WEDDING CRETE - Wedding and Event Planner in Crete - Alexandros Ypsilantis 1

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Contact WEDDING CRETE - Wedding and Event Planner in Crete

Address :

Alexandros Ypsilantis 1, Kokkini Hani 715 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +97779
Postal code : 715
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Alexandros Ypsilantis 1, Kokkini Hani 715 00, Greece
Anna Istomina on Google

Обратились к Татьяне для организации крестин и праздничного ужина в честь дня рождения на острове Крит. Все наши пожелания были выполнены, на все вопросы Татьяна отвечала довольно быстро и подробно. Очень терпеливо относилась к нашим переносам, переменам и изменениям планов. Для трансфера был предоставлен комфортабельный микроавтобус. Водитель был очень вежливым, внимательным и, что немаловажно, очень профессиональным. Церемония крестин прошла очень гладко (невзирая на маленькое землятресение))), очень камерно и красиво. В церкви были только мы, нам разрешили вести трансляцию и снимать, тк Татьяна заранее обо всем договорилась. Также, приятным бонусом была бронь ресторанов на нашу довольно большую компанию. Поэтому обязательно попросите совета, где можно поужинать с самым красивым видом или где подают самый вкусный десерт. Татьяна обязательно подскажет. Еще, на праздничном ужине была прекрасный фотограф Йоланта, которая очень ненавязчиво провела съемку. В результате, через неделю мы получили замечательные живые фото. ❤️
We turned to Tatiana to organize a christening and a birthday dinner on the island of Crete. All our wishes were fulfilled, Tatiana answered all questions fairly quickly and in detail. She was very patient with our transfers, changes and changes of plans. A comfortable minibus was provided for the transfer. The driver was very polite, attentive and, importantly, very professional. The christening ceremony went very smoothly (despite the small earthquake))), very chamber and beautiful. Only we were in the church, we were allowed to broadcast and shoot, because Tatiana had agreed on everything in advance. Also, a nice bonus was the restaurant reservations for our rather large company. So be sure to ask for advice on where to dine with the most beautiful view or where the most delicious dessert is served. Tatiana will definitely tell you. Also, at the gala dinner there was a wonderful photographer Jolanta, who very unobtrusively took the picture. As a result, in a week we got wonderful live photos. ❤️
Nadja Vierneisel on Google

Es war der perfekte Tag! Super Organisation und Durchführung. Alle Menschen um uns herum haben uns den Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis gemacht. Von A - Z PERFEKT! Wir können euch dieses Team zu 100% weiterempfehlen. Herzlich, flexibel und liebevoll professionell. Wir würden es immer wieder tun! 1000 Dank an euch!!! Wir werden diesen Moment nie vergessen! We do not remember days, we remember MOMENTS!!!
It was the perfect day! Great organization and implementation. All the people around us made the day an unforgettable experience. From A - Z PERFECT! We can 100% recommend this team to you. Warm, flexible and lovingly professional. We would do it again and again! 1000 thanks to you!!! We will never forget this moment! We do not remember days, we remember MOMENTS!!!

Добрий день, хотів поділитися своїми враженнями від організаціі нашого весілля.За 3 тижні Таня організувала мега круте весілля на 60 людей, все було просто ваууу? Звертаючись до неі Ви точно не пожалкуєте??
Hello, I wanted to share my impressions of the organization of our wedding. In 3 weeks Tanya organized a mega cool wedding for 60 people, everything was just wow ? Addressing her you will not regret
Svitlana Zabeida on Google

Безмежно вдячні за оперативність та неймовірну організацію. Ми отримали просто кайфові емоції та спогади. Все як ми собі уявляли та бажали ☺️ Тетяна завжди була на зв'язку та допомогала зі всіма питаннями, які нас цікавили, дуже мила та привітна і зібрала таку ж хорошу команду. Напевно для кожної нареченої важливі деталі, і все має бути як вона собі уявила? - WEDDING CRETE повністю попали в сердечко і кожен елемент був саме таким як мав бути - музика, арка, букет, атмосфера ❤️ Щиро бажаємо вам хороших клієнтів та багато замовлень ?
We are infinitely grateful for the efficiency and incredible organization. We just got high emotions and memories. Everything as we imagined and wanted ☺️ Tatiana was always in touch and helped with all the questions that interested us, very kind and friendly and gathered the same good team. Probably important details for every bride, and everything should be as she imagined ? - WEDDING CRETE completely hit the heart and each element was exactly as it should be - music, arch, bouquet, atmosphere ❤️ We sincerely wish you good customers and many orders ?
Ioannis Mathioudakis on Google

Very professional services and tailored to our personal needs. Easy communication channels. Thanks you for making our event special
Natasha Kuripko on Google

Working with Tatiana as a makeup artist I can say that she is one the most responsible and professional wedding planners that I've ever met. It's always like a small celebration to work on the events organized by her and it always has a special atmosphere. Highly recommend her & her team!!
Dana Pavlov on Google

We have had a pre-wedding photo shoot organized by Wedding Crete and it was outstanding. They have organized everything to the tiniest details and I really enjoyed getting ready in the company of the hair dresser and the makeup artist. Then the venue exceeded all our expectations!! OMG... I had the feeling it was tailored exceptionally for us. On the top of everything the photographer was joking and entertaining us all the time. Probably I didn’t laugh all year as much as I did on that day. Definitely will get their assistance with the wedding ? (when normal life is back and we can have normal weddings). Strongly recommend!! The best professionals -they know how things should be done properly.
ксения айозба on Google

it was an amazing atmosphere! Eric and I still have the warmest memories of this day! Tatiana and her team have an incredible ability to organize everything in the shortest possible time and without hesitation. It should be noted that we hesitated for a long time and chose, but one of our friends recommended Tatiana to us and we didn’t regret it! Tatiana chose an amazing place, and it is very difficult for me to please! Her gaze, delicate aesthetic taste, combined with an impeccable organization, is what we have been looking for and found in one person for so long! We remember that day with warmth! It became unforgettable for us, thanks to how Tatiana was able to solve the questions that arose during the campaign, which did not even have time to reach us! Many thanks, valuable memories and our photos from the ceremony, we review very often! With the best wishes, Eric and Xenia

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