check out. At the time of departure there were also some little thoughts, which we enjoyed very much. For those who have not yet been there, Crete is a wonderful land, which gives its visitor beaches so beautiful that they seem supernatural. However, the house was so magnificent that we allowed ourselves two days without going out, enjoying it all, also in consideration of the fact that it is lulled by the sun all day, a feature that makes the pool water particularly temperate, so much so that you can use it. even at night, when lights are turned on strategically designed by Rik to better enhance the accommodation at all hours. Heartily recommended <3
Peter Eigenmann on Google

Super tolles Bungalow. Wir waren 10 Tage hier und es war einfach nur Traumhaft schön. Die Besitzer Rik&Sindy machen alles richtig und sind immer vor Ort wenn man was braucht. Der Kühlschrank war für gut 2 Tage gefüllt damit man nicht gleich verrhungert :-) 5 Gehminuten weiter gibt es auch einen kleinen Mini Market wo man das nötigste einkaufen kann. Dort hat es auch einige kleine Tavernen. Das Bungalow ist mit allem ausgestattet was man braucht. Auch der Pool ist super und gross genug. Es war alles sauber und die Küche verfügt auch über eine Waschmaschine und einem Geschirrspüler. Vielen Dank für eure Gastfreundschaft. Wir kommen gerne wiedermal.
Super great bungalow. We were here for 10 days and it was just gorgeous. The owners Rik & Sindy do everything right and are always there when you need something. The refrigerator was filled for a good 2 days so that you don't starve to death :-) 5 minutes walk further there is also a small mini market where you can buy essentials. There are also a few small taverns there. The bungalow is equipped with everything you need. The pool is also great and big enough. Everything was clean and the kitchen also has a washing machine and dishwasher. Thank you for your hospitality. We'd love to come back.
Sandra Weimar on Google

Wir waren insgesamt eine Woche bei Rik und Sindy und waren total begeistert. Wunderschönes durchdachtes Design, der Kühlschrank wurde vorab mit leckeren Kleinigkeiten von der Insel aufgefüllt und wir konnten im Pool bis spät Abends baden. Wir haben die Ruhe genossen und kommen auf jeden Fall wieder. Die Gastgeber haben uns tolle Tips gegeben und sind unglaublich freundlich. Vielen Dank für alles.
We stayed with Rik and Sindy for a week and were absolutely thrilled. Beautiful, well thought-out design, the refrigerator was filled in advance with delicious little things from the island and we could swim in the pool until late in the evening. We enjoyed the peace and quiet and will definitely be back. The hosts gave us great tips and are incredibly friendly. Many thanks for everything.
Karin Reiss on Google

Little charming village
Eirini Markaki on Google

Best choice for a couple. Peaceful and absolutely clean. Full equipped and friendly owners!
hels morgan on Google

A small piece of paradise on the edge of a lovely traditional village. The bungalows are perfect....super stylish with high quality design and decor. The pool is like an art installation....a concrete masterpiece. The hosts are superbly chilled, generous and helpful. An absolute must-stay!

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