Farmakio - Dimokratias 123

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Farmakio

Address :

Dimokratias 123, Malia 700 07, Greece

Phone : 📞 +897
Postal code : 700
Categories :

Dimokratias 123, Malia 700 07, Greece
Rudix on Google

Ich hatte eine schlimmere hautverbrennung wegen der Sonne auf der Brust und bin in die Apotheke gegangen mit der Gedanke dass ich eine kleine Creme bekommen werde. Die Frau war so nett und hat mich schnell überredet vor Ort mich zu behandeln, was mich 35€ kostet hat(als europäisch gesetzlich krankenversicherter+ eine abgeschlossene auslandskrankenversicherung). Nächstes Mal gehe ich direkt ins Krankenhaus, denn da zahle ich kein Cent. Die Frau war zwar nett und professionell, allerdings soll man die Leute nicht dermaßen abkassieren.
I had a bad skin burn because of the sun on my chest and went to the pharmacy with the thought that I would get a little cream. The woman was so nice and quickly persuaded me to treat me on site, which cost me € 35 (as a European statutory health insurer + a foreign health insurance). Next time I'll go straight to the hospital because I won't pay a cent. The woman was nice and professional, but you shouldn't get rid of people that much.
Marc on Google

J'ai demandé des comprimés contre le mal de mer, la vendeuse m'a conseillé de prendre du travelfix comprenant 10 comprimés. la vendeuse me l'a facturé 12euros. J'ai eu un doute mais je l'ai pris quand même. Après vérification sur internet, on peut le trouver entre 2.18 et 4.55 €. Très déçu par cette pharmacie, c'est purement du vol.
I asked for seasickness tablets, the saleswoman advised me to take travelfix consisting of 10 tablets. the saleswoman invoiced me 12euros. I had a doubt but I took it anyway. After checking on the internet, it can be found between 2.18 and 4.55 €. Very disappointed with this pharmacy, it's purely theft.
Martin Schmitz on Google

Very kind, good recommendation.
Baca Hilas on Google

Dmitry Shelobkov on Google

they really helped me with rare tabs from hypertension
MateVlog on Google

Very helpful and friendly staff. There is a nice lady that treated an ear infection professionally and very carefully way! Hope you don’t need to use, but if needed, definitely try this one.
Allan Pk on Google

The woman in the shoop are rude arrogant and she behaves like she is a doctor. She's not. The only thing she is are unpleasant. Don't go there!!
Nickie Per on Google

I visited the pharmacy after a food poisoning, the ladies were very helpful and friendly! I felt better after I used everything that they gave me! Thank you!!

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