Villa Kristina Artemida - Omopsichias 2

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Kristina Artemida

Address :

Omopsichias 2, Artemis 190 16, Greece

Phone : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 190
Website :
Categories :
Description : Laid-back apartments with kitchens, as well as furnished patios offering garden views.

Omopsichias 2, Artemis 190 16, Greece
Andrzej on Google

Pozytywna: Dobra lokalizacja, blisko fajnej plaży miejskiej i centrum miasteczka. Mieszkanie czyste i wyposażone w nowe sprzęty. Ze względu na okoliczne tereny zielone było trochę insektów, ale nie więcej niż w Polsce na działce ;) Do obiektu przynależy ogródek z altanką, gdzie można wieczorem posiedzieć. Cicha i spokojna okolica. Świetny kontakt z właścicielką, uzyskaliśmy przydatne informacje o komunikacji miejskiej i usługach w miasteczku. Ogólnie, bardzo dobra jakość za niską cenę, jesteśmy zadowoleni z pobytu..
Yuliya on Google

Положительный: Очень уютные, чистые апартаменты с шикарным двориком с барбекю. Ключи получить легко, ни надо никого вызванивать, все просто и доступно описано в инструкции. Недалеко центр и море, прогуляться не составит проблемы. Советую идти на пляж, который слева от причала яхт. Рядом с апартаментами небольшой магазин, где можно найти все что нужно, особенно запомнился вкуснейший свежий хлеб по утрам и др. выпечка. Вилла находится возле парка, приятный вид с дворика вам обеспечен) Мы были с мужем и просто наслаждались каждым моментом пребывания там. Соседний номер был свободен и мы были одни на всю виллу. Ни соседей, ни хозяев) Мы даже не хотели идти в таверны кушать - так было уютно там обедать и ужинать в окружении цветов и спокойствия с бокалом вина. Никогда не пишу таких развернутых отзывов, но тут по-другому не опишешь..
Kate on Google

Positive: It is in a quiet area, and not to far from shops/supermarket. Apartment had everything we were looking for.. Negative: There was a bad smell in the bathroom..
Rosalia on Google

Positive: All the comfort and facilities you need either in the kitchen or bathroom.. Negative: The first day nearly got bitten by a dog while walking to the corner shop. Too many loose dog in the nearby. Too many insects getting in the studio ???.
Stacey on Google

Positive: Had trouble getting in initially because other guests took my key, so I was upgraded to the larger apartment which made my stay incredible. Negative: Some mold on the floor of the shower, other than that is was extremely clean.
Inguna on Google

Positive: Nature around - mountains, see, fresh air.. Negative: To close to airport, noisy. Dirty and empty garden. Nobody cleaning garden and around house - lot of old leaaves and dust. We was 6 nights but no change bedclothes. No possibility to wash clothes. Spiders and worms in room. We did not see ovners,nobody for questions. And lonly red cat - without food and woter in +36..
Christina on Google

Positive: My husband and I were in need of a close hotel to the airport. With 15 mins away, Villa Kristina was a perfect distance for us. We communicated easily with the host that we would land in Athens early in the morning and requested an early check in. On the day of our arrival, I messaged the host and received a response very quickly. We were allowed to check in early and were pleasantly surprised with the cleanliness of the room. Yes the room was small but it served its purpose of a place to rest and shower before our big international flight home.. Negative: The size of the room. The wifi kept dropping in and out, but after a few hours it was consistent..
Lars Schmidt on Google

My daugther and i stayed here for 5 nights. Perfect if you want to travel around with a rented car. Near the airport with good connecting roads. Very clean and nice interior design. Fully equipped kitchen, which we did not use, due to the fact, that many restaurants are in short distance of only 15 minutes walking time. Also the service and contact with the owners was very easy. We really can recommend Villa Kristina Artemida when traveling to Athens.

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