Trigilidas Travel & Holidays - Policharous 4

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Trigilidas Travel & Holidays

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Policharous 4, Kalamata 241 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 241
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Policharous 4, Kalamata 241 00, Greece
Andreas Bikoulis on Google

Nice website
Blerim Mandija on Google

Zarbat Ahmadzai on Google

Artemis Tefis on Google

Excellent and efficient service. I was very pleased with the service provided. Highly Recommended!!
Theodore Kyrkilis on Google

Trigilidas Travel and Tours sets the standard for above exceptional service and comprehensive coverage of their destinations .. The Constantinople tour was of the highest quality - overwhelming - highly educational - fun and very safe and it is recommended to all.
Vivian Pappas on Google

Terrible experience and unnecessary hassle, not to mention the dangerous aspect of it. Worst part of all, ZERO costumer service. The second day of the fires on Elafónisos the travel agency decided to go ahead with the excursion in spite of some of us being really concerned about the fires. They reassured us everything was fine saying the "journalists exaggerated as usual” and they would take us to our destination, Simos Beach. That NEVER happened. The first thing we saw when we reached Punta was the smoke from the fire on…you guessed it, Simos beach! Crazy winds at the same time and when we said that it doesn’t look good they joked that the restaurants would be empty and that we could enjoy a quiet meal!! By the time we made it across we saw an endless line of cars waiting to leave the island wondering why we don’t just go back to the mainland instead. What was the rational behind the decision to stay somewhere from where others were fleeing? We tried to find a place to get at least a bite cos by that time we were on the road for five hours. There was no electricity on the island and thus no possibility for them to cook. This is when people started calling the agency to ask what exactly we were doing there. ZERO coordination there as well. We were standing on our feet for 45 minutes until everyone gathered at the port. Six people were left behind in the end while they sent the two empty buses back to Punta separately, as they were still evacuating the island and crossing over to Elafónisos was by then forbidden. We waited another hour and a half until the others made it to Punta, with NO access to water or toilets meanwhile. We made it back that day physically and emotionally exhausted. Fun Facts: - They could have given us the option of not going since the fire was under control but not put down and the winds were very strong since early morning which meant there was a strong possibility of things getting worse. - Once at Punta they could have suggested we visit a different place instead before crossing over. For some reason, even after seeing the chaos at the port on the other side they continued to act as everything would go as planned, when it was obviously not the case. - They literally forced us to be there in order for them to claim the excursion took place and we had no right to complain or to reimbursement. - Others tried to cancel on Saturday and they said cancelations had to be done 4 days ahead without considering that the fire started a day before the excursion was to take place. -They could have simply either canceled or postponed the trip for another day when it would have been safer for everyone. But they decided to potentially put 70+ people in danger for…profit? Go figure. - Btw, some of us never got a receipt from the agency! When a group of us went to discuss with them the day after, not only did they verbally attack us (coming really close to our faces) but they also called the police on us!! Nothing happened there as no one showed up for a fight, we just wanted a fair treatment and them acknowledging their part of responsibility for our ordeal. They should have canceled the trip and make it up to us somehow. The lady in charge had the most outrageous attitude towards us and the one calling the police. They didn’t even give us a chance to have a civilized conversation!! If you’re a fellow American, or any other nationality for that matter, used to be treated politely and fairly as an appreciated costumer, do yourself a favor; avoid it and try to do business with someone familiar with the term “customer service”. I’m happy for those who have had a good experience with this agency but the real service is known when the going gets tough, not when everything goes smoothly. And that was a very unfortunate decision on their end to deal with their customers the way they did. I hope no other customers will ever go through what we went through!
Liana Zakaryan on Google

We visited the island of Crete, Peloponnese. We came from Armenia as tourists. Our visit was a private visit. This office was recommended to us in Athens. We are very pleased with our stay. Trigilidas Travel were on top. We thank Mr. Trigilidas for organizing a quality vacation.
Viper Aggressor on Google

I have read some negative comments made by people in reference to an excursion to Elafonisos where a fire occurred. As a former U.S. judge I felt compelled to respond to those unwarranted negative comments attacking the quality of service Trigilidas Travel Agency provides. My wife and I have used the services of Trigilidas Travel Agency (TTA) for the past eight years. As a matter of fact they are booking flights for me at this time. Their services have always been excellent, polite, professional, with their number one priority of ensuring their customers have a pleasant experience. The people making these negative comments admit they knew about the fires which are common in Greece, before they got on the bus. Those same people being aware of the fires made the decision to get on the bus in spite of the fires they knew were taking place in Elafonisos. Now these same people want to blame TTA for their own decision ? If I were hearing a legal case regarding these alleged complaints against TTA, I would rule in TTA's favor as these 6 complaints have no merit. These people admit they knew about the fires occurring in Elafonisos, yet you got on the bus anyway. You people want to blame TTA, and not take responsibility for your decision to travel to Elafonisos being fully aware there were fires there. I know these people at TTA, having used their services many times. I don't believe for one minute anyone employed by TTA was rude, or unprofessional to any customer. I also am aware if someone is not satisfied with their trip TTA will either refund their money or credit them for another excursion at a later date at no charge. The fact that 85 people traveled to Elafonisos and only 6 complaints posted further confirms the 6 complaints posted here are without merit. You people need to grow up and learn to take responsibility for your own decisions, instead of blaming others for your poor decisions. Robert Rowe

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