Hotel Infinity Deluxe - Hotel Infinity Deluxe

2.7/5 based on 3 reviews

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Address :

Limenaria 640 02, Greece

Postal code : 640
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Limenaria 640 02, Greece
Marcel Ratke on Google

Das Hotel Infinity Deluxe ist ein absolutes Highlight. Nicht nur das sehr moderne und schöne Hotel ist erstklassig ,sondern auch die großzügigen hellen Zimmer ist absolut Deluxe! Safe ist kostenlos sowie liegen, Strandhandtücher. Das Frühstück ist ausreichend und noch in der Anfangsphase. ( Hotel hat vor kurzem erst eröffnet) wenn was fehlt macht es die Eigentümerin möglich. Die Lage: das hotel liegt unmittelbar am Strand und 5min bis zum Hafen, wo noch weiter Restaurants sich befinden. Aber Achtung- das Essen im Hotel ist erstklassig und man kann äußerst lecker im Hotel Essen! :) Die ganze Atmosphäre ist sehr herzlich und das gesamte Personal ist super aufmerksam. Man hat dort viel Ruhe und Entspannung. Wir hatten eine sehr tolle und erholsame Woche im Infinity Hotel. Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team vom Infinity Deluxe Hotel. Lg Tessa und Marcel. :)
The Hotel Infinity Deluxe is an absolute highlight. Not only the very modern and beautiful hotel is first class, but also the spacious, bright rooms are absolutely deluxe! Safe is free as well as lying, beach towels. The breakfast is sufficient and still in the early stages. (Hotel has only recently opened) if something is missing, the owner makes it possible. The location: the hotel is right on the beach and 5 minutes from the port, where there are other restaurants. But be careful - the food in the hotel is first class and you can eat extremely delicious in the hotel! :) The whole atmosphere is very warm and the entire staff is super attentive. You have a lot of peace and relaxation there. We had a very great and relaxing week at the Infinity Hotel. Many thanks to the entire team at the Infinity Deluxe Hotel. Lg Tessa and Marcel. :)
Vladoiu Jean on Google

Acelasi mic dejun timp de 14 zile, tras la indigo, in perioada 07-21.09.2021. Alexandra-administratorul hotelului a fost foarte "acră", necunoscand noțiunea de "amabilitate", Se vrea ca această locație să fie de 4 Stele însă, nici 3 stele nu merită întrucât are Recepția foarte mică, Piscina este doar de decor, ... Nu se face referire nicăieri la Corpul B al Hotelului care se afla in spatele clădirii principale fara nicio priveliște. Pe data de 19.09.2021. un cetățean de origine germană a observat la micul dejun faptul că, sucul de portocale ce era preparat de aceștia în bucătărie, era alterat, i-a atras atenția administratorului hotelului, D-nei Alexandra, aceasta renunțând să mai ofere turiștilor respectivul suc din răcitor și, a adus din bucătărie alt suc, servindu-l direct dintr-un recipient din plastic. Am avut chiar noi o surpriză neașteptată din prima zi de cazare însă fiind obosiți și eu și soția după ce în prealabil am parcurs 750 km cu autoturismul personal, am observat tocmai a doua zi că cearceaful de pe pat avea o tăietură (ruptură) de aproximativ 5 centimetri. A fost anunțata una dintre cameriste care și-a cerut scuze însă, nu cred că este normal la un Hotel cu pretenții de 4 stele sa se întâmple așa ceva ...
The same breakfast for 14 days, shot indigo, between 07-21.09.2021. Alexandra-the hotel manager was very "sour", not knowing the notion of "kindness". No reference is made anywhere to Body B of the Hotel which is behind the main building without any view. On 19.09.2021. a German citizen noticed at breakfast that the orange juice they were preparing in the kitchen was spoiled, and he drew the attention of the hotel manager, Ms Alexandra, who refused to offer the tourists the juice from the cooler. he brought another juice from the kitchen, serving it directly from a plastic container. We had an unexpected surprise from the first day of accommodation but being tired and my wife and I after driving 750 km with our personal car, we noticed the very next day that the sheet on the bed had a cut (break) of about 5 centimeters. One of the maids was announced and apologized, but I don't think it's normal for a hotel with 4-star claims to have something like this happen ...
Baum Derreisenden on Google

Die Lage des Hotels ist das beste, aber das war’s auch schon. Frühstück ist ausreichend. Zimmer geht so. Bad ist klein für 4 **** Service könnte besser werden. Für mich keine Spur von lux, alles durchschnittlich, wird aber viel damit geworben.
The location of the hotel is the best, but that's about it. Breakfast is sufficient. Room goes like this. Bathroom is small for 4 **** service could be better. For me there is no trace of lux, everything is average, but it is advertised a lot.

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