Archeologikos Choros Sentoukia - Archeologikos Choros Sentoukia

4.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Archeologikos Choros Sentoukia

Address :

Skopelos 370 03, Greece

Postal code : 370
Categories :

Skopelos 370 03, Greece
Darko Danicic on Google

Vredi obići i videti. Žao mi je što nisam mogao više vremena provesti na ovom mestu. Delovalo mi je kao da je lokacija sa visokim energetskim potencijalom.
Worth a visit and see. I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time in this place. It seemed to me like a location with high energy potential.
S G on Google

Molto bello, per raggiungerlo si deve camminare a piedi per 20 minuti circa, ma ne vale davvero la pena. Il panorama è fantastico e le tombe sono proprio suggestive
Very nice, to reach it you have to walk for about 20 minutes, but it's really worth it. The view is fantastic and the tombs are really suggestive
Gerhard Laga on Google

Ein steiniger Pfad führt vom Scheitel der Schotterstraße nach rechts in den Wald. Nach rund 500 Metern findet man sich in offener Landschaft mit traumhafter Aussicht auf Alonissos, wo 3 in Stein gehauene "Gräber" mit verschobenen Steindeckeln zu sehen sind. Genaue Informationen dazu habe ich auch nicht gefunden, aber allein die Aussicht ist den Weg wert.
A stony path leads from the top of the gravel road to the right into the forest. After about 500 meters you will find yourself in open countryside with a fantastic view of Alonissos, where you can see 3 "tombs" carved in stone with shifted stone lids. Exact information I have not found, but only the view is worth the way.

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