Ekklisia Metamorfosi Sotiros - Ekklisia Metamorfosi Sotiros

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Agio Oros 603 86, Greece

Postal code : 603
Categories :

Agio Oros 603 86, Greece
Λαμπρος Φιλιπποπουλος on Google

Δεν περιγράφεται με λόγια η εμπειρία να είσαι στην κορυφή του Άθω και να παρακολουθείς την αγρυπνια μέσα στο πανέμορφο ναό της Μεταμόρφωσης
The experience of being on the top of Athos and watching the alertness in the beautiful temple of Metamorphosis is not described in words
Besheff 95off on Google

параклисът Преображение Господне, на метър под връх Атос - 2033 метра. Достигането до него от кота нула - арсана на скит света Анна е сериозна изпитание и не е за всеки. Необходими са ви здрави крака и най-вече колене, малко храна и много вода.. Последното място, откъдето може да налеете течаща вода е на около 800 м. в местността Кръста / Сотирос, където се събират 5 пътеки. Вода има и на параклиса Панагия (1500 н.м.в.), но е в резервоар и е съмнително чиста. Имайте предвид че параклисът на върха не винаги е отключен. От тук се открива прекрасна панорама към целия полуостров Атон - монашеската република Света гора.
the Transfiguration of the Lord Chapel, a meter below Mount Athos - 2033 meters. Reaching it from the ground zero - the arsenal of the Scythian world Anna is a serious test and is not for everyone. You need strong legs and most of all knees, some food and lots of water .. The last place you can pour running water is about 800 m. There is also water on the Panagia chapel (1500 nm), but it is in a reservoir and is doubtfully clean. Keep in mind that the chapel at the top is not always unlocked. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the whole peninsula of Mount Athos - the Holy Mountain Monastic Republic.
K Dilovski on Google

Mont Athos 2033 m. 30/04/2019 Encore pas mal de neige autour de l'église de la Métamorphose de Sotir. Un moment fabuleux après le départ à 09h40 de bord de la mer à Kafsokalivia et arrivée au sommet à 15h00. Le plaisir de faire sonner les cloches, de voir toute la presqu'île d'Athos s'étirer vers le nord et de regarder la fusion du bleu du ciel et du bleu de la mer est un moment et une émotion uniques au monde.
Mount Athos 2033 m. 30/04/2019 Still a lot of snow around the Sotir Metamorphosis church. A fabulous moment after the departure at 09:40 from the seaside in Kafsokalivia and arriving at the summit at 15:00. The pleasure of ringing the bells, of seeing the entire peninsula of Athos stretching to the north and watching the blending of the blue of the sky and the blue of the sea is a moment and emotion unique in the world.
Lock Down on Google

I think it's
Денис on Google

Autoxthon Hetion on Google

?A place to be one time in your live!?
kostas rippis on Google

The picture with the shadow of mount Athos in the sea is amazing!!!!! Congratulation to the photographer, great job!!!!!!
George Kontogouris on Google

Once in a lifetime experience to sleep on the peak of Mount Athos and watch both sunrise and sunset. Although the hike from 0 to 2.033 meters is very demanding - it is totally worth it. Important information - take a lot of water with you especially if you are planning to sleep up there. Although there is a water tank at the church at 1.500 meters nobody can guarantee of the quality of water although it is rain water. I took 6 liters of water and never regret it as many were asking for water. Despite the fact that increases the weight of the back pack a lot - ended with a 16 kilo backpack. If you are in a good condition and used to hike mountains you can make it in a day up to the peak. Try to go on day aside weekends. Me and my friend were very lucky to have the whole peak for ourselves. At the top the church is incredible and the views - O MY GOD - probably the best you have ever seen. Small secrets. Don’t miss the shadow that is created on the Aegean Sea while the sun is setting - incredible site. Also sleep next to the door of the church that it is protected by most winds. And wake up early in order not to miss the sunrise. Totally recommended. One of the best experiences I ever had

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