EYDAP A PK ATHENS - Satovriandou 12

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Satovriandou 12, Athina 104 32, Greece
Μαρια Κουβελη on Google

Καμία εξυπηρέτηση. Δεν σηκώνουν ποτέ το τηλέφωνο. Τι πρέπει ακριβώς να κάνουμε για να πιάσουμε γραμμή; Να επικοινωνήσουμε με σήματα Μορς;
No service. They never pick up the phone. What exactly do we need to do to catch a line? Should we communicate with Morse code?
Kostas Thiakoulis on Google

Το μονοπώλιο αυτά κάνει, έτσι ήταν και οι τομείς ενέργειας και τηλεφωνίας πριν ιδιωτικοποιηθούν ή μπουν νέοι παίχτες στην αγορά.
The monopoly does that, so did the energy and telephony sectors before privatization or the entry of new players into the market.
Jenny Tsoureli on Google

Δεν σηκώνουν πότε το τηλέφωνο, πώς θα μπορέσει ο κόσμος να εξυπηρετηθεί έτσι; Θα πρέπει να πάρουμε τα πόδια μας να πάμε από εκεί για να κάνουμε μια απλή ερώτηση;
They do not pick up the phone when, how can people be served like that? Should we get on our feet to go from there to ask a simple question?
e d on Google

Δεν θα έβαζα κανένα αστέρι. Από το πρωί στο διαμέρισμα μου δεν είχα νερό. Πληρωμένο, κάποια βλάβη θα είναι στο ρολόι. Μετά από πολλά τηλεφωνήματα δεν έχουν έρθει. Ίσως αύριο... Ίσως μεθαύριο;; ούτε ένα τηλέφωνο δεν πήραν να μας ενημερώσουν από την τεχνική υπηρεσία ποτέ θα γίνει αυτό. Άραγε τις κριτικές τις βλέπει κάποιος υπεύθυνος;;
I would not put any stars. I have not had water in my apartment since morning. Paid, some damage will be on the watch. After many phone calls have not come. Maybe tomorrow ... Maybe the day after tomorrow ?? not a single phone call to let us know the technical service will never do this. Does anyone in charge see the reviews ??
Fatih A. on Google

O kadar yavaş çalışıyorlar ki 20 dakikada 2 metre ilerledi sıra. 2 haftadır uzun sıra olduğu için faturayı ödemeyi erteliyorum. Ancak bugün de sıra çok fazla uzun ve çok yavaş ilerliyor. Çalışanlar hızlanmalı ya da geciken faturalar başka yöntemlerle de ödenebilmeli. Soğuk havada beklemek çok zor. Yine sıradan çıkıp başka işlerime gidiyorum mecburen ??
They work so slowly that the line advanced 2 meters in 20 minutes. I'm delaying paying the bill because of the long queue for 2 weeks. But today, the queue is too long and too slow. Employees should be expedited or late bills should be paid by other methods. It is very difficult to wait in cold weather. I have to go out of my ordinary and go to other works again ??

Απαράδεκτοι! Δεν εξυπηρετούν και ειρωνεύονται. Οι ουρές στην αναμονή έξω είναι τεράστιες και μέσα εξυπηρετεί ένας υπάλληλος και αν έχει όρεξη. Σε παραπέμπουν να τα κάνεις όλα από τη σελίδα. Στη σελίδα αποκλείεται να βγάλεις άκρη. Τέλος, καλό θα ήταν, να κοιτάξουν την ορθογραφία της σελίδας. Εταιρεία ύδρευσης της Αθήνας και δεν ξέρουν πως γράφονται οι περιοχές που εξυπηρετούν
Unacceptable! They do not serve and are ridiculed. The queues outside waiting are huge and inside an employee serves if he has an appetite. They refer you to do everything from the page. You are not allowed to edit the page. Finally, it would be good to look at the spelling of the page. Athens water company and they do not know how to write the areas they serve
Timos Agoropoulos on Google

Γραφείον "εξυπηρέτησης". Βάζω 1 αστέρι γιατί αλλιώς δεν δημοσιεύεται. Φρίκη ! 30 άτομα ουρά υπό βροχήν και κρύο. Για πληρωμή ληγμένων λογαριασμών που ήλθαν όμως από ACS με καθυστέρηση - εγώ τί φταίω ???. Από 10 άτομα την ώρα (και πολλά λέω) 3 ώρες αναμονή. Σήμερα 30/12/21. Καλή χρονιά!
"Service" office. I put 1 star because otherwise it is not published. Horror! 30 people queue in the rain and cold. For payment of expired bills that came from ACS with a delay - what's my fault ???. From 10 people per hour (and I say a lot) 3 hours waiting. Today 30/12/21. Happy New Year!
Aliona Bey on Google

Terrible service. They are not able to provide me water bills. I showed my contract they still were not able to provide me the bill. I found the water meter number, but the worker told me that I should be in the line again. I was already in the line. Why should I stand again?! Also there’s 6 windows working and the lines goes only to 1 window. Why all workers can’t do the job?!

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