Acropolis of Ancient Pallantion - A/D Tripoleos Kalamatas

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Contact Acropolis of Ancient Pallantion

A/D Tripoleos Kalamatas, Tripoli 221 00, Greece
Λέττα Καραγιαννοπούλου on Google

Υπέροχο και εγκαταλελειμμένο
Wonderful and abandoned
Δημήτριος Στράτος on Google

Τα λείψανα του αρχαίου Παλλαντίου, βρίσκονται πάνω από τη λίμνη Τάκα. Το 1940 διενήργησε εδώ ανασκαφές η Ιταλική σχολή, στις οποίες βρέθηκαν θεμέλια αρχαίκού ναού, με ξύλινο θριγκό και από έξι ξύλινους κίονες στις στενές πλευρές. Ανάλογοκτίσμα σε σχήμα ναού με σηκό και πρόναο βρέθηκε σε βορειότερο σημείο της Ακρόπολης. Χαμηλότερα βρέθηκαν λείψανα άλλου ναού, περίπτερου, με ξύλινους κίονες και λίθινα θεμέλια που στήριζαν ανωδομή από πλίθες. Τέλος, νοτιοδυτικά, βρέθηκε άλλο ιερό κτίσμα, διαστ. 9,20χ5 μ. που στο μέσο του έφερε Βωμό. Η ακρόπολη είχε περιβληθεί με οχυρωματικό περίβολο Κείμενο: Εφόρου Αρχαιοτήτων Dr. Θεόδωρου Γ. Σπυρόπουλου.
The relics of ancient Pallantio are located above Lake Taka. In 1940, the Italian school carried out excavations here, in which the foundations of an ancient temple were found, with a wooden truss and six wooden columns on the narrow sides. A similar structure in the shape of a temple with a nave and a pronaos was found at a northern point of the Acropolis. Lower were the remains of another temple, a pavilion, with wooden columns and stone foundations that supported an adobe structure. Finally, southwest, another sacred building was found, diam. 9.20x5 m. In the middle of which he brought an Altar. The citadel was surrounded by a fortified enclosure Text: Curator of Antiquities Dr. Theodorou G. Spyropoulos.
Φίλιππος Γεωργακόπουλος on Google

Εντελώς τυχαία τη βρήκαμε. Ένα εξωκκλήσι στην κορυφή ενός λόφου. Γύρω γεμάτο βλάστηση και μέσα από ένα μονοπάτι χωρίς πινακίδες να ή Ακρόπολη. Όπως μάθαμε από το google εκ των υστέρων.
We found it completely by accident. A chapel at the top of a hill. Around full of vegetation and through a path without signs to the Acropolis. As we learned from google afterwards.
Marcus Lodwick on Google

Famous as the city of Evander who, according to Roman authors - most notably Vergil in Book 8 of the Aeneid - emigrated with a group of Arcadians from Pallantion at the time of the Trojan War to the site of future Rome, where they founded a settlement on the Palatine hill whose name was thus derived from Pallantion. The Roman travel-writer Pausanias came this way in c.150 AD and says: "In Pallantion is a temple with two stone images, one of Pallas, the other of Evander. There is also a sanctuary of the Maid, the daughter of Demeter, and not far away is a statue of Polybius. The hill above the city was of old used as a citadel. On the crest of the hill there still remains a sanctuary of certain gods. Their surname is the Pure, and here it is customary to take the most solemn oaths. The names of the gods either they do not know, or knowing will not divulge; but it might be inferred that they were called Pure because Pallas did not sacrifice to them after the same fashion as his father sacrificed to Lykaean Zeus." [8.44.5-6] The four temples on the acropolis of Pallantion probably all belong to the single sanctuary "of the Pure Gods". Only foundations are preserved. Temple A dates to c.600; Temple B to c.580; the cella of Temple C to c.580, with a wide terrace added c.500 presumably to support a 6 by 13 Doric colonnade which doesn't seem to have been built; Temple D , under the church, may also have been built c.500. Their plans and locations are shown in the photos.

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