ACROTEL Folklore Museum of Athena Pallas - Hotel Athena Pallas

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ACROTEL Folklore Museum of Athena Pallas

Address :

Hotel Athena Pallas, 630 88, Greece

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 630
Website :
Categories :

Hotel Athena Pallas, 630 88, Greece
Ivan Levtetov on Google

Florin Sterca on Google

Rados Djinovic on Google

Villa Evangelia on Google

μαρία αλεξάνδρου on Google

Davide Liuzzi on Google

Servizio e cortesia eccellenti. Struttura unica in un bellissimo parco con diverse piscine ed altre attività. Mare fantastico!
Excellent service and courtesy. Unique structure in a beautiful park with several swimming pools and other activities. Fantastic sea!
Stere Pelican on Google

Un muzeu micut si dragut. Prezinta obiectele pe care le foloseau grecii acum 40-50 de ani. Multe dintre ele le recunosc de la bunicii mei aromani care s-au nascut in Grecia. Am simtit ca ma intorc in copilaria din sat.
A small and cute museum. It presents the objects that the Greeks used 40-50 years ago. Many of them I recognize from my Aromanian grandparents who were born in Greece. I felt like I was returning to childhood from the village.
Silvan on Google

Sehr toller viel Herzblut und Liebe zum Detail wiedervelebtes altes griechisches Bergdorf!! Mit super Blick auf das Meer!!
Very great place ... with a lot of passion and attention to detail rekindled old Greek mountain village !! With a great view of the sea !!

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