Fishing Tourism Kefalonia "Dimitrios-Efthimia" - Fishing Tourism Kefalonia "Dimitrios-Efthimia"

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fishing Tourism Kefalonia "Dimitrios-Efthimia"

Address :

Katelios 280 86, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9779
Postal code : 280
Website :
Categories :

Katelios 280 86, Greece
Lidia K on Google

Urocze miejsce
Lovely place
Sonia Lou on Google

Teuta Athinelli on Google

Περάσαμε Φανταστικά!!?? Το συνιστούμε ανεπιφύλακτα!!!!!
We passed fantastic !! ?? We highly recommend it !!!!!
Alberto Esposito on Google

Si dice spesso che una certa cosa sia eccezionale ma in questo caso è più che vero! Efthimia e Dimitrios ci hanno accolto sulla loro barca alle 8.00 del mattino con caffè, the e biscottini, un bellissimo benvenuto! Subito dopo è iniziata l'azione! Capitan Dimitrios ci ha condotto sulle reti ed è iniziata la pesca! Tutti seduti sul bordo della barca aiutavamo ad estrarre pesci dalle reti. E in quel momento.... tutto ad un tratto.... una caretta caretta ci è venuta a salutare. Abbiamo pescato saraghi, scorfani, orate, pesci locali, gamberi, piccole mante, triglie e tanti altri pesci. Abbiamo anche visto un pesce volante. Stupendo. A questo punto una bella sosta in una caletta riparata dove abbiamo fatto il bagno e la dolce Efthimia ha cominciato a cucinare per noi. Pesce alla griglia, pesce fritto, seppie fritte, insalata di patate e insalata di verdure. Ci hanno offerto anche dell'ottimo vino bianco di loro produzione, birra e acqua ghiacciata. Dopo pranzo relax, bagno nelle acque cristalline e tante chiacchiere. Il rientro in porto è stato alle 16.00 circa e ci è sembrato di salutare amici di vecchia data che hanno condiviso con noi una bellissima giornata e una delle più belle esperienze della nostra vacanza a Cefalonia. Informazioni pratiche: - partenza alle 8.00 dal porto di Katelios; -parcheggio semplicissimo direttamente sul molo; - abbigliamento da mare con asciugamani; - raccomandiamo le maschere, noi abbiamo visto una stella marina; - crema solare; - la barca è pulita ed accogliente.
It is often said that a certain thing is exceptional but in this case it is more than true! Efthimia and Dimitrios welcomed us in their boat at 8.00 am with coffee, tea and biscuits, a wonderful welcome! Immediately after the action started! Captain Dimitrios has led us on the nets and fishing has begun! We all sat on the edge of the boat helping to extract fish from the nets. And at that moment .... all of a sudden ... a caretta caretta came to say goodbye to us. We caught bream, scorpion fish, sea bream, local fish, shrimp, small mantas, mullet and many other fish. We also saw a flying fish. Superb. At this point a nice break in a sheltered cove where we had a swim and the sweet Efthimia began to cook for us. Grilled fish, fried fish, fried cuttlefish, potato salad and vegetable salad. They also offered us excellent white wine of their production, beer and ice water. After lunch, relax in the crystal clear waters and chat. The return to the port was at around 4.00 pm and we thought we were saying goodbye to old friends who shared a beautiful day with us and one of the most beautiful experiences of our holiday in Kefalonia. Practical information: - departure at 8.00 from the port of Katelios; -easy parking directly on the dock; - beachwear with towels; - we recommend the masks, we have seen a starfish; - sunscreen; - the boat is clean and welcoming.
Georg Kofler on Google

Dieser Ausflug war einer unserer Highlights auf Kefalonia. Wir würden es jedem weiterempfehlen. Wenn man möchte kann man sogar mithelfen. Dies fanden wir super! Das Mittagessen wurde dann frisch zubereitet und war super lecker! Wir kommen gerne wieder :)!
This excursion was one of our highlights on Kefalonia. We would recommend it to anyone. If you want you can even help. We thought this was great! Lunch was then freshly prepared and was delicious! We'd love to come back :)!
Ioannis Liodakis on Google

dream trip
Jacqueline Southcott on Google

An amazing trip...Efi and the guys were so friendly you instsntly felt like old friends. The boat is well equipped and impeccably clean. Coffee and cakes on arrival. Plenty of drinks for the day, and Efi's homemade lemonade is a must. Sorting the fish from the nets is as hands on as you want, the choice is yours. The food Efi produces, both the cooked fish and homemade salads is both delicious and plentiful. Scenery second to none snd we stopped for leisurely breaks at 3 secluded beaches. An absolutely stunning day out, loved every minute.
Angela El-Cargly on Google

What an Incredible day!! Took off on time - 8.00am. Tea and coffee was served alongside a selection of pastries. Great start! Pulled out of the harbour and about a mile out to sea, the machines kicked into action and the nets were being reeled in. We all mucked in with removing fish from the nets,….apart from the scorpion fish, that was left to the professionals. We pulled over to a cove and went for a swim in the most spectacular turquoise sea, whilst our hosts - the wonderful Eyffi and lovely Dimitrios cleared up and started cooking the catches of the day. We then went on to the next cove and moored up. Swam again, then used some of the natural clay to cover ourselves in the hope of looking 10 years younger….when washed off….ummm?? Lunch served up, was spaghetti in tomato sauce. Half a lobster each, lots of red mullet, cuttlefish and a large member of the prawn family, forgot it’s name, accompanied with Salad, wine and beer. It was a fantastic day!! Our hosts could not have made it more pleasurable than it was. The scenery was spectacular, the water, the food, even the other customers on the trip, were fabulous fun. Thank you guys for the most memorable and brilliant value for money. Totally recommend this trip!!!

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