Adonis - Chalkidikis 39

1/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Adonis

Address :

Chalkidikis 39, Athina 104 47, Greece

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 104
Categories :

Chalkidikis 39, Athina 104 47, Greece
Ana Kovačević on Google

Letovala sam sa porodicom u ovom "hotelu", prošle godine u avgustu. Sam smeštaj je veoma dobar. Medjutim, razlog zbog koga sam dala najmanju ocenu je taj što smo sa vlasnikom "hotela" imali veoma neprijatno iskustvo. Naime, iako sam se sve sa vlasnikom dogovorila direktno, iako sam se javila dva dana pre samog dolaska i dobila mail da će soba biti spremna u dogovoreno vreme, kad smo stigli (a putovali smo sa bebom od 10 messeci) dobili smo kratko obaveštenje da je naša soba zauzeta do sutradan i da možemo da prespavamo u smeštaju u neposrednoj blizini!?! Mi smo na to pristali jer sa bebom u avgustu mesecu u Grčkoj nismo ni hteli da pokušamo da nadjemo drugi smeštaj. I možda ne bih ni pisala sve ovo da za vreme naseg boravka tamo još jedna grupa gostiju nije imala isti problem. Pritom je stav vlasnika o celoj situaciji bio kako se to cesto desava jer je sezona a zainteresovanost je velika!?! Sam vlasnik nije našao za shodno ni da se formalno izvini a kamoli nesto vise... Prilikom odjavljivanja, kad je muž išao da izmiri sve troškove, imao je još jedan neprijatan kontakt sa vlasnikom koji je vičući pričao kako mi nemamo pravo da se ljutimo, kako on ima pravo da radi kako hoce, da nama ako se ne sviđa ne moramo vise nikad da dodjemo a pri odlasku nije rekao ni dovidjenja. I iako bih imala još što šta da napišem mislim da sam, za neke buduće goste, rekla dovoljno. U Grčkoj letujemo godinama unazad, uvek sam smeštaj dogovarala direktno sa vlasnicima a ovo je, nažalost, bilo naše prvo negativno iskustvo....
I was traveling with the family at this "hotel", last year in August. The accommodation itself is very good. However, the reason I gave the lowest rating was that we had a very unpleasant experience with the owner of the "hotel". Namely, even though I had arranged everything with the owner directly, even though I registered two days before the arrival and received the mail that the room would be ready at the agreed time, when we arrived (and we traveled with a baby from 10 messes) we received a brief notice that our room is occupied by the next day and we can sleep in the accommodation in the immediate vicinity!?! We agreed to this because we did not want to try to find other accommodation with a baby in August in Greece. And maybe I would not even write all this in the course of our stay there another group of guests did not have the same problem. At the same time, the attitude of the owner about the whole situation was how often it happens because of the season and the interest is great!?! The owner himself did not find it appropriate or formal to apologize, let alone anything else ... When checking out, when the husband went to settle all the costs, he had another unpleasant contact with the owner who yelled at us saying that we do not have the right to be angry, how he has the right to do whatever he wants, if he does not like us, we do not have to come again and he did not even say anything about leaving. And even if I had something else to write, I think that I, for some future guests, said enough. In Greece we fly for years, always arranging accommodation directly with owners and this, unfortunately, was our first negative experience ....

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