Iera Moni Omplou - Iera Moni Omplou

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Iera Moni Omplou

Address :

Patra 265 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 265
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Patra 265 00, Greece
Vasilis Karaman on Google

Η Μονή θα σας αποζημιώσει για την επίσκεψή σας, τόσο στην πνευματική συνεισφορά στη ψυχή, όσο και στην σωματική αγαλλίαση λόγω της τοποθεσίας όπου βρίσκεται. Η διαδρομή προσφέρει απίστευτη θέα στην Πάτρα και γενικά στο Πατραϊκό κόλπο που όμοιά της δεν έχω ξαναδεί. Όταν την επισκεφθήτε να διαβάσετε λίγο για την ιστορία της και έπειτα να αφιερώσετε χρόνο να μιλήσετε με κάποιον από τους φιλόξενους μοναχούς.
The Monastery will compensate you for your visit, both to the spiritual contribution to the soul and to the physical joy of the place where it is located. The route offers unbelievable views of Patras and generally of Patras bay that I have never seen before. When you visit her, read a little about her story and then take the time to talk to one of the hospitable monks.
Nikos Alivizatos on Google

Ιστορικό μοναστήρι 700 και πλέον ετών μέσα στη φύση. Αξίζει να ακούσετε από τους μοναχούς την ιστορία του αλλά και να την διαβάσετε από τα σχετικά βιβλία που μπορείτε να αγοράσετε. Οι χαιρετισμοί αλλά και όλες οι λειτουργίες μέχρι το Πάσχα υπό το φως των κεριών είναι μυστσγωγία !!!
Historic monastery 700 years old in nature. It is worth listening to the monks of the story and reading it from the relevant books you can buy. Greetings as well as all the functions until Easter in the light of candles are sourness !!!

Ευρέως γνωστό μοναστήρι, λόγω θέσης πρωταγωνίστησε πάντα στους εθνικούς αγώνες, πληρώνοντας βαρύ τίμημα...
A well-known monastery, due to its position, has always starred in national games, paying a heavy price ...
Chris Kondogeorgakopoulos on Google

Το μέρος αποδίδει μια πολύ πνευματική διάσταση. Καθαρά μοναστηριακού τύπου θεία λειτουργία και όλο το περιβάλλον είναι εκπληκτικό. Με τεράστια ιστορία και ο μοναχός είναι άνθρωπος με πολύ δυνατή προσωπικοτητα που σε έλκει..
The place gives a very spiritual dimension. Purely monastic type divine service and the whole environment is amazing. With a huge history and the monk is a man with a very strong personality that attracts you ..
Harris Kisseoglou on Google

Serene, very friendly priests.
Cristo P on Google

A beautiful monastery, with a breath taking view of the city of Patras.
Marios on Google

Very nice monastery with 7 moncs living there all year long. They were very polite and the place had very nice views. There are many dogs guarding the place but most of the times they are leashed.
Sara Nena on Google

It is a a lovely monastery. It takes perhaps 50 minutes from Patra city center. The road to reach it is extremely nice, with an amazing view of the city and the sea. It is possible to reach it only by car and watch out during the winter, cause the last part is an off road part, but any car can do it. The monastery is surrounded by giant plane trees, and here you really can enjoy the silence. The main door is the old one, still with a lot of holes caused by the bullets of the war. The church is exactly inside the cloister. If you pay attention you will notice that there is no electricity in the church, only candles. Many times it is possible to buy local products of the monastery such as trachanas (flakes of dried yoghurt that become a delicious soup with hot water) tsoureki (typical Greek cake)... If possible come here during the holy week, or even better during the Tuesday after Easter: they make a procession with the holy mother and they celebrate with people dressed like the revolutionaries of the 1821.

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