Apartments Kassandra - Istron

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Apartments Kassandra

Address :

Istron, Istro 721 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 721
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Istron, Istro 721 00, Greece
Véronique Robette on Google

Notre séjour dans cette hôtel était une merveille au calme. Personnel très chaleureux Chambre très spacieuse Nourriture très variée et très bonne Rapport qualité/prix très satisfaisant Parc très bien arboré et très bien entretenu
Our stay at this hotel was a wonderfully peaceful one. Very friendly staff Very spacious room Very varied and very good food Very satisfactory price / quality ratio Very well wooded and very well maintained park
emmanuel care on Google

Un endroit superbe, un personnel accueillant, une vue de la chambre splendide (toutes donnent sur la mer), un lieu propre. Seul bémol : la plage n'est pas de sable mais de petits galets, sniff. Sinon, c'est tout bon !
A superb location, a friendly staff, a splendid view of the room (all overlooking the sea), a clean place. Only downside: the beach is not sand but small pebbles, sniff. Otherwise, it's all good!
Андрей Бушнев on Google

Замечательное место. За эти деньги лучше не найти. Вероника замечательная хозяйка, очень гостеприимна и доброжелательна. По приезду нас ждала бутылочка критского вина. Мы тоже приехали не с пустыми руками. Подарили ей сувениры из России, а она одарила нас двумя баночками оливкового масла своего изготовления. Есть площадка для барбекю. Мы пригласили Веронику на шашлык и душевно пообщались. По русски она не говорит — нужен английский для общения с ней. Сегодня Вероника пригласила нас на вечер средиземноморской кухни. Территория довольно большая, особенно если сравнивать с другими апартаментами. Растут оливки, виноград, гранаты, лимоны и мандарины. По любому вопросу можно к хозяйке обратиться — всегда поможет
Wonderful place. For this money it is better not to find. Veronika is a wonderful hostess, very hospitable and friendly. Upon arrival we were waiting for a bottle of Cretan wine. We also did not come empty-handed. They gave her souvenirs from Russia, and she gave us two jars of olive oil of her own making. There is a barbecue area. We invited Veronica on a shish kebab and talked heartily. In Russian, she does not speak - you need English to communicate with her. Today Veronica invited us to the evening of Mediterranean cuisine. The area is quite large, especially when compared with other apartments. Grow olives, grapes, pomegranates, lemons and tangerines. For any question you can contact the hostess - always help
u Ursitoarebotez on Google

Un loc plin de energie buna si cu o primire calda. Camerele sunt curate si faptul ca am avut o mica bucatarie a fost de un real folos. Piscina este o reala desfatare iar Creta este un loc de poveste. Locatia este aproape de plaja, se poate merge pe jos.
A place full of good energy and with a warm welcome. The rooms are clean and the fact that I had a small kitchen was a real benefit. The pool is a real delight and Crete is a place of story. The location is close to the beach, you can walk.
Adriana Negrila on Google

The best appartments
Fabio Brancaccio on Google

Very nice place and great people!
mihaela praporgel on Google

Very nice, romantic, rustic place.. and beautiful view...
Mike Whincup on Google

Would be excellent if it had WIFI! Friendly, spacious, beautiful setting, reasonably priced, HUGE bed. But this is 2014, and a traveller needs WiFi!

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